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SteamID64 76561198190170075
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Country United States
Signed Up January 19, 2020
Last Posted October 21, 2024 at 9:52 PM
Posts 182 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones HyperX Cloud Core
Monitor MSI Optix G241
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#4 3 different ping numbers in Q/A Help

Scoreboard is some kind of rolling average of your ping. Network settings also might affect the scoreboard value, making it appear lower than it really is.

net_graph is generally the most accurate of the three

"ping" in console is usually higher than your real ping, possibly by a fixed amount (17ms?). This could be because of the amount of time it takes for the command to register in the console or something, I have no idea.

If you want to test this stuff for yourself, open up a private server and use the net_fakelag command. If you type "net_fakelag 50," your ping should be shown as 100, but will be represented in different ways by the scoreboard, net_graph, and ping command. Whichever is closest to 100 will be the most accurate for you.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 5cp_ancient (a13a) in Map Discussion

▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Valve, ░░░░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░Add This░░░░█

posted about 2 years ago
#9 rahThread: 3 minute round time in TF2 General Discussion

One thing I was thinking about is adding 10 seconds to the round timer whenever someone dies in the server.

This would allow teams on last who actually win the fight with 5 seconds left on the timer to push out, because time would be added for the players they killed and they could go cap second. It might also allow for one or so more sac rotations during stalemates, depending on how many people the attacking team sacs/how many kills they get. Basically, the team that wins the fight is rewarded with more time to work with their advantages.

Because some sac plays take more time, trading 2 for 2 and adding 40 seconds to the timer would give the attacking team more wiggle-room and increase the variety of their plays. I think this would buff attacking teams slighty, making it harder for the defending team to reset the round, as well as rewarding the attacking team for getting kills.

The thing I'm most worried about is teams not capping on purpose when they'd be able to. Imagine you win a fight, but their med gets out and you're now on large disad. Your incentive is just to not cap and reset the round so you can be on even ubers again. Maybe this is rarer than I think it would be, but adding 10s per player death would solve this anyways.

If you just increased the timer to 5min, attacking teams would get more rotations, but it would also increase the time spent "waiting around"/stalemating which the whole point of the 3min timer is meant to reduce. +10s per player death would not only force the attacking team to do something within 3min, but reward good sacs with more sac rotations, as well as reward good defenses with more time to push out. I also agree with Poptobob. Post over!!

posted about 2 years ago
#91 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

new post in main thread
i scroll down to the bottom
im disappointed

posted about 2 years ago
#61 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Youngman, born in flight and fire,
You airshot yight, then he retired.

In main, 2-0, and many more,
You'll see the doubters out the door.

Your diff is large, growth exponential,
Perhaps you'll try now not to pencil.

"Disable chat, clear comms!" I say,
You'll listen, sure, but not today.

Young man, young man, your past is set.
The future holds... we don't know yet

One things for sure, you're bombing high,
With ash in tow, you'll pass us by.

posted about 2 years ago
#9 we need a not completely ass mge server in TF2 General Discussion

When a server stays on one map for too long, the map starts to jitter. Try strafing in a circle the next time you're in UGC; that thing is restarted like once every 2 days or something LOL.

The kind of lag I've noticed on spaceship is different from the lag on UGC since spaceship servers are restarted on a timer. I don't know where that lag comes from, but it's not bad at all when it's empty.

posted about 2 years ago
#10 Prime Era lfp main in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 2 years ago
#1 Prime Era lfp main in Recruitment (looking for players)

full roster found!

combo scout: Jw.
flank scout: Medeev
pocket: Young Sanity
roamer: liaaammm
demo: mcats
med: lux

Message liam or jw on Discord (liaaammm#9780 or Jw.#4795) if you're interested.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 is islamaphobia a bannable offense in rgl? in TF2 General Discussion
aieraI cannot believe that when the average lifespan was like 35 people ****** people who were under 18, ****** up.....

This is wrong. The increase in average lifespan over the last hundred years or so has been because of a decrease in infant mortality. The average lifespan for people who lived past infancy in ancient times is comparable to modern lifespans. Mohammad himself lived past 60, after all.

jetzaieraI cannot believe that when the average lifespan was like 35 people ****** people who were under 18, ****** up.....there is a difference between "under 18" and six..........

Aisha and Mohammad "married" when she was 6, but according to Sahih al-Bukhari's hadith and the ancient historian Al-Tabari, the relationship was probably not "consummated" until Aisha was 9 years old. Mohammad would have been around 49 at the time of the "marriage" and 52 at the "consummation."

posted about 2 years ago
#37 jw lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
#6 liaaammms LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

good competitive attitude about the game in my experience

posted about 2 years ago
#9 RGL S7 GF: froyotech vs. Witness Gaming in Events
MoermanI got permanently banned on rgls twitch for spamming a monkey emote. (RGL's emote btw). Was a gg tho!

happened to me too. weird because i saw 15+ people spamming it with me

posted about 3 years ago
#15 NA Invite Top 100: #60-#51 in News
IloSSpeaking of Mackey's off-classing I'm almost certain he had a play on badlands where he would go engi on offense. His team pushed and i think it didn't go that well. But he came in at the end of the push and placed a sentry lower entrance and got the cap thanks his level 1 sentry. I remember it as such a crazy and epic play!


posted about 3 years ago
#31 World Chess Championship 2021 in TF2 General Discussion


hey (shh) truce until magnus gets out ?

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Invisible players but worse than normal in Customization

I used to get this issue, albeit not as severely. Possible fixes are to stop alt-tabbing/run TF2 in borderless windowed mode, or resetting windows' network/adapter settings. Some things also worth trying are: manually updating any network drivers if possible, changing your DNS server in windows to something like, doing a full router reset if a reboot doesn't work, or unplugging and plugging back in however your computer connects to the internet every time you start TF2.

posted about 3 years ago
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