Nilsomeone made a segmented route suggestion for the in-progress (barely off the ground, to my knowledge) episode 2 run.
it's one of the coolest things I've seen in some time. around the 5 minute mark I thought I had the idea and was gonna skip to the end but I'm glad I didn't.
That was actually meant to be a part of a segmented run I was working on, I started it before the other guys from Sourceruns started their own. I ended up cancelling it because when the run was nearly finished I found a new skip that saves almost 6 minutes(current estimate for the whole run is 35 minutes). Also Sourceruns ended up cancelling theirs which was about half way done, because of the new skips I had found. So now we've started over and hopefully we can actually finish the run this time.
EDIT: Also there are segmented runs of EP1(on new engine) and Portal inbounds being worked on. I don't really know much about the EP1 run, but here's a fun new route that's going to be used in the run. The route in that video will be more optimized in the final run of course, that's just a proof of concept I did when I was testing the route. The Portal inbounds run is estimated to finish slightly below 10 minutes and there's also lots of interesting new routes in that and the segment optimization is a bit better than in the previous segmented run.
There's also a TSA(timescale assisted and segmented) run of HL2 being worked on. It hasn't really progressed far, but the optimization on that run is going to be really good and with a lot of new skips found since the release of Dwahmov it will most likely finish under 1 hour and 20 minutes(potentially even faster I'm not sure of the exact estimates). Making of the run will take a long while though since the runners want it to be essentially frame perfect.
mage24365Nilstill no word on when HL21 is coming out. Obviously that's not my fault but I still feel compelled to apologize for getting everyone hyped for something that would be sitting in the "editting" phase for god-knows-how-long. Trust me, everyone in the sourceruns community is just as eager and curious as to what's taking it so long.
It's probably getting all the .01 second long segments at the end to render in a way that looks good.
These segments are necessary because time into fire interval and some aspects of reloading are saved weirdly, so saving and loading is faster. For example, start to charge the gauss, save, load, and it'll be fully charged. During the last fight, you basically use all of your ammo, so there are a ton of these segments.
Of course, each of them is a single frame, so actually showing them in the correct timing will be awful.
As far as I know, the run part of the video is done, they are just doing the commentary, so they can release the commentary video simultaneuosly with the run. Also at some point they talked about maybe making an intro for it, I'm not sure what the plan is with that.