zherncasual_m8Is there any way to remove the + and - signs in combat text like in the HUD optivex uses?im pretty sure this is based on the font that controls the damage nums; you'd have to edit the font itself to get rid of the minus/plus
example in this reddit post here
current hud i use (hypnotize hud 1.0) : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pph0jJ6P1Gcrs8beKVq4rfgV4VrUtiNS?usp=sharing
if you're using some sort of m0rehud there are customizations that let you remove it (or you could just use the hud merger)
There is already a minusless version of Rubik in my HUD that you can use, you would have to make a new font definition for it iniside resource/scheme/fonts.res like:
"name" "Rubik Numbers"
"tall" "22"
"antialias" "1"
"dropshadow" "1"
And then inside huddamage_medium_shadow.res (assuming you are not using any customization for it) edit the font used for "delta_item_font" and "delta_item_font_big" to be "DamageFont"