Okay this might sound unpopular but I'm gonna say it anyway... I don't think we should be allowing every weapon / class format, etc, just to appeal to pub players like pyour said.
Keep in mind I was one of the few players on ETF2L fiercely supporting unlocks and a more diverse map pool (not only 5cp like before) when etf2l was completely vanilla 5-6 seasons ago. And I was made fun of quite a fair amount of times. So I think diversity both in weapons and maps is a good thing to the scene. But these have to be well thought and I don't think we should allow everything to appeal more people.
TF2 is a f2p game, that means the game is never gonna die unless an official sequel comes out. The community is going to keep a stable growth or worst case scenario stabilize and not grow. For anyone that quits there will be another player experimenting the game for the first time. We shouldn't be approaching both settings (pub and competitive) just so that more players join us, are we really willing to trade a functional/exciting/balanced metagame and flow of the game for a bit more popularity? What we should be doing is helping with the transition between the 2 settings, and making players know there is such thing as competitive tf2 (yes because there are many people not even aware of comptf2). That was my ultimate aim with comp.tf, help with that transition between the 2 settings because I know when I started there was no such tool to help me, and I can honestly say I'm happy with what we have done so far, but there is just so much more we could be doing in that regard.
You are pubstomping and someone calls you a cheater or the likes, instead of saying "lel u mad", "get rekt" or "l2p noob" maybe you should say instead, "no dude, I play competitive tf2 that's why I can hit these shots, you should check it out at teamfortress.tv of comp.tf or whatever, it's a lot of fun". You get friends with someone on a pub, you tell them to check competitive tf2 out. You own a pub, you implement competitive oriented maps and classlimits and have a server message every x minutes saying in chat something like "For more info on competitive tf2 check out comp.tf or teamfortress.tv" or whatever site you want.
We have played before without class limits, 2 demos, everything else you can imagine, the competitive scene already tested those waters at the beginning and we shouldn't be going that route again. Even pubs have class limits, and for a good reason. Also let's face it, there are completely broken weapons in this game, weapons that completely disregard a class main weakness or weapons that completely break an essential mechanic of the entire game. Weapons like the pomsom, shorth circuit (as it is currently, not the old one), phlog, Darwin's Danger Shield, etc, should never be allowed in any competitive setting in any way. Honestly they shouldn't even be in the game in the first place.
I wouldn't want to be playing 6v6 without a class limit, weapon whitelist and a well thought map pool, it simply wouldn't be fun, it wouldn't be the thing I fell in love with originally and most of all, it ultimately wouldn't be competitive.
Competitions have rules, competitive settings or sports need to have specific rules to promote competition, if we allowed everything and any class limit it wouldn't be a competitive setting anymore, it would be total anarchy, much like a pub. We shouldn't be going down that route IMO. The smartest way we could go as I said above is making the transition between both settings smooth and let other players know we exist. Ideally we should also be in direct contact with valve and have influence in weapon/map balances, like it was actually very talked about a few months ago, but no one ever did anything about it afaik and valve doesnt seem to keen on it either.