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Country England
Signed Up July 9, 2013
Last Posted July 30, 2024 at 3:41 PM
Posts 541 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad Steelseries QCK+
Headphones Yep
1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⋅⋅ 36
#7 being genuine in TF2 General Discussion

I dislike b4nny #bravetweet

posted about 6 years ago
#86 xxxtentacion shot (dead?) in Off Topic
ShyloWhat is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

I wish he was given more time to balance out his, albeit numerous, bad with him doing good. Please give him some respect in death not for him but for his family. Kid died young.

Theres a difference between being respectful (which admittedly a lot of people arent doing in this thread) and dismissing all of his awful actions and painting him as a hero because you enjoyed his music

posted about 6 years ago
#83 xxxtentacion shot (dead?) in Off Topic
wtzhe wasnt the best person but its not right to dance over his grave in self righteousness

'he wasnt the best person' is quite a way to undersell how horrible and brutal his crimes were. Defending such actions makes you seem like an idiot.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 It's coming home in World Events

not sure what the ref was thinking when kane got rugby tackled twice

posted about 6 years ago
#13 uwui in Customization

one thing id say is add an option for outlines on the numbers, can barely see them on bright maps

posted about 6 years ago
#16 community frags 5 in Videos

tick 84000
5k as scout on gully last (there are 2 kills slightly earlier if you wanna include those too i dont mind)

tick 21500
nice airshot to drop the medic on process

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Gambling Website Scammers in Off Topic

thanks wild_piggie for helping the people with less than 50IQ so that they dont fall for these very intricate and tricky to spot scams

posted about 6 years ago
#135 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion
Scratchh1. add actual class picking and not avatars
2. introduce more people into tf2
3. epic win :)

oh also this is funny coming from me but dont be a toxic asshole to the people learning the game, its pretty important we show everyone outside that our community is pretty cool and that they should come play, i would hate to see this tiny baby community get even smaller. Please help new players and tell them what their doing wrong and what to improve on. I'm pretty rude to some people but i still try to be nice to a lot of people especially the newbies looking to play and get better.

What I'm trying to say is work with the players you have on the team instead of just flaming them and calling them garbage 24/7

'working with the players' simply doesnt work if your roamer is a mid player playing against funs and thaigr on scout

posted about 6 years ago
#55 collyhud in Customization


Any idea why i get flashbanged every time i open the scoreboard?

Edit - NVM i just changed the scoreboard.res for the dx8 version and its fixed )

posted about 6 years ago
#65 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion

Any time ive seen feedback get posted, or a question about faceit get asked, b4nny either responds with 'its your problem not the systems' or 'your attitude is wrong', and the other admins such as twiikuu respond with 'sorry, we want to make it better but faceit themselves have to change their website'. Seems kinda pointless for anyone to say 'we appreciate feedback its the only way to improve' when half of it is dismissed or simply impossible to implement without help from faceit themselves.

posted about 6 years ago
#117 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion

Half of the middle point is useless, if you go down into the slope rather than going towards the fountain you just get destroyed by demo/soldier spam and give up all the highground leading to mids playing out nearly identical every time with very little variance.

The lobby in between middle and second has way too many different entrances/exits which is just really silly since it makes aggressive holds almost impossible without getting flanked.
Pushing into second gives me flashbacks of overwatch map design where the defending team has all the highground and the attacking team has little to none, making it very hard to have any sort of gameplan besides 'use through the doorway and run at them'.
Pushing into second from last is also just a nightmare since, once again, the enemies have all the highground and you have to traverse way too much ground to make it to the enemy combo. Playing the point isnt an option since you are essentially isolation yourself onto an island that all the enemies can spam without any risk of them being punished.

I find that ubering from left side into last (attacker's pov) is almost always a bad idea since you can easily spammed by pipes from the demo sitting safely on right side (attacker's pov still) and there also is no punish for a soldier sitting ontop of the little highground area near on the left side who can easily get 2 rockets off, force your uber and jump away behind the heavy and sentry that are almost impossible to kill in one push.

I also just find that there are so many random props and walls that are placed to remove sightlines rather than actually designing the map to have very few amazing sightlines which leaves me feeling super claustrophobic and i constantly have to winger jump just to get around.

just some of my thoughts after playing the map for a little bit

posted about 6 years ago
#7 selling overwatch account in Off Topic
kpprsnbuy it and get banned after 1 day for account sharinghow the fuck would they know if u are account sharing tho???

i heard they check which IPs log onto the accounts, and if its in the UK one day then in China the next, its pretty obvious

posted about 6 years ago
#5 selling overwatch account in Off Topic

is this an actual thing people do? i have an ow account with over 1000 skins, 6 gold guns, grand master mmr etc

posted about 6 years ago
#1 ETF2L S30 W3: SVIFT vs. the bin in Matches

Mr Epic vs Mr Epic !!

posted about 6 years ago
#2 Lf double soldier uber twitch clip in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
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