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SteamID64 76561197991320838
SteamID3 [U:1:31055110]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15527555
Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.6
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Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ⋅⋅ 182
#24 Youtube @ 60 FPS in Off Topic


They should also improve their encoders or what the fuck they use to process their videos on upload, everything I upload is crystal clear on my end and becomes so pixelated on their side.

posted about 10 years ago
#446 World Cup in Off Topic

good luck germany and usa, we didn't deserve to go through, this NT needs some serious rethinking

posted about 10 years ago
#436 World Cup in Off Topic

I swear this team is the worst I have ever seen from Portugal

so many so excruciating games...

posted about 10 years ago
#1155 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
DeathyI think he means that since demo did less damage with stickies, bombing in as a roamer was a bit easier since the initial demo spam you might've taken was not as huge as it would've been with "normal" stickies.

I think that just lowers the skill cap not raises it, not sure thats what he meant

posted about 10 years ago
#120 TF2 update for 6/23/14 (6/24/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Now that people are quick on jumping the gun that stickies still need a nerf beware of the consequences of that nerf. Imo the stickylauncher is the second most important weapon in the game after the medigun, and is essential part of the core mechanics of the game.

Any nerf to damage or spamming ability of this weapon is a indirect huge buff to heavies and wrangled sentries and we've seen how that hurts our game, both 6v6 and specially HL. I would prefer they would leave it completely unchanged like it has been for the past 6+ years obviously, but if anything has to happen to it (which I think it will) I think it should be very well thought as not to nerf spammability or damage too much. And if it does, then sentries should be nerfed to the ground, as well as full buffed heavies, otherwise the game becomes an unplayable stale mess.

These past few days I played some of the worst and most excruciating HL matches ever.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 ETF2L Premiership Week 7: Epsilon eSports by Fragnet Networks vs. Awsomniac in Events

Im so glad the demo is back in time for the best match of the season. The 2 best demos in europe battling it out. Can't wait.

posted about 10 years ago
#1122 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion


I'm so happy right now

posted about 10 years ago
#1080 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
r4ptureThis thread is confusing.

People at first talk about how the SL nerf could help expand the game, and are told "stfu, this effects high level" and then a few high level players are saying they like it, and are being downfragged into oblivion.


People at first thought it would be great and allow for new things to develop, turns out some of those things involve full buffed heavies and wrangled sentries, also turns out most demo mains are not masochist and don't like to sit watching carpets of stickies while being completely irrelevant in a fight.

posted about 10 years ago
#1037 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
mthank you for your contribution to this conversation random european

at least my post actually talks about the fucking topic rather than getting upset over somebody's tone

i still dont understand why youd defend somebody whos ONLY post is "lol implying soldier is hard"

i hope its some kind of nationalism/eu v na thing because otherwise youre just being hypersensitive to something completely irrelevant

Your contributions to this thread have been as relevant as the demo is currently.

Not only that but your only way to prove a point is using Ad hominem and personal insults. To be honest I don't know how you're not banned already.

posted about 10 years ago
#390 World Cup in Off Topic
cage-suck it kaneco

say what

posted about 10 years ago
#367 World Cup in Off Topic

Today's google doodle


posted about 10 years ago
#360 World Cup in Off Topic

bring it on murrica

posted about 10 years ago
#43 i52 Showmatches Round 2 in News

Mike top damaging every map as usual.

Badlands was insane:

Shame this showmatch had to occur with the current state of the meta (demo nerf), because eu teams really put a lot of work into their demo plays.

posted about 10 years ago
#951 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

The past few days I have played a bit more since the update, both HL and 6v6, at a decent level, and the class really feels incredibly boring now. This nerf doesn't really stimulate anything interesting, and I think it definitely hinders the meta.

The "lay a carpet of stickies" and pray they pass over strategy is really really boring and completely uninteresting, all the reasons for which I fell in love with this class competitively are gone. There's no aggression, you feel completely irrelevant. There's no point in playing in such an excruciating way. I have no fun playing like this.

Might as well start playing another class that can actually do something.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 i52 Showmatches Round 2 in News

Hopefully both kiler and cristiano ronaldo step up their game today ^^

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ⋅⋅ 182