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SteamID64 76561197991320838
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15527555
Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.6
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Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 ⋅⋅ 182
#43 Call of Duty Ghosts Min Requirements in Other Games
etherKanecoI'm really glad they used the 50Gb wisely for high res textures



Sorry I didn't play the game nor intend to, I just copied over one of the most popular screens going around in forums. Anyway I also have these which apparently are with the game with everything in max settings.

Defending a game that is full of fake promises and more importantly has fake specs and restricts users who have less than 6gb ram is pointless anyway, the whole thing is a huge gimmick. A "50Gb of Fish AI" gimmick

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Call of Duty Ghosts Min Requirements in Other Games

I'm really glad they used the 50Gb wisely for high res textures

posted about 11 years ago
#27 jump_competitive_b1 in Map Discussion

Really really cool idea and map, loving it dude! Great work!

Hope you keep updating it and maybe work on similar maps? :D

posted about 11 years ago
#339 sp00ky mge alts unmasked in TF2 General Discussion
smakers12 pages of this nonsense and you people still refer to cheaters as hackers. They are not synonymous.

Also, anyone with a VAC-banned primary or alt account should be banned forever from ESEA and all the pug channels. Phrakture has a fresh ban in pug.nahl. :>

Why forever? I don't really get it... Why not do like etf2l and do a 1 year ban on 1st offence, 2 years or longer ban on second offence. In "esports" 1 year is a long time, it's like 3-4 seasons, it's basically missing an era of the game competitively, it's a huge punishment already not being able to play competitively for 1 year. You should never ban people for life on 1st offence.

And there have been plenty examples on other irl sports (ie: even cycling treats doping as 1-2 year bans and each year is not 3-4 seasons like an esport)

That's what I meant about giving people a second opportunity, sure, punish them, after all they didn't abide by the rules, but don't punish them forever. I don't even know this phrakture guy but even if the hacking is true it never warrants a lifetime ban on 1st offence.

posted about 11 years ago
#312 sp00ky mge alts unmasked in TF2 General Discussion

While we're discussing this, to be honest I think everybody deserves a second opportunity. Many people who are found cheating have like a death sentence put on their online persona, but I do believe everyone deserves a new chance to make things right, and I have seen many people who have pulled themselves together and show they can do stuff the legit way. To me this goes both to gaming and life in general

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Lawena Error in Off Topic

Not sure what it is but make sure you have the latest version of java installed, if not reinstall it.

Also remove the lawena.jar and the lwrtresources.jar files from the lawena directory and make the updater download them again.

If you still can't fix it I would recommend reporting the issue on the official site or adding quantic and asking him, he's very helpful and will guide you through your issue (just today I was chatting with him on steam on some issues I had)

posted about 11 years ago
#111 TF.TV CS:GO GROUP in CS2 General Discussion

Do you have plenty EU players? if so, count me in

posted about 11 years ago
#278 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Hi there,

Haven't had the time to get many updates out but we are still going and stronger every day, I have been silently working on comp.tf and a few associated projects.

Comp.tf will be sponsoring another cup very soon, details yet to be announced and the cup format as well, but I just want to say I am very excited with what we have in store.

We haven't moved to a new server yet and that's still one of my biggest concerns, but I am trying to do it asap.

A particular big update to a wiki page, finished updating the badwater map page with tons of useful resources and guides, courtesy of this reddit thread

Also reworked the getting started page together with a few other editors and I am confident that now it can be used as a go-to link for all tf2 comp newbies, so if you know someone completely unnaware of how comp works but interested in getting started, send him to our Getting started page, it's categorized and organized in a way that it interlinks to all the important wiki pages and also has a few external guides on how to get started on competitive tf2.

Rememeber we are still running our steam group contest, giving away 1 unusual when we hit 2000 members on our group, so feel free to join it and invite your friends!

You can find us at:

posted about 11 years ago
#67 RIP CROSSBOW in TF2 General Discussion
DontubermeIs this why some people are saying it feels like the reload hasn't changed?Updated the Crusader's Crossbow
- Lower reload time from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds

valve cant count to 3, etc etc...

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Battlefield 4 full release in Off Topic
kirbyfor anyone looking to potentially buy the game, BF4 is basically BF3's graphics, BFBC2's destruction and BF2's overall gameplay.

As far as I know and from experience playing those games, BF2 had the best gameplay and "fun" of the entire series, and BFBC2 was the one with the best environment destruction, and BF4 is still quite a bit ahead of BF3 in terms of graphics, so this game should be pretty awesome if it gathers the best of every game

posted about 11 years ago
#2 dota 2 players in Other Games

Does someone mind explaining what happened to someone that doesn't play dota?

All I know is that he got a penta kill which is quite rare. And that someone ragequitted at the end

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Free FTP websites in Off Topic
AwesomegyNot sure if this is what you are looking for, but give filezilla a try.

Thats an ftp client, not a server

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Getting beather at scout in Mentoring

Let me also link you comp.tf which is a competitive focused wiki, you might find some useful information on the scout playstyle both for 6v6 and Highlander

As people have said tho, one of the best ways to improve is to just practise, you can get into the newbie mixes group for EU players that noona linked, altough if you don't really speak english then I would recommend getting to know or adding someone that has a good presence in the norwegian community and ask for help or even if they do Norwegian dbmixes just join them.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 This is Ozfortress in TF2 General Discussion

Nice movie! :)

posted about 11 years ago
#59 RIP CROSSBOW in TF2 General Discussion
RankKanecoWhat they did was to appeal combat medics and pubbers, nothing else...

You dont need dpm as medic, if you are using the xbow and you get it out its because you expect a nice burst damage hit to fend off who is chasing you. This made the weapon completely retarded, might as well just use needles.

As someone above said all they had to do was fix the reload bug and they managed to even fuck that up

Edit: I recommend posting on spuf (there are plenty topics about this nerf) to see if they can reconsider.
so they lower the damage so that makes more combat medics want to use it and passive reload so it reloads with your medi gun out. yaaah
also if a scout is chasing you and he is relatively close which would make sense it would've only done like 35 damage. its really not that big of a deal

Yes because it behaves more sort of like a syringe machine run than a xbow, the 70-80 long range shots and burst healing are exactly what made it useful amongst the other primaries, it allowed for some really clutch plays if used correctly, now they reduced or nerfed the exact feature that made it stand out among the other primaries only to give it a "better reload time". It has become a bland weapon with little to no tactical advantage over syringes. Its kind of a big deal, I can see myself using the syringes every time now when before I would have used the x-bow in a similar situation

posted about 11 years ago
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