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SteamID64 76561197991320838
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15527555
Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 ⋅⋅ 182
#20 Update 12/6/13 in TF2 General Discussion

I have emailed valve using this form http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php?recipient=TF+Team over a dozen times.

I have reported the invisible players bug, the pause bug, the hud reload bug, the demo stickies not showing bug, the demo skipping ticks bug, and countless others, they simply dont give a shit. Well or so it seems because might as well patch fuckin mvm bugs in one week while these bugs have existed for months if not years.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help

My motherboard is a Asus P8Z77-V which I also heard is pretty good for OC. Might have to look into it, definitely dont want to take much risk tho as this rig was an hell of an investment for me

And the drops are completly random and started appearing after the last few updates, I get 80 fps's for like 20 seconds, then all of a sudden I start getting 150-200 which is normal, and then after a while 70 again, then sometime it just flutuates between 130-70 in a few seconds. Its pretty crazy. Tbh today it only happened in the afternoon IDK why. At night didn't notice much drops.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 MagicalKillaCow (Haydn) Sleeping STREAM in Off Topic
martenKanecoThank god this doesn't qualify as a TOS violation, the level of gaming content is off the charts


failed to load video :/

what happend?

Apparently she went live now and deleted that highlight, it was in the most viewed highlights off the week and its basically a gamer gurl with a huge boobcam and badly playing lol.

Pretty much this, its another highlight of her thats on the most viewed of all time, although the other one was worse.
Skip to 05:20 or 08:35 or even better 10:36 for a good laugh, she doesn't have a clue

Yep, thats quality gaming content

posted about 11 years ago
#11 MagicalKillaCow (Haydn) Sleeping STREAM in Off Topic

Thank god this doesn't qualify as a TOS violation, the level of gaming content is off the charts


posted about 11 years ago
#28 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help

The Orange Box games are primarily CPU-bound, and it's all about speed (ghz). You'd think a GTX 670 should have no trouble running it, but a faster CPU will see more benefit than a better GPU. I have an i5 OC'd to 4.3ghz and the game runs pretty great, for the most part (attacking top left of Badwater out of BLU primary spawn has never not felt like my game was about to die, for example). What's your i7 clocked at?

If you've never overclocked I can point you at a decent guide or 2.

I have an i7-3770K which is pretty much the best non-haswell i7 out there. I really cant believe this wouldn't beast tf2 out of the box.

I have never OC'd but I reckon my cpu is one of the best to do it, I would definitely be interested if you could point me some good guides, although I have heard its risky before, but last time I tried something similar was like 6 years ago, so Im really not on par with that kind of stuff.

PathogenWith regards to your GPU: I find a high (capped 132), relatively stable framerate to be a much better experience than a very high (350+), wildly fluctuating framerate. To that end, I bumped up my AA and Filtering recently, both of which are GPU intensive tasks, and my game felt smoother (which is the most important issue here), as well as looking better. The overall framerate was slightly lower, but there was a definite drop in how much the framerate was varying. Note: This is for a 60hz monitor. I've never used 120hz, so I can't speak to that, but I do notice fps drops from 132 to 80 (12v12 mid-fights), but there's usually some network choke to factor into that scenario too.

I know its much better to play with a smooth fps even if its a bit lower, which is precisely why I have been noticing huge differences, because its not so much the fps difference but the huge constant drops and flutuations that previously didn't happen. Even if I had 140 fps I had them slightly constant where as at the moment Im flutuating like crazy between 120-70 and it really messes my game up.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help

Update today, and surprise surprise, nothing really useful, apart from mvm fixes

posted about 11 years ago
#96 TF.TV WHIPS, what do you drive? in Off Topic
Not_MatlockIt's not the best quality picture. I've been meaning to take a better one.

Damn, I really love this car but I can't really identify the model from the photo. Care to share?

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Comp.tf 1st bball cup w/ NEW BBALL MAP in TF2 General Discussion

35 signups currently

last few hours for signups, add me if you want to enter the cup

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help
Prototypeskaneco just use dxlevel 81 or dxlevel 90. Especially if you have a 120hz monitor.sherman_gluck-dxlevel 90 seems to be the most optimized for me you can keep the look of 95 but with a little shine (you can remove that using phong or whatever the command is.

from what ive noticed, 98 seems to be the cleanest out of 90 95 and 98.

If I remember some posts from Chris, he actually advised to keep dxlevel at 95 instead of 90 because 95 was actually more optimized.

Im really bothered by these drops, this is not normal with specs like this :(

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help
sherman_gluck-dxlevel 90? or are you -dxlevel 98?

neither, Im using -dxlevel 95

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help
HaydnSame problem, I've only recently bought my new computer and everyone else who I've asked has said it's just my computer. From halloween my FPS has been awful and I have no idea how to fix it. I'm glad I could help.

Whats your build, maybe it might be a problem with nvidia cards?

This can't be normal. When I first bought the computer in April I was at 200+ fps's with max quality config, now I barely get 120 with dx9 frames

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Comp.tf 1st bball cup w/ NEW BBALL MAP in TF2 General Discussion

Signup wise the cup is being a huge sucess, we have already filled the 32 slots and I already have 2 teams in the waiting list, now I am contemplating opening more spots (albeit it will make for some really weird first round brackets), so if you wanna give it a try add me and if theres enough interest apart from these 2 teams in the waiting list we might open more spots.

edit: we decided to open more spots, feel free to add me if you still want to sign up

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Game optimization / Fps drop in Q/A Help

Has anyone noticed a huge drop in average fps's since the past few updates? Particularly since this rather useless killstreak update? The game is getting to an unplayable state.

I have an i7 and a gtx670 using a slightly modified dx9 frames config and while I used to average around 150+ constant fps's on DM for example I now average about 110-120 and with constant drops to 70-80 which is quite noticeable since Im using a 120hz screen.

What else can I do about this? I really don't want to use a dx8 config, it doesn't feel the same game to me on dx8 and I mean, really, am I gonna have to use a dx8 config on a 5 year old game with these specs to have a playable game? This is beyond ridiculous.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Comp.tf 1st bball cup w/ NEW BBALL MAP in TF2 General Discussion
HallowPlease try to work out 2 seconds respawn. 6 seconds is a completely different (and significantly worse) game.

I can't. Unless you give me 16 servers for players for the first round...

Not everyone has a server much less a server with sourcemod or bball 2 sec respawns installed. We stuck with the etf2l rules because they're much more easy to work with.

This way if a team doesn't have a server I can borrow one from a friend that set up some for me, or they could also use serveme.tf which works with the etf2l config and normal 6 secs respawns.

It's a logistics issue not a gameplay preference. If I could, I would, but I dont even have 7-8 servers, much less 16 servers that we can set up for the cup.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Comp.tf 1st bball cup w/ NEW BBALL MAP in TF2 General Discussion
wonderlandKanecoLooking for final feedback on the map aswell, is it good for you guys? Anything you would like fixed or improved before the cup?I think it should be named ctf_bball_comptf (like the other 10 bball maps), not ballin. and the hole in the backboard is a bad idea. if you do manage to shoot someone through it, it will just be lame cause it means you were net guarding. I haven't tried the map yet so I'm not sure about the fence (its different materials from bball2, and it appears taller in the screenshot). The hole in the ground makes the map asymetrical (which is inherently not a good thing for comp) but I don't really care it's just cosmetic, and the caution tape is fine its just looks.

Thanks for the feedback. I talked to x_dias yesterday and he is kinda busy making his Beginnings 2013 (the jump competition) map so I'm not sure if he will have the time but if he has time to update it before the cup I will tell him about these issues. Personally my bigger "pet peeve" about the map is the quality of the comp.tf logo :D which is a bit pixelated, but yeah I agree with you on most of that stuff

Also we have reached 30 signups and possibly will have more than 32 signups, I just need to decide whether to stop at 32 signups and put teams in waiting list or make a another round beyond 32 signups with a lot of byes.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 ⋅⋅ 182