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Last Posted September 26, 2023 at 9:03 PM
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#524 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 7 years ago
#25 Rate Current Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#48 Movie Recommendations? in Music, Movies, TV

Breaker Morant. It's the best film I've seen. It is fascinating, memorable, and stands up to subsequent viewings. It's closer to flawless than any other film I've seen.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Most U.S. Religious Groups Support Gay Marriage in World Events

rocketslay, I do not believe I can reason with you. I am glad that your stance is not actually "religious freedom is bullshit." It seems to me that we will not be able to reconcile our views.

No, I have not watched the video. I am a schoolteacher typing while my students are tested and in-between grading assignments. I am not about to play a video, the contents of which I do not know. I will watch it after work. Perhaps I should have said that earlier. In any case, fallacious arguments made in the name of religious liberty do not invalidate legitimate arguments made in the name of religious liberty.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Most U.S. Religious Groups Support Gay Marriage in World Events
rocketslayHal Free markets put substantial prices on bigotry.*example to the contrary*

Let me respond with a more powerful example. Can you conceive a region more charged with racial prejudice in American history than the South after the Civil War? Can you imagine a greater opportunity for systemic denial of employment based upon race? The freed slaves were largely illiterate and did not have modern means of travel to leave. Agreements were made to not employ blacks; sharecroppers cheated them on contracts. Yet, year after year, more blacks were employed in the South and at less and less unfair rates. It was simply too great of a disadvantage to not hire the cheap labor of the blacks, and even without education, the blacks gradually shifted to sharecroppers/bosses who paid more honestly. Even in the face of concerted collusion, the economic standings of the blacks increased inexorably. Sure, they still had a long way to go in the face of prejudice, but the power of the market is very clearly illustrated.
Does a free market fix everything? No, but it unleashes the greatest human energies to the highest degree of good.

Halto imply that these are not great and weighty matters in the minds and souls of others is silly.[/url]rocketslaywhy? why is it silly? if one person proclaims he has heard the voice of jesus he is mocked, if ten thousand proclaim it, it's a religion. just because there are more people doing something doesn't make it less silly.

My point is that these things are of deep importance to people. Consider that a great many ancestors of Americans emigrated here to find a place where they could practice their religions.

HalThis is the same logical fallacy one finds in these memes comparing Trump to Hitler.rocketslay...no, no it isn't. it's an almost exact parallel to the civil rights situation.

You already said religious freedom is good, so you've essentially validated my point. Just because Hitler was evil does not mean law and order are bad. I'd love to know how someone is supposed to campaign with a message of lawlessness and chaos. Likewise, opponents of what you believe in will invoke good things (religious freedom) to make their argument. The question is, "how good/sound is the argument?"

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Most U.S. Religious Groups Support Gay Marriage in World Events
rocketslayreligious freedom is the biggest bullshit clause of all time...

So, the government should determine the state religion? Take a look at nations run that way. Where are they on the spectrum of civil/human rights? I'm not talking about nations which have a national church, but those which have legal systems and systems of government based around religion. Edit: Also, how about those founded upon atheism (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, etc.)?

rocketslay...if you get to cover your discrimination by saying "well it's my religion" then anyone should be able to discriminate against anyone...

...yes. And then the rest of the free society may act accordingly. If I don't allow blacks in my restaurant, then several things happen. I lose the business of blacks. I lose the business of a lot of their friends. I gain the reputation of a jackass (rightfully so in this example). I thus give other businesses a competitive edge over me and lower my profits. My employees may not be compensated as well, they may leave, etc. Free markets put substantial prices on bigotry.

rocketslayreligion is simply a bunch of opinions and should not be given more importance than any other bundle of opinions.

Right, because one's belief or disbelief in matters involving the supernatural are totally unimportant to each person and are no more important than, say, one's preference for certain sports teams or colors. Just opinions. Some may not believe in a divine being or beings, an afterlife or lives, but to imply that these are not great and weighty matters in the minds and souls of others is silly.

rocketslaypeople literally used religion to say that the civil rights act shouldn't be passed because it violated religious freedomback in the 60s and it's the exact same thing today

Just because someone uses a concept to argue against something you approve does not make that concept wrong/bad/invalid. This is the same logical fallacy one finds in these memes comparing Trump to Hitler. "Did this or that in the name of 'law and order'." Guess what? Law and order are good; they are the precise reason we have government. Some people who preach law and order are good, others not. Some have good intentions, some do not. However, they all recognize that the concept of law and order (like religious freedom) is good, that the majority of people recognize it as such, and thus they gain support by claiming, truthfully or otherwise, to uphold or pursue it.

I disagree with practically all that you say here. However, I am glad that you have the freedom to speak your mind on any issue; that this country is one "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

posted about 8 years ago
#25 best alias in TF2 General Discussion

Platinum. Sounds cool, can be shortened to 'Plat.'

Also like Relic and GeaR.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 -bird noises- revamps roster for new season in News
Rotten_MindHalCorrect me if I am wrong, but didn't phorofor play IM last season?He said on stream, that he was waiting for invite team to invite him.
He didn't play tf2 much after i58

Sure. Just seemed to me that "last seen" would imply he hasn't played on a team at all since then.

Hope the team reaches its potential.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 -bird noises- revamps roster for new season in News

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't phorofor play IM last season?

posted about 8 years ago
#57 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion
pascalHe may want the pond to get bigger but that doesn't change the fact that he has a big fish in small pond mentality. I don't think those two are mutually exclusive.

Maybe so.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion
pascalClassic big fish in a small pond mentality

If that's the case, wouldn't he be disinterested in growing the scene? People may disagree about how this should be done/whether b4nny's ideas are the right way, but I don't think one can dispute that he wants the pond to get bigger.

Looking forward to the documentary. Thanks ESA.

posted about 8 years ago
#95 paddie leaves froyotech in News
DaggerTHEBILLDOZERDaggerToasterI just woke up from a year long coma, how is my favorite scout corsa doing with froyo?how does it feel to break into low im after 3 years of playing?That seems arbitrarily aggressiveim just trying to defend my good friend corsa from scrutiny :-]

No need; Corsa spends most of his time cloaked.

posted about 8 years ago
#231 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events
WadeESAHow did this not get into any of my documentary interviews?

Did you ask?

posted about 8 years ago
#101 ESA Rewind LAN: Grand Final in Events

There have been three best of 5 series to decide international TF2 LANs; i55, i58, and Rewind. The teams that won the first map of those series are 0-3. Probably a coincidence, but it's an odd one.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 esa mvps in LAN Discussion

Flank Scout: yomps
Pocket Scout: b4nny
Roamer: Garbuglio (Drackk was very good and -blaze was solid)
Pocket: Paddie
Demo: Actually thought Bdonski was pretty solid in the games I saw.
Medic: Raymon (cookiejake was the most entertaining)

Also, the casters dwelt at length about b4nny underperforming. I took a few minutes to do the math: b4nny had a K/A/D of, from memory, 302/183/184 with 279 dpm. I know stats don't always tell the whole story and he had a few maps where he went negative, but I thought he played pretty well.

posted about 8 years ago
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