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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#26 Real Talk with Stabby stabby - UGC Highlander interview #2 in News
fireindaarcadeI would have enjoyed hearing from Pulse, Acooma, Noko, Rainy, or even the horrible puns of Columbiangmr.

Pulse from experience interacting him has been very reluctant to speak out, Acooma I don't really know. Noko would have been a good choice as well, I don't even know Rainy or Columbiangmr and I don't really have the time to chase people I don't know too well, Stabby's the logical choice really, very outspoken and willing to answer many questions.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Real Talk with Stabby stabby - UGC Highlander interview #2 in News

Uhhh I didn't even use the word "fluke", you guys invented it - I am sorry we took Highlander seriously and you didn't, I guess that means you're pretty cool and we're nerds.

I don't get why you got to give stabby grief, maybe I deserve it for my love of trash-talking but not stabby.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Real Talk with Stabby stabby - UGC Highlander interview #2 in News
unfdoes anyone even take stabby seriously anymore?

Stabby's such a nice guy, like a lot of players he's can get caught up in this game and gain a bit of an ego, but ultimately he's a pleasant chap who I have only ever had positive interactions with whether playing with or against.

Couldn't...really say the same about you sir now could I? I remember a scrim you spent the entire game spamming binds, it's amazing anyone ever took you seriously.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 ETF2L S16 Premiership x ESEA-O S15 EU: Reverto vs. Team Decerto in Events

Admirable + DJC casting my game? I best put on my tryhard pants, I am going to quit my job and spend 10+ hours a day practising.


posted about 11 years ago
#12 ETF2L Season 16: Reverto vs. Team Decerto in Events

Poopshow to play ESEA maybe, depends if Shifty is poor and poop's not lagging like a limbless animal.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 UGC Platinum Talent in TF2 General Discussion

This thread is regrettable.

posted about 11 years ago
#455 stream highlights in Videos

rr's 5k from dropdown plz

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Real Talk with Skyrolla - UGC Highlander interview #1 in News
pudding_cupat least sheep know how to procreate effectively

True, but sheep eats healthpacks like a Panda eats bamboo.

posted about 11 years ago

Old photo


Wedding with my 3 brothers, I uhh am the one with the stupid grin on my face.


posted about 11 years ago
#181 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

It's super hard to disagree with Smaka about the unlocks, lot of them are stupid and not fun at all. The element of chaos though and randomness certainly exists, but you can minimize it through better teamwork/comms, that is the main skill of HL.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 hope this is a troll move in TF2 General Discussion

Either way, it sounds legit, Infused have been really shaky about keeping us (their opponents) tonight informed, so if they're reading tell us plz what is going on, we're all worried about you and we just want to know you're safe.

posted about 11 years ago
#36 now that breaking bad is over... in Off Topic
BLoodSireso what you are all saying is I should start watching the wire?...

If you haven't, I envy you because you get to watch it all from a fresh perspective.

Season 1 is brilliant, season 2 changes direction a bit with different (albeit, I still think good) characters but it really picks up in Season 3 and 4. I do envy you indeed if you've got this to look forward to.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 Government Shut down? in Off Topic

I remember having an operation on my mouth a couple of years ago - cost me only

posted about 11 years ago
#117 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
gr8stalineXtinecompletely unable to articulate any point without calling people "haters"
Why are you allowed to be a public face of TF2?

Probably because eXtine's been doing shit for the game since you first logged into a competitive TF2 forum??!?!??!

Fuck whatever his opinion is, the man doesn't need to defend what he has done in the past, to attack him for putting effort into the game just because of a few posts is disappointing.

posted about 11 years ago
#111 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

Wouldn't say there is much hate towards HL, I'd say people have their preferred game-mode and choose to play either in one or the other or both. Anyone who truly thinks 6v6 players perceive HL as a threat is extremely paranoid and over-protective of their preferred gamemode, anyone who actually is a 6v6 player and thinks HL is a threat is extremely close minded and unaware of what is happening in this game on a player-by-player level. Hundreds of people who started in HL moved to 6v6 for a variety of reasons you can only fathom to do with the weaknesses of the HL gamemode.

Both gamemodes have positives and negatives, for sixes a lot of the TF2 playerbase won't like it simply because there isn't a Pyro and Pyro is their favourite class - Not a weakness in the eyes of many a 6v6 player, but to a person who invests their time in that class, why would they want to play a gamemode where they can't/shouldn't play it 98% of the time? That is the big advantage of Highlander, it opens up competitive TF2 for everybody that plays the game, whether you're favourite class is Pyro, Heavy, Spy, Engineer, Sniper or the classic 6v6 classes, either way you have a competitive gamemode designed for you to come in and learn more about your class and play. Isn't that the point of competitive TF2? Anyone who wants to turn this into an "us vs them" scenerio is an idiot and is damaging the scene, sadly people do it but the hate towards Highlander is only really towards the gamemode itself opposed to the community (bad attitudes exist in both formats), I can fully appreciate why people would hate playing 9v9, but what 6v6 players don't appreciate it people have their reasons for hating 6v6 gamemode as well and they are the opposite values that 9v9 incorporates. (unlocks, class limits, class selection, map choices..etc).

Big problem with Highlander is there aren't enough people who contribute it and remain proud of their gamemode to put down coverage regularly in the form of articles, interviews, and just visiting forums and expanding the community. People who take it seriously are extremely closed off from the wider spectrum of the competitive community therefore people can only base their judgements off of what they read, watch and limited experiences of 9v9.

TL:DR - Both competitive formats are great in their own ways, both scenes should work together to be part of a "wider" competitive TF2 scene because a player playing competitive TF2 is better than a player playing public TF2.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ⋅⋅ 76