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Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ⋅⋅ 182
#10 E.RU - A TF2 TEAM MOVIE ﭢ in Videos

I don't understand so many dislikes on the video. Obviously there was a lot of effort put into it. Nice video, good frags and great music, although I think some of the smooths were unnecessary

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Best 6vs6 matches ever ? in TF2 General Discussion

ETF2L Season 9 Grand Finals: TCM vs Tt eSports, Map 2 (Gullywash)

Recommend watching at least the last round.

The whole grandfinal was very close with 2 maps going to golden cap and 1 ending 5-4, but that second map, last round on gullywash, was just insane, how TCM with 1 minute left pushed all the way back from their last to cap the round on the last 5 seconds and tie the map for golden cap. Probably the clutchest map/play I have ever seen.

Vods and results from the maps linked on here as well

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Source 2 indirectly released in TF2 General Discussion
LtStevesince its a jump from dx9 to dx11 and tf2 has been out since 2007, i doubt we are getting a port. That will kill of a majority of the player base on pc requirements alone.

At this point with the amount of rubbish added post-release to the game I doubt a jump from dx9 to dx11 will actually hurt the performance or requirements of the game that much.

Remember the base requirements of the game refer to when the game was launched in 2007, not to the game that currently has over 2k different items released, dozens of different particle effects and now taunt animations. It already shits itself on any old pc with the base requirements, it wouldn't change much, tf2 is one of the worst optimized games on the market, and it can only get worse as the amount of stuff in the game increases, if anything a port to source 2 would be a godsend in terms of optimization

posted about 10 years ago
#124 Twitch now scanning VODs for copyrighted content in Off Topic
GentlemanJonIt's just a minor troll (OK, some streamers do play intolerable crap), but really if people don't like it then look for stuff licensed under creative commons that's outside the official scope of copyright industry enforcement. There's a lot of music out there that's free, and promoting it helps the creators on their way. There are probably people on this forum producing it.

The recognised music industry really is the fast food outlet of music culture, but people are addicted to it because it's easy and familiar. If they're making it hard then fuck them, break the cycle and prove their model is out dated.

This is so wrong. There are dozens or hundreds of examples out there, the problem is that 99 out of 100 times there is a lot of pressure for a musician to get signed to a label to be able to break through and get himself out there. Plenty of musicians end up signing deals they don't totally agree with. And labels end up having more control of their music than the musicians itself. There are plenty of examples out there. (1, 2, 3, 4, etc etc... These are examples of various degrees and causes that labels not always represent the artists best interests (as it's obvious).

So sometimes you end up using songs from that one artist you love, and that artist actually supports people playing around with his music and sharing it with friends and other people, but because he is signed to a record label, he can't really control that, and last thing he knows, all his songs and remixes are on youtube/twitch content ID system, without his knowledge, and then you can't really use his songs anymore...

This goes much deeper than "You guys only hear the fast food of music, find some really obscure indie shit no one knows and use that on your streams/videos".

I can't remember the times I used songs from relatively unknown artists on comp.tf videos (with full credit given), from artists that I followed since their early soundcloud days and that I am sure are supportive of what people are doing with their music and sharing it, but because of some evil recording label they can't do shit about it.

Here's a very concrete example, I used a song of a rather unknown artist on one of our videos, it got flagged within 2 days. I messaged the artist on his facebook page and got an answer right away, so I contested youtube copyright claim. Do you know when I last heard from youtube that I could provide the needed information on my counter claim? Last month, yeah, 6-7 months after I originally contested the claim, at that point I just gave up and didn't follow it up with the artist, it was simply not worth it for an almost 8 month old video with barely 2k views.
Do you know how many likes his facebook fan page had at the time? Barely 200, and he didn't have more than 500 soundcloud followers iirc, yet his music got flagged despite the artist being very supportive of what I was doing. I think at some point our video on comp.tf had more views than the original song the artist posted. Want more underground than that?

The music/copyright industry is a big steaming pile of shit built on obsolete foundations that should have been reformed a long time ago, at this point in time they are actively hindering development of further things, instead of promoting it.

posted about 10 years ago
#355 i52 in TF2 General Discussion
ByteCan we please not contact MP in the masses about the TF2 Grand Final if you're info is not valid. Kaneco you've clearly misinterpreted what's happening and now you've sent them something which isn't valid. What would be better was if a petition was made and everyone signed up to it maybe?

There is a grand final for TF2, and there is a big ass stage for us too, and the whole standard setup we have every year, the difference is, is that it's at 10am British time, which is donkey aids for US viewers.

I am currently doing my best to get in touch with The Gods of MP to see if it can be switched.



hey, I was just trying to help and based myself on Beta's post who seemed very knowledgeable of the situation.

edited that out.

posted about 10 years ago
#112 Twitch now scanning VODs for copyrighted content in Off Topic
Gunbladeidk about you kaneco but id fuckin sellout for 1b

Well it depends, chances are if you already owned twitch you were well off in life. Probably could get a job in the field anywhere and a decent payout. Selling out while giving you a bit more maneuver has its very noticeable downsides as you can see...

Guess it all depends on how much you love your baby (project). Some people have actual goals for their projects other than cashing out when they make it big.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Please add a personal problems section in Site Discussion

Honestly think the general section is good as it is. The offtopic is always supposed to be more cluttered with a random number of subjects. Thats just the way it is, no need to create sub sections imo.

posted about 10 years ago
#351 i52 in TF2 General Discussion

edited out

posted about 10 years ago
#110 Twitch now scanning VODs for copyrighted content in Off Topic

Have had Spotify Premium for more than a year now. Glad to know it's worth nothing in this context.

Music industry shooting itself in the foot once again. Also thanks twitch for selling out.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Prop Hunt in Real Life - Live Action Vfx Short in Videos

Very nice video, especially for someone with so few subs. Great production quality.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Team Fortress 2 Hall of Fame? in TF2 General Discussion
LangePerhaps you could use this as an excuse to flesh out the data on Comp.tf?

Would love to have some collaboration on this, if not for a hall of fame, at least updating and creating player pages. I think having extensively catalogued and documented players from all the scenes and eras is a bit better than a "hall of fame" sort of thing

We have player and team pages already but they're not really fleshed out in terms of content and not very consistently updated.

Take for example:
Compare it to a semi popular dota 2 player page on liquipedia

posted about 10 years ago
#14 TF2 Connexion Movie Contest 2, powered by ROCCAT in Videos

Too bad I can't join in :D

It's gonna be fun watching things from another perspective.

Good luck everyone.

posted about 10 years ago
#54 TEZC need a new Logo in TF2 General Discussion

Future design should be big on the back or front, I dont think it fits the sleeve at all. And a shirt with that on the front would look pretty bad ass

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Announcing ETF2L's New Site Design Beta in TF2 General Discussion

Im sure there will be lots of criticism, it's still in beta and there are probably some bugs and features to be ironed out, but this is probably the most impactful update to our league since allowing unlocks.

This is a huge step in the right direction, looks much more professional and clean. Thank you. Finally we're not in 2004 anymore.

posted about 10 years ago
#2092 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

PotD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK-XfM_fESY

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ⋅⋅ 182