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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#17 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events
Paprika_i know this gets posted every time one of these cups happens. But the most important thing is that teams/pug teams of all levels just sign up and play, if we get a decent amount of people signing up more cups/tournaments will happen with actual prizes. Even if youre a big noob like me you have a lot to learn from the top level teams/players :DDDD

We (Lowpander) would love to play this but we can't do this Sunday, if it repeats itself we'll happily play as many Sundays as we can.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 FACEIT EU Weekly Cup #1 in Events
georgebaiiMaybe ETF2L should make a newspost on the cup.

If you write one and give it to an admin they will 90% publish it as they only need to do a bit of proofing and formatting and all the works been done for them.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Help me in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#2 Italian Referendum in World Events

What is the referendum about? I went on the BBC, it's not quite clear, perhaps you can explain to me.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Tf2 center stupid ban in TF2 General Discussion
HighclassSo I'm not at all affiliated with TF2center any more, but I feel like there's a few things I can comment on as a former moderator.

I no longer have access to the user database, but whoever Nas Boii is isn't doing any favors by making a post like that. Be polite when dealing with mods, whether or not you agree with them, or even if you think they are complete morons.

Also, if you're PMing mods just be honest. You changed your story four times when PMing mods on the forum, according to the ones I asked. Your reason is pretty weak as well, however you asked for it not to be shared so I'll respect that.

In the end of the day, you could have been honest with the admins and probably gotten unbanned, or you were dishonest the whole time in which case your ban was justified.

If it's the former I'm sorry you're stuck in that situation, and if you're nice and polite a mod might still be willing to help you out.

Mods do get a bad reputation, but you seem geniunely lovely - However the reputation of their admins proceeds them, any one here can just make up a story and get believed, and have the admins blamed. For the record, if this kid wants to be unbanned on TF2center to play TF2 24/7 I think the admins should UNBAN as punishment.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 What if: TF2 was in ESL? in TF2 General Discussion
Shpeeismegeorgebaii2) Lose a large majority of players because system isn't good and teams get rolled by experienced teams so they avoid the setup so they can lose less games elsewhere.
Why do most tf2 players hate to lose that much? I loved getting rolled by a prem mix full of people I looked up to in a razer cup and making this horrible video. If razer cups didn't die I'd still be doing my best to make teams and get rolled. I must admit that I kinda forgot about them along with everyone else :/

Because not enough close level competition and that comes from a pure lack of numbers. I, like you, enjoy testing myself versus better players but not everyone does, that is why the Divisional system worked so well, yes it was harder to play teams within 7 tiers of skill rating but with it you at least guaranteed teams felt as if they were in the right skill bracket and could challenge. This is more true of other types of contests that came to TF2, cos ESL failed for a different reason - ESL Wire. Top teams had a great time but it was hard to persuade a lower level team to go and play ESL when ETF2L offered more suited competition on a more user friendly platform with closer skill brackets and without an Anti-cheat system that ruined the gaming experience for a lot of players.

Arguably the only way to keep people coming to ESL instead of ETF2L would be for ETF2L to stop running competitions - Though that is dangerous as many people may simply just not migrate. And with a declining competitive scene with slowly reducing numbers it's harder to justify anything.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Tf2 center stupid ban in TF2 General Discussion
TrigaI got banned by tf2 center mods because they thought me and some other player were the same person but I showed them logs of us playing in the same game but they still wont even bother to review the situation. When I did try to ask why I have been banned they muted me from the forums. What to do now.

Thank the lord / allah / spaghetti monster / Richard Dawkins that you are banned and play mixes/better pugs.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Playing TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I used to think like this and it leads you to question your existence and if you're using your time well.

Now I just think "TF2 is a hobby, I like my hobby. I keep playing hobby."

posted about 8 years ago
#4 is liking traps gay in The Dumpster

The best part about DM is you can put 3 stickies somewhere and camp and get easy frags and make Mid players who grind DM 12 hours a day very upset because Sticky traps are an unrealistic part of Deathmatch. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#90 Where do you work? in Off Topic

I work for a Nigerian Bank (I am not even joking).

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Sauna slayers about to get disqualified?? in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulIf they manage to not take any screenshots in the final as well they basically depend on Crowns delivering the screenshots if they want any money at all.
Even if the minor for the missing demo and the major for 3 minors are ignored they are already at -50% prize. Unless admin discretion of course.
If only there was a prize pool so it actually mattered.

I still don't see need for screenshots other than status so the website can verify you have an ETF2L account.

This is the grand finals of ETF2L, going to be watched by several hundred people, I can't understand why scoreboard screenshots are needed when the score is broadcast live and available. Odds are the average ETF2L League admin is a big enough TF2 fan to watch the game live.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Sauna slayers about to get disqualified?? in TF2 General Discussion
T0mEtf2l admins being retards? Wow thats never happened before.

The rules are pretty clear, albeit petty and I think should be altered for the sake of common sense, but clear.

However it's a special kind of stupid if you allow yourself to get disqualified in this league.

posted about 8 years ago
#358 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Still not fixed. Contracting pure aids from playing faceit atm .
They said they're fixing it, calm your tits. Posting stuff like this isn't really helping.

Can you take your own advice when you come on our streams/matchpages.

Thanks, from Russia with Love.

posted about 8 years ago
#107 Lowpander wins high. in TF2 General Discussion
4812622smesi4812622Well, I for one am completely inspired by this guy.

Mentor me please Muuki? I'm ready to only play Soldier on midfights. :3
june please don't bring this shit to NA

well i already went full time engie/sniper/spy on viaduct outside of midfights

i just dont get how its possible to push through a choke in 5cp without a roamer, unless your sniper/spy can consistently do something retarded (or you get carried)

Do not worry, Muuki will address this on his tumblr one day: http://muuki.tumblr.com/

posted about 8 years ago
#105 Lowpander wins high. in TF2 General Discussion
DollyI just realised that the highlander players fed the argument for 6's, now we have actual evidence for the reddit kiddies to support that classes are situational and being able to switch classes is good and fuels competitive play.

Checkmate (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)

Apart from the fact 90% of teams won't pcw you and will ragequit after 1 map. For the record I would have no problem with Highlander dying and people focusing on 6v6, if this community was a bit more accepting of different ways of playing. Most people who play only HL just prefer to play with more classes on different maps, even I can accept it's a fucking huge mess at times and a pain in the ass to organise and spectate.

Smesi's last comment sums it up really, no wonder these "Reddit kiddies" despise the gamemode. I would love to see more players come into the community.

posted about 8 years ago
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