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Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ⋅⋅ 182
#10 ESEA Europe Open Division Playoffs: Epsilon eSports vs. Publiclir Saints in Events
shrtEU TF2 is a joke.

More like ESEA is a joke. Just look around on etf2l forums all the issues teams encountered this season and the stuff that happened. Teams forced to play 5vs6, not enough servers, match scheduling issues, nno cover of esea eu, no support form esea on these issues, etc.

Still a huge thanks to SonnyBlack which I think with the tools he was given did a really good job.

posted about 11 years ago
#57 /r/tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
eXtineThere are a few broken weapons in the game, but those will be guaranteed bans. The number of bans can be fleXed based on whether the number of broken weapons goes up or down. If weapons have a 100% ban rate that is a clear message to Valve that they need to be changed.

Having an eXtensive BAN list like ESEA removes a lot of the choice from TF2. The Darwin Danger Shield does have a big impact on sniper v sniper battles, but if Jarate is allowed is the sniper really gonna run the Darwin? If it's a HL game, do the run Darwin, Razorback, or Jarate?

One of the things that makes people passionate fans of watching dota is the fact that you can be an armchair captain. This was really hammered home for me while at the last International. You got a ton of nerds watching players that are wayyy better than them at a game, and throughout the whole event the spectators are all chatting with each other: I think they should have picked/banned this, I think they should have built this item instead of that....

It creates a conversation about the game and how the teams approach it instead of just arguing about what scout has better aim.

I don't get it how we should copy the moba method of pick/ban in a competitive setting. FPS's have been around for 20 years (?) and Competitive FPS's for almost as long and I have literally never heard of any competitive FPS using the pick/ban system for anything other than maps. Then again there haven't been many FPS's with different changeable items, but tf2 competitive has its own merits even if valve (or the pub community) won't acknowledge it and we shouldn't change just to appeal them.

I do agree however the pick/ban method could work in HL if all weapons were perfectly balanced from the start, which they aren't. And it would probably never work in 6s because there are weapons that simply would never work in 6s even if they were balanced on pubs/HL.

And as I said in my first post, I'm for more diversity, both in terms of maps and weapons, but there are things which will simply not work in a competitive setting and I will never support them unless they are changed.

Esea has an extensive ban list? Maybe try ETF2L which just 2 years ago was full vanilla + medlock. And just 3 seasons ago they introduced unlocks like the gunboats. We have come a long way so far and we are getting more liberal in the use of unlocks and I have always been very supportive of that. I think HL has the perfect weapon bans and map pool for a person making the transition from pub. But I also think some HL allowed weapons would be destructive in a 6v6 environment.

I don't get the appeal of dota, I tried LoL back in 2009 when it was starting out, I forced myself to try dota more than once and I have also tried a bunch of other mobas, I don't get any joy from it ( at least from what I have tried so far) so I wouldn't want to see tf2 competitive change to dota settings, I also wouldn't just base myself on an entire different genre of game. And I'm sure not everyone likes mobas.

That approach can already be made with the current whitelists both in HL and 6s, my HL team discussed plenty of times what items to use or not use and what we should do according to that.

posted about 11 years ago
#49 /r/tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
eXtineone of the reasons why I'm so in favor of doing bans is because it actually gives us a chance to decide what weapons are actually truly overly powerful.

What items have the biggest impact on the game? What items are annoying but not important enough to ban or even use if allowed? If the powerful weapons are let through, could the players/teams use them correctly?

I think we'd discover that some items like the phlogistinator aren't as impactful as people think. Sure it's got some crazy effects, but it also doesn't have airblast. Is it really worth a ban?

People's opinions on the power level of weapons is definitely filtered through the eyes of the class they play. It's a natural thought process, but it does make things seem more powerful than they really are in the wider scope of the game. Darwin Danger Shield has been kicked around as an OP weapon but really its only impact is to be obnoxious to spies and force them to revolver the sniper if thats the pick they want to make. It requires a change of tactics from the team to address it, but its not overly problematic.

There are broken weapons. That is the truth. Valve has always been very poor in the balancing of weapons, in great part because they don't actively listen to the community. And just the fact that the last balances indicate they are optimizing weapons for MvM use confirms my statement that some weapons should never be allowed in a competitive setting.

The phlog for example is the maximum exponent of rewarding stupidity and not skill, it actually rewards w+m1 and after all that you still get to "refill" all your health and have a crit spree, it's not stupidly OP but it doesn't reward any bit of skill whatsoever, it's a gimmicky weapon that doesn't bring anything fun to the game. Also and for me even a bigger issue with that weapon is that its particle effects are so badly optimized that a great % of people would experience FPS issues when facing a player using it. I know when I had my old PC my FPS's dropped as low as 10 when I encountered someone using it. Now even with a great pc my fps's still drop by 20-40 when I see people using it. That is simply not ok.

Ignoring the fact that you confused the Darwin Danger Shield with the Razorback (which for me is a pretty good and balanced item), the darwin danger shield completely defeats the purpose of Headshots, it nullifies sniper vs sniper battles because anyone wearing it will have the advantage and it's simply a stupid item that should have never been rebalanced IMO, the old version was fine as it was. If they made it so you have extra health and dmg resist but still die in 1 hit for headshots I would be cool with it.

Bottom line is, there are broken weapons in the game, there are weapons that should never under any circunstance be allowed in a competitive setting because they go against the competitive aspect itself, they are gimmicky, they destroy base game mechanics, they cause technical issues, they can be exploited, they don't reward any sort of skill, etc etc, there are various reasons some weapons shouldn't be allowed.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 feedback: forum categories in Site Discussion

Honestly I think the tf2 costumization subforum could be divided into a hud subforum and a general tools subforum (configs, plugins, etc)

I also think fragmovies, moviemaking and editing deserves its own subforum.

And there should be also a specific subforum for maps discussion only

And Im not sure if there's enough need for it but I think a server settings/cfgs/plugins subforum would also be useful although I haven't seen many server specific threads pop up.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 /r/tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Okay this might sound unpopular but I'm gonna say it anyway... I don't think we should be allowing every weapon / class format, etc, just to appeal to pub players like pyour said.

Keep in mind I was one of the few players on ETF2L fiercely supporting unlocks and a more diverse map pool (not only 5cp like before) when etf2l was completely vanilla 5-6 seasons ago. And I was made fun of quite a fair amount of times. So I think diversity both in weapons and maps is a good thing to the scene. But these have to be well thought and I don't think we should allow everything to appeal more people.

TF2 is a f2p game, that means the game is never gonna die unless an official sequel comes out. The community is going to keep a stable growth or worst case scenario stabilize and not grow. For anyone that quits there will be another player experimenting the game for the first time. We shouldn't be approaching both settings (pub and competitive) just so that more players join us, are we really willing to trade a functional/exciting/balanced metagame and flow of the game for a bit more popularity? What we should be doing is helping with the transition between the 2 settings, and making players know there is such thing as competitive tf2 (yes because there are many people not even aware of comptf2). That was my ultimate aim with comp.tf, help with that transition between the 2 settings because I know when I started there was no such tool to help me, and I can honestly say I'm happy with what we have done so far, but there is just so much more we could be doing in that regard.

You are pubstomping and someone calls you a cheater or the likes, instead of saying "lel u mad", "get rekt" or "l2p noob" maybe you should say instead, "no dude, I play competitive tf2 that's why I can hit these shots, you should check it out at teamfortress.tv of comp.tf or whatever, it's a lot of fun". You get friends with someone on a pub, you tell them to check competitive tf2 out. You own a pub, you implement competitive oriented maps and classlimits and have a server message every x minutes saying in chat something like "For more info on competitive tf2 check out comp.tf or teamfortress.tv" or whatever site you want.

We have played before without class limits, 2 demos, everything else you can imagine, the competitive scene already tested those waters at the beginning and we shouldn't be going that route again. Even pubs have class limits, and for a good reason. Also let's face it, there are completely broken weapons in this game, weapons that completely disregard a class main weakness or weapons that completely break an essential mechanic of the entire game. Weapons like the pomsom, shorth circuit (as it is currently, not the old one), phlog, Darwin's Danger Shield, etc, should never be allowed in any competitive setting in any way. Honestly they shouldn't even be in the game in the first place.
I wouldn't want to be playing 6v6 without a class limit, weapon whitelist and a well thought map pool, it simply wouldn't be fun, it wouldn't be the thing I fell in love with originally and most of all, it ultimately wouldn't be competitive.

Competitions have rules, competitive settings or sports need to have specific rules to promote competition, if we allowed everything and any class limit it wouldn't be a competitive setting anymore, it would be total anarchy, much like a pub. We shouldn't be going down that route IMO. The smartest way we could go as I said above is making the transition between both settings smooth and let other players know we exist. Ideally we should also be in direct contact with valve and have influence in weapon/map balances, like it was actually very talked about a few months ago, but no one ever did anything about it afaik and valve doesnt seem to keen on it either.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Vanilla HUD with CPs / Timer only [help] in Customization

I was looking for a vanilla hud similar to the lawena medic hud but only with the Timer / CPs or the CPs only.

It would be for recording/editing purposes as it would be really useful for me to record clutch plays with little time left and things like that.

I'm not big into hud editing (i tried unsuccessfully in the past) so I was wondering if anyone already has a hud of that kind edited or if anyone could help me with that.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Rtalin/adderall in officials/lans/scrim in TF2 General Discussion
technosexBitShould I be allowed to take it since it's prescripted2a. half this community plays drunk
2b. the other half plays high

Which are totally different than an Amphetamine.

I think no one cares tho, much less if you're prescribed.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 RIP QUN in TF2 General Discussion

I still use his mumble overlay, <3 SO good, too bad he's been inactive for quite a while

mhes been kinda irrelevant for a while now and the whole "making a big deal about quitting and switching to a superior game" thing is never cool and always kinda just fishing for compliments (sup fog) but i totally understand why a lot of the newer players dont really have any idea who he is

I'm pretty sure those were some off record "funny" comments he made to someone on steam and he never expected it to be posted and amplified on tf.tv as such.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Razer's Project Christine - A modular PC in Hardware

all these modular gadget ideas, (phonebloks and this). I think they are awesome from a consumer POV, but they will only have real success if the companies developing them make the standards open for everyone to use without royalties and don't impose hardware restrictions.

I mean, I can see this becoming really really popular if its released open because then just about every company is able to make acessories for it, or modify it etc. And there can be multiple modules marketplaces, etc, etc...

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Steam machine in Hardware
Platypusrazer is a lot like apple, they both sell overpriced products, one sells rice and one sells minimalism.

Typed from my Razer Deathadder™

Now seriously, razer have good products even if most of them are overpriced. They just invest a lot on looks as well to build their brand and I dont blame them. The deathadder is a perfect example, I use one, it's a great mouse, and it wasn't like overly expensive, it wasn't cheap, but it's a damn good mouse for what I paid.

If they do release a steambox I think the most notable feature will be the looks to put them apart from the other steamboxes, and of course that will mean a price markup

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Humble Bundle X in Other Games

It's here



Featuring Surgeon Simulator 2013 among others

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Juicy (Sniper community fragmovie) in TF2 General Discussion

I think the edit was really awesome, well put together, loved the particle and focus effects on the last part...

My only complain is the music, I love XX and notorious but I think this mashup/remix isn't good and does justice to neither. The xx song alone would be perfect.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Steam machine in Hardware

razer is probably gonna be announcing their steam machine later on as well... Excited to see whats coming

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Stickies not showing in demos in Q/A Help
LangeKanecoI have emailed the tf2 team using their online form over 5-6 times in the past few months reporting bugs and requesting new features and I never got a response back.
CUBE emailed valve multiple times about this bug and received no response. I've also only ever gotten a response from Valve on two occasions. I think you just have to hope to catch someone on a good day.

Hmm, I see... I know valve structure is very different from normal but I really wish we could have a more present intermediate between the devs and the community :(

It was sal who got that response back from Eric then?

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Stickies not showing in demos in Q/A Help
LangeJust been informed by Sal that Valve have people working on the STV issues and they expect to have a patch ready "soon" (valve time).

This is literally the best tf2 news I have seen in months. I couldnt care less about new hats, all I want is a functional demo system.

blueeWe’ve been working on fixing up some of the known issues (like the sticky bombs and rockets not drawing) and we should have something ready to release soon. I’ll forward your email to make sure the other issues are being looked into, too.


~30 mins ago.
Interpret 'soon' as you wish, I'm hopeful that it's a real soon, not a Valve one.

edit fk u lang

Where do you people got this info and how did you contact him?

I have emailed the tf2 team using their online form over 5-6 times in the past few months reporting bugs and requesting new features and I never got a response back.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ⋅⋅ 182