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SteamID64 76561198045822414
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Country United States
Signed Up February 26, 2013
Last Posted February 6, 2014 at 10:08 AM
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#30 ultimate question in Off Topic
Not even Melkor can contend with my will. I am the only mortal man to go to Valinor. I have 5-0'd the armies of evil.


posted about 10 years ago
#7 fps drop recently? in Q/A Help

I'm not sure if this will help you specifically but it worked for me...

Open steam, library, right click tf2, properties, local game content, validate game catch files.

Hope this helps

posted about 11 years ago
#4 LEGO Movie in Off Topic

I thought it would be a link to this

posted about 11 years ago
#124 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

So basically, each team will ban a set number of weapons each match, and over a few months valve will collect enough data to nerf or buff certain weapons. There seem to be two main ways of deciding weapon bans: having the host decide, or letting the players vote. Unfortunately, both of these possibilities will most likely lead to arguments among some players. Those who are skilled with and utilize the 'OP' weapons, and those who find them annoying. Just look at the numerous reddit threads on mini sentries - the community is divided by like %50. Players will join up expecting to be able to play jarate sniper, only to troll/rage because their only 'fun' loadout is banned.

TL; DR, until there is a set ban list in place, it'll be just an angry pub.

posted about 11 years ago
#53 favorite book? in Off Topic

The Silmarillion, or anything from Tolkien's universe

posted about 11 years ago