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SteamID64 76561197991320838
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Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.6
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Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 ⋅⋅ 182
#30 the best use of hacks ever in Off Topic
SoapNot to sound like a jerk, but you guys should really watch a stream when they go over demo reviews. Or even watch some of the dream hack VODs. The CS meta is far and beyond more advanced that what you guys are describing, especially if we compare to tf2.

It seems to me that you guys have only played match making if you think this way. Crosshair placement over aim, nade angles, map knowledge, defense positions etc. I don't know even 5% of it.

Ever since I watched this video which completly blew my mind I have a newfond respect for the cs meta. I was very unfamiliar with it because I have never played any CS until GO but have been playing GO lately and I love it, just wish the hit registration wasn't so jerky, its really bad when bullets dont really hit in the crosshair like intended but instead deviate from it. Im fine with recoil and all that but the xhair should follow the recoil pattern every time.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 2 Hour MGE Fest in TF2 General Discussion

do you actually play with blur on?

posted about 11 years ago
#17 do you even lift? in Off Topic

the guy is actually a world champion arm wrestler from brazil, whatever that means


posted about 11 years ago
#27 the best use of hacks ever in Off Topic
DeepSnowydjcpowahi wonder if football manager is really that goodyou gotta be a special kind of autist to love rooting around in spreadsheets. i am that kind of autist. i've played probably 5000 hours worth of football manager in my life over the variations versions and i've regretted none of it
I probably have 3000 hours of FM experience as well. Threw away a semester's grade and a girlfriend for it, but I like to think I've come out a better man through it all.
Show Content
Don't actually ever play that game it will ruin your life beyond repair

What in the fuck is so appealing about this game that it endows WoW levels of addiction to anyone who plays it?

It's simply a good game that has the monopoly in this very specific niche that has a huge fanbase.

Its probably the pc game I have been playing for longer, I have been playing since the good old championship manager 01/02 (which latter changed names and hands to the current FM).

If you live in europe and in a country where football is the favorite sport, chances are you have already played this game. It's one of those games that even though its not really made for multiplayer you played non stop when over at your friends house. Saying its a spreadsheet while true is a bit of an understatement, its much more than that, I love the game. :D

posted about 11 years ago
#34 So uh, Diamondback Opinions? in TF2 General Discussion

The weapon does have some potential but I wish it could have been done another way, you're not supposed to get rewarded for the one thing you are supposed to do.

Like I read somewhere, it's like a dog getting a treat for shitting on the floor.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 PC Upgrade in Hardware

Beware even with a beast cpu you will gonna face some problems, tf2 is a very poorly optimized game overall and even I with an i7 3770k get huge fps issues sometimes.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 L4D2 is Free right now in Other Games





even steam concurrent users record was broken with this, 7.5 M users

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Endless Fantasy in TF2 General Discussion

For some reason I missed it here and only saw it posted on the rjweekly channel yesterday, awesome stuff...

Loved the consistent "feel-good" vibe of the movie.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 the best use of hacks ever in Off Topic

lol wat

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Am I good enough to play in competitive TF2? in Q/A Help

If you have 1500 hours of tf2, you are familiar enough with the game to start at least getting into competitive.

There's no starter level, altough some will inevitably start at a much higher skill level than others, you can start at anytime, even if you dont pubstomp necessarily. However if you dont like getting humiliated while playing (which you will when you're starting, and everyone goes through this) you can always start practising a bit in DM, MGE, jumps (if your jumping skills are lacking and you're playing solly) so the entry barrier is smaller

If you have had 0 contact with competitive yet I would also advise you to watch some high level matches or casts, you will learn alot about competitive base mechanics from it.

posted about 11 years ago
#83 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
sildeezyI remember when I didn't even really know what comp was all about, I watched a highlander match that b4nny was playing in. b4nny put like, 6 stickies onto a wrangled sentry, and that shit still didn't go down. I stopped watching.

exactly, the wrangler was already way too OP, now this as well...

I main demo but I played mostly 6s, when I got back to HL a few months ago I was a bit out of the loop, when I first came across a wrangled sentry and I literally emptied my whole stickybomb launcher and 4 pipes on that thing and it was still standing after that I just felt like quitting right then and there.

Just yesterday I was pubbing with some friends, got a medic with me and used nothing but a short circuit, I mowed everything ahead of me like it was nothing, you dont even need to aim, I was dominating 5 people on a pub server using nothing but a short circuit. Im gonna keep abusing it until it ultimately gets nerfed because its some of the funniest shit I have ever used and its glorious to watch soldiers and demos helplessly trying to escape their death.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 New to comp in Mentoring
more towards you but the whole site is useful

not sure why you were minus fragged but the whole intention of the site is to be a valuable resource for new players to comp. At the very least it makes you familiar with the mechanics of the game, and most guides posted here are also linked on the wiki pages because it also works as a compendium of every guide out there

posted about 11 years ago
#18 SSD or Second Monitor in Hardware

SSD hands down. Get a 250gb one if you can, everything is lightning fast and you can still install some apps you use regularly on the ssd for extra performance

posted about 11 years ago
#76 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
helbergAlfiethe airshots stat won't be as good as you think it is. killing someone after they did a normal space bar jump counts as an airshot, not very impressive
I doubt you can jump 80 units with a normal space bar jump

Is it able to log shots only above a certain number of units? If so then that is really amazing, and that is a real airshot stat for the first time in tf2 :D

posted about 11 years ago
#3 2nd FBTF Cup Elite Grand Finals - MONSTER vs. SemSkill in Events

Excited to see how our brazilian amigos play some high level tf2

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 ⋅⋅ 182