One thing I was thinking about is adding 10 seconds to the round timer whenever someone dies in the server.
This would allow teams on last who actually win the fight with 5 seconds left on the timer to push out, because time would be added for the players they killed and they could go cap second. It might also allow for one or so more sac rotations during stalemates, depending on how many people the attacking team sacs/how many kills they get. Basically, the team that wins the fight is rewarded with more time to work with their advantages.
Because some sac plays take more time, trading 2 for 2 and adding 40 seconds to the timer would give the attacking team more wiggle-room and increase the variety of their plays. I think this would buff attacking teams slighty, making it harder for the defending team to reset the round, as well as rewarding the attacking team for getting kills.
The thing I'm most worried about is teams not capping on purpose when they'd be able to. Imagine you win a fight, but their med gets out and you're now on large disad. Your incentive is just to not cap and reset the round so you can be on even ubers again. Maybe this is rarer than I think it would be, but adding 10s per player death would solve this anyways.
If you just increased the timer to 5min, attacking teams would get more rotations, but it would also increase the time spent "waiting around"/stalemating which the whole point of the 3min timer is meant to reduce. +10s per player death would not only force the attacking team to do something within 3min, but reward good sacs with more sac rotations, as well as reward good defenses with more time to push out. I also agree with Poptobob. Post over!!