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SteamID64 76561198190170075
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:114952173
Country United States
Signed Up January 19, 2020
Last Posted May 13, 2024 at 2:16 AM
Posts 176 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones HyperX Cloud Core
Monitor MSI Optix G241
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#3 LFT S10 Scout / Soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

skilled player

posted about a year ago
#9 koth_jamram in Map Discussion

you should add a window to the cubbies that can be shot through into the house, to prevent bunkering against 4mans like on clearcut from being so powerful

posted about a year ago
#45 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
ZamFor example, I was told "combo scout should never leave the rock on process mids", "The flank (scout) should never push through the same doorway as the combo during a push under any circumstance".

^ neither of these are true and im sure jw isnt ******** enough to think that people should play that one dimensional.......

Ya he's just straight up lying. I never said that and Zam never told me that in a demo review (I asked you to come to the demo review but you never responded). Thought vin might tiptoe around it a bit more, but he went for the "I'm gonna lie about him where he can see it" route. Whatever; it's obvious he's not telling the truth and that my prediction about them slandering me came true.

VinsuThat's the only time I said anything negatively charged towards you.

I have no words lol
There is no point dialoguing with people of such bad will, so I won't be posting on this matter again. Thank you for proving me correct so quickly, vin.

posted about a year ago
#31 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I normally don't do this, but because I have the feeling that my former teammates are going to slander me, I will post this as a record for the future.

For the last four days, I was kept completely in the dark as to the status of my team. I continued to schedule scrims, map reviews, and even played our Thursday match (5-3 victory) thinking I was still a member of the team. After our Thursday match had finished, I attempted to discuss with the team the problems on mids, etc. After mentioning how I had a 19-5 K/D in the second half, I was met with a snide comment about how I'm "just a baiter" and the rest of the team quickly left the mumble before I could discuss what was going on with midfights. My co-leader on RGL secretly removed my leader and continued to fail to respond to my messages.

Throughout my tenure on this team, my knowledge, and the knowledge of an invite player who was happy enough to demo review for us was put into question. My former teammates questioned whether central mids on maps like process, sunshine, etc. were a "real thing," and said that this is "invite technology" that should not be practiced. I was told to never call for our soldiers to fade bomb because that is "useless."

My teammates questioned whether this invite demo-reviewer was giving us "bad information on purpose," and the consensus of my teammates was that we should not listen to this invite player. As a result, I was given a 30-minute lecture by a teammate that everything this invite player had told me about my positioning on process mids was wrong. When I continued to play like the invite player told me in the demo review, I was accused of not listening to my teammates.

Before our Wednesday match, after which everyone on the team went radio silent, I made a point to tell the team that we should not be lecturing each other mid-match, and that it is better to simply play the game. I also asked to team to not countercall me during the match. One of my teammates responded that he "would definitely" be countercalling me if I made a bad call. After every lost teamfight, I was repeatedly lectured and essentially told I was the genesis of the team's problems. After a particular play, one miffed teammate told me I made "such a stupid play," and I became angry, asking why he was lecturing me in the middle of a match. Talking to this teammate after the match about his behavior, I was told that I was "gaslighting him." After days of complete silence, the reason given for my being cut from the team was because my "maincall is just very weird to what we are all used to playing with."

Playing on this team presented an extraordinarily toxic environment that I put up with because of my desire to improve and break through into advanced. My teammates not only constantly talked about me behind my back, but even mid-scrim, scathingly criticized me when I would take my headphones off to go to the bathroom. I was constantly mocked, used as a scapegoat for every issue on the team, and lectured at mid-scrim and mid-match. Although I am unhappy to not be able to continue playing and maincalling this season, I see my departure from this team, in part, as a good thing.

To my former teammates: You won't have anyone to blame now that I'm gone, and I pity the player who decides to take my place. Go ahead and get your friends to slander my name, downfrag this post, etc. It will not change the fact that you displayed unsportsmanlike, petulant behavior not fitting of those with any desire to improve at the game.


posted about a year ago
#54 jw lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

midseason bump, still looking to combo + maincall

posted about a year ago
#21 rahThead: Common med problems in TF2 General Discussion

a lot of lower-levels meds will stare at the ground or at their teammates when they really should be looking upwards for bombs. another problem is meds who have learned to look upwards a lot forgetting to keep track of stickies on the ground during fights.

some medics will always arrow if it's asked for, even when it messes up the flow of a teamfight. one of the things that separates truly good medics from the rest are the meds who know when to say "I can't arrow you" or "go get a pack."

posted about a year ago
#18 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
[3008] Regular Season Pick/Bans
Pick/Bans must be completed 36 hours before the intended match time. Teams may message an admin to claim the veto after this point.

Remember to complete your pick bans for your first match by tomorrow morning so you don't get rulebooked

posted about 2 years ago
#3 ARTULCLAN / Sidetalk / skillFAMILY LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 2 years ago
#94 new dm servers in Projects

Maybe the #4 server should be changed to be like the rest because I never see anyone playing on it

posted about 2 years ago
#20 Let's talk about the Unity ruleset in TF2 General Discussion
DoughyLonger spawn times every 5 minutes that pass, or faster capture times, or a hard time limit.

Decreasing cap time bit by bit after 20 minutes or something seems cool. Playing a long overtime game where you can cap in 3 seconds seems really fun LOL

posted about 2 years ago
#6 rive lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 2 years ago
#719 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

The results are in!!

Season MVP: SpaceCadet
SpaceCadet won this category with 41.7% of the vote and beat the next highest scorer by 6 votes.

Medic of the Season: Millie
Millie won this category with 21.4% of the vote, and won against the next highest scorer by 1 vote.

Demo of the Season: myk
myk won this category with 34.6% of the vote, defeating the next highest scorer by 4 votes.

Pocket Scout of the Season: Jw.
Jw. won this category with a whopping 18.5% of the vote, defeating the next highest scorer by 1 vote.

Flank Scout of the Season: .erik
.erik won this category with 53.7% of the vote, winning out against the next highest scorer by 11 votes.

Pocket of the Season: SpaceCadet
SpaceCadet won this category with 28% of the vote, beating the next highest scorer by 3 votes.

Roamer of the Season: raven
raven won this category with 32% of the vote and beat the next highest scorer by 5 votes.

Rookie of the Season: raven
raven won this category with 52% of the vote, and won against the next highest scorer by 12 votes.

Thanks to the 28 respondents, and congratulations to the winners!

posted about 2 years ago
#2 gyarra LFT main demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

High main player

posted about 2 years ago
#715 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


2 days left for voting on player awards!! Voting will finish Tuesday night. There are some close races

posted about 2 years ago
#704 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


Player awards are now live
Vote now!!!

posted about 2 years ago
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