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Last Posted October 21, 2024 at 9:52 PM
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#91 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Once the bugs are fixed and the site is ready for full release, I had an idea for how a way to make elo "matter," and make RGL pugs more unique as compared to pug groups in the past. It would go like this:

1. The site releases. Everyone who has played, say, main and above is allowed to play captained pugs.
2. Everyone's elo is reset to 1000 or something.
3. The race begins! The first 6 players to reach 2400 elo "win" Season 1 of RGL pugs, and each receive a small prize (maybe keys).
4. Once 6 players have won, everyone's elo is reset back to 1000, and the race to 2400 begins again in a few days.

I think this would provide a fun way to make elo interactive, and to make the grind of pugs have some overarching meaning.

posted 10 months ago
#87 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Some ways RGL pugs could be improved:

1. Right now, any player can click a button to "sub out" any other player in the pug. By doing this, whoever is "subbed" is banned for 2 hours, whether or not he was actually there or not. So anyone can give anyone else a 2 hour ban by just clicking a button.

2. After the pug ends, the automatically-created discord channels close after about a minute or two, cutting people off mid-conversation. Part of the fun of playing pugs is talking with people after the pug ends, and this cuts it short. I recommend just having multiple permanent discord channels to move people into; that would solve this problem.

3. There should be a chat feature for each pug lobby.

4. Captains should be picked from the 2 highest-elo players. If that's already supposed to happen, it isn't working now.

These are some of the main problems with the site right now.

posted 10 months ago
#211 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
wonderoflNeither the Palestinian State nor the Israeli one deserve the privilege of existing. There lies only the Kingdom of Jerusalem.


"Every country has the government it deserves."
--Joseph de Maistre

"Rulers who represent only a minority have to invent civilization in order not to perish.
The delegates of a majority, on the other hand, can be vulgar, rude, cruel, with impunity.
The greater the majority that supports him, the less cautious the ruler is, the less tolerant, the less respectful of human diversity.
When rulers deem themselves governors of all humanity, terror is near."
--Nicolás Gómez Dávila

posted 11 months ago
#112 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Israel founded Hamas, Obama founded ISIS, NATO created Putin, etc.

posted 11 months ago
#87 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
pajaroWhen you cut off 90% of Palestinians from having access to drinkable water, bomb as many residential buildings you can, bomb all but 13 hospitals, bomb almost every school, cut all Palestinians electricity, stop food trucks from entering, and kill tens of thousands of civilians because you value an Israeli soldier life 100x the value of a Palestinian civilian life...

Exactly on point. It feels like Israel is doing everything it possibly can to seem like a cartoon villain in this conflict. It's a kind of ethnic-historical revenge motivated by an endless fountain of rage. There's normally a saying that even bad kings don't want to rule over ashes, but I saw a post by an Israel supporter literally saying that Gaza should be bulldozed and turned into a parking lot. I'm also reminded of a few videos of people in NYC and elsewhere saying that Palestinians should be killed and don't deserve water and food.

posted 11 months ago
#14 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
DavyCJwIt seems, however, that there are certain people who paradoxically support both mass immigration from the Middle East and Israeli domination at the same time!If anyone else posted this here I wouldn't be sure, and I might interpret this as being pro-Palestinian liberation but because it's Jw this is almost assuredly a post about "Jews doing the great replacement" in case anyone was trying to figure out what the **** he's trying to get at in this

Why do you think Jews support mass Middle-Eastern immigration to the US, but not to Israel? I think what most people would say is that the Middle East is for Middle Easterners.

Do you truly believe a policy of depleting the population of Palestine and other nations taking a stand against Israeli domination in the region is of no benefit to Israel-aligned politicians in the US and elsewhere? This isn't some Grand Theory; here's what the finance minister of Israel, Bezalel Smotrich, has said on this issue:

"What needs to be done in the Gaza Strip is to encourage emigration..."
If there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza and not two million Arabs, the entire discussion on the day after will be totally different..."
(Taken from the article "Israeli minister reiterates calls for Palestinians to leave Gaza" at Al Jazeera.)

If you support mass immigration from Palestine and the surrounding region, then you support Israel. Israel wants you to support the mass immigration of Arabs to the West. In order to be anti-Israel, I must be anti-immigration from the Middle East. It is in the strategic interest of US politicians to take in as many Arabs as possible, because this strengthens Israel, and these politicians are bought and sold (as you know) by the Israel lobby.

A similar thing is happening in Ukraine right now. The West's opening-up of borders for Ukrainian asylum-seekers has had the unintended consequence of decreasing Ukraine's birth rates even further (down 2.25% from 2022). Furthermore, it doesn't seem like a lot of the Ukrainian refugees will be returning after the war is over. This is basically a gigantic W for Russian geopolitical goals, just like Palestinians leaving is a gigantic W for Israel's geopolitical goals. I'm not pro-Ukraine, but the analysis is the same in both cases. Having a stable population that isn't leaving helps the people who oppose Israel, and it helps the people who are against mass immigration. It's a win-win. Unfortunately, neither party in the US takes this position. Why do you think that is? Could it be that the US is pro-Israel, or perhaps favors how immigrants tend to vote? Or maybe even both?

posted 11 months ago
#4 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Isn't it interesting how support for Israel and support for mass immigration from the Middle East complement each other so nicely? In the US and Europe, if you support mass immigration and Middle-Eastern multiculturalism, you are indirectly supporting Israeli hegemony; Israel wants the Palestinians gone from the area as much as certain people in the West wish to "welcome them" to our countries.

And similarly, the so-called conservatives who support Israeli domination in the Middle East are indirectly supporting the very mass immigration they claim to oppose. In truth, the only way to be anti-Israel is to be anti-immigration, and the only way to be anti-immigration is to be anti-Israel. It seems, however, that there are certain people who paradoxically support both mass immigration from the Middle East and Israeli domination at the same time!

posted 11 months ago
#6 RGL Unlocked 6s Winter Experimental Cup! in TF2 General Discussion
MothershipThe Cow Mangler, Soda Pop!, Bonk!, BASE Jumper, Sydney Sleeper, Rescue Ranger, and Diamondback. These weapons have shown high interest from players in being unbanned in postseason surveys coming close to 50% support to unlock.

Who is voting for these to be unbanned??

posted 11 months ago
#4 long rgl seasons - please fix in TF2 General Discussion

I like bo2s

posted 11 months ago
#65 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

Noam Chomsky:

"The interest of linguists, as linguists, in universal language was based on an illusion, which linguists had but no longer have. That was the illusion that Esperanto is a language, and it isn’t. Yeah, Esperanto has a couple of hints that people who know language can use based on their own linguistic knowledge to make a language out of it, but nobody can tell you what the rules of Esperanto are. If they could tell you that, they could tell you what the rules of Spanish are, and that turns out to be an extremely hard problem, a hard problem of the sciences, to find out what’s really in the head of a Spanish speaker that enables them to speak and understand and think the way they do. That’s a problem at the edge of science. I mean, a Spanish speaker knows it intuitively, but that doesn’t help. I mean, a desert ant knows how to navigate, but that doesn’t help the insect scientist. [...] To be puzzled by simple questions is a very hard step, and it’s the first step in science, really. And the same is true about the nature of Esperanto, or Spanish, on which it’s based, and so on. We don’t know the answers to the questions of what the principles of Esperanto do because if we did, we would know the answer to how language works, and that’s much harder than knowing how a desert ant navigates, which is hard enough. So, now it is understood that Esperanto is not a language. It’s just parasitic on other languages."

"But there are people, serious scholars, who think that everyone should speak Esperanto, 'cause it's so simple, that there's an illusion that Esperanto is a language. Esperanto is not a language. It's a couple of simple rules which pre-suppose that you know Romance languages, and then you use all your knowledge of Romance languages to sort of figure out what's going on. But none of this means anything."

Trying to talk about which languages are "simpler" or "easier" in a vacuum completely misses the relationship between language, culture, and human action. I'll take it that Esperanto is "simpler" than English, based on what you've said and what Chomsky says here, but this doesn't matter. You're taking a value-free statement about the "simplicity" of something and turning it into a value judgement about "better" or "worse" for a given problem. This is called the "is-ought fallacy." What you're doing is like saying that math equation x is simpler than equation y, and that we should therefore use equation x. It doesn't make sense.

So, to try to argue for Esperanto in TF2, it can't be based on how "simple" it is, or any of the factual qualities of Esperanto, since that's fallacious. You might ask: "How am I supposed to argue in favor of Esperanto, then?" and that's my point: you can't. We don't speak because we have some goal in mind (like "simplicity"), because the ability to think about goals like simplicity requires the ability to speak in the first place. Therefore, any argument based on some abstract "quality" of a language like simplicity is circular and nonsensical.

The only argument you can make in favor of a language cannot be based on the "language itself," for the reasons I've explained, but because of some "outside reality," i.e., "Chinese could be useful to learn in case we go to war with China," or "You should learn ancient Greek so you can read Plato in his own words," or "You should learn Esperanto because it's fun." That is, an explanation of the "practicality" or "usefulness" of a language can only be based on some pre-existing, empirical judgement that we choose to make ourselves, or that rests on some outside source of "usefulness," like the desire to read Plato. But how does this look in TF2? People in Europe communicate using English in TF2 because many of them already speak English. If enough of them already communicated using Esperanto, then people would learn Esperanto. Notice how the "language in and of itself" (if such a thing even exists) doesn't come into play here.

Furthermore, the very fact that non-native speakers choose to speak English when playing TF2 proves that it's the best option for communication right now. The term for this in economics is called "revealed preference." As David Gordon writes, "When you make a choice, it’s usually among a few options. The choice is an action, and the action demonstrates, or reveals, that the option, or preference, that you choose ranks higher than the competing options." People in Europe have chosen English over Esperanto, and therefore, for whatever reason, they prefer to speak English over Esperanto. I think this is the idea Brody was getting across when he said you were rejecting the "human impact on the use... of things like language." And what could be more human than Europeans' choice to speak English over the other options? By saying something like "Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive," you're saying that Europeans themselves would prefer Esperanto over English. I ask: do they? They have chosen English despite the difficulties you've mentioned. As James Buchanan wrote:

"The market economy, as an aggregation, neither maximizes nor minimizes anything. It simply allows participants to pursue that which they value, subject to the preferences and endowments of others, and within the constraints of general “rules of the game” that allow, and provide incentives for, individuals to try out new ways of doing things. There is simply no “external,” independently defined objective against which the results of market processes can be evaluated."

You can apply what he's saying here to the "market of second languages" in Europe, or even about language itself. It would read like: "Language neither maximizes nor minimizes anything. There is simply no 'external,' independently defined objective against which language can be evaluated."

These are some thoughts I wanted to give on this topic.

posted about a year ago
#79 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion
chellArcadia effectively decided to shadowban Elijah from rgl, because he does not actually have the authority (despite being rgl owner) to ban him.

He does have the authority though. If he didn't have the authority then he wouldn't be the owner.

wiitabixcamp3r101concerted efforts to help the scenepressing the red button that says ban doesnt sound like taht much effort

wiitabix gets it

tomato_tomIf he had to overstep the people lower on the chain of command that is suboptimal but it was certainly the right decision so I can see why he said to just trust him.

I agree with tomato tom that this was the right decision. And it will also be the right decision if arcadia decides to ban elijah based on the irrefutable evidence dippidy, etc. have gathered.

posted about a year ago
#66 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion


I don't know what arcadia said to you in the admin chat, but his statement here was not that bad.Offering to give the prize money to GGL in the case teams decide to play there is a good PR move and lets the community know there are stakes on the end of RGL's leadership too. It doesn't matter if it "violates league rules" since this is a unique situation where the rules can be bent. The exception does not disprove the rule.

What does he need to "consult other admins" about for a post like this? He didn't say anything we don't already know. And besides, it's been proven that elijah is cheating so if the AC team somehow says he isn't then it'll be an OJ Simpson situation. I think arcadia should overrule any decision that says elijah isn't cheating; have we all forgotten elijah's 33ms-80ms reaction times?

Saying that the situation has revealed a problem and that you'll fix it is basic. The only decision that will "benefit everyone" is for elijah to be permanently banned, his team to be disqualified, and playoffs to continue as normal in RGL. At its core, this whole situation is not about PR, or about "the rules," or anything other than banning the cheater. Everything else can wait.

posted about a year ago
#41 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
riveThe reasoning given by one of the RGL anti-cheat admins on their "transparency stream" for not permabanning cheaters was unbelievably stupid; they basically stated that permabanning cheaters isn't done out of some principle of "fairness" or consistency because reformed past cheaters who already "served their time" like nyxi or habib would then have to be retroactively permabanned, therefore permabans aren't done (weird because RGL doesn't seem to care too much about being consistent when it comes to other things).

The only real "fairness" or consistency principle that RGL could reasonably want to adhere to is not banning anyone ex post facto. All that would mean is that people who were banned before the rule was changed would serve the 2 year bans they were given, and that anyone who is banned after the rule changes would be permabanned. Cases of past cheaters who were never banned or already completed their bans are irrelevant since they wouldn't be punished if the rule didn't change to begin with.

For the people who cheated when the rule had not changed yet, but have not yet been banned: If RGL wanted to be really cautious they could give these people 2 year bans too, since changing the "legal consequences" of an action and then applying them retroactively also violates a principle against ex post facto bans. In this case it wouldn't matter since it's elijah's second offense anyways, and after a 2 year buffer period basically every found cheater would be permabanned.

These things would give currently banned players a chance to "serve their time and reform," as well as to warn new cheaters that they will be permabanned if caught. RGL's reasoning here is wrong since even if they want to be extremely "fair" and follow legal principles like some kind of government, there's nothing wrong with changing the punishment for an action in this way. There's also nothing wrong with Arcadia declaring a state of exception, transcending the rulebook as the sovereign authority over RGL (CEOs are like dictators after all) and permabanning any cheater he wants in the name of the public good.

posted about a year ago
#14 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

some kind of choke-sized smoke grenade would be an interesting way to fix it
or maybe a "smoke grenade" that is see-through for everyone except scoped-in snipers
actually they could just make the gas passer do that. have it work as it is does now except it messes up the vision of snipers who are scoped in. would fix a bad weapon and provide fair counterplay to long angles

posted about a year ago
#17 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

I agree with springrolls. Maybe 4 years would be better than the current 2?

posted about a year ago
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