is this the raffle house? I'll take 1 please
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197991320838 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:31055110] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:15527555 |
Country | Nauru |
Signed Up | July 19, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM |
Posts | 2736 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.6 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
120hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Deathadder Black Edition |
Keyboard | Corsair K-90 |
Mousepad | Razer Goliathus Control Edition |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 280 Pro |
Monitor | BenQ XL2411T |
HardcoreThey don't need to care, we have no where else to go and they get paid the same either way.
That sounds like a good long term plan to me then!
marmadukeGRYLLSno, i suggest we try and be reasonable and come together as a community and talk with esea. rather than everyone flipping their shit and getting nothing done aside from possibly getting dropped by esea.
what we should be doing is getting a core group of top players together, making a list of things we'd like to see changed, and presenting them to ESEA like regular people. not "CHANGE THIS SHIT OR WE'RE FUCKIN GONE MAN"
I agree with you, the best solution would be a pacific one but how has that solution worked out so far? Because I have seen plenty of Invite players vent their frustration or unhappiness with ESEA's decisions or lack of them in the past, and doesn't seem anything has changed.
Didn't you guys submit lots of support tickets or tried to politely talk your way into getting the client updated? Did it get updated in time? If 1 week later is in time then it sure did. It seems that is working out so far. And this is just one of the latest issues, honestly as a whole ESEA has shown a real lack of professionalism for a so called professinal league, if you say it's possible they will hear the needs of our players then you have to show me that because from what I have seen so far it looks like they dont care the slightest.
kirbyLucky_ShotSo hawt. Great edit. SFM looks sooo much better than regular smooths. I really should try to learn it.
it's actually really easy to learn and there are so many tutorials laying around. it's such a fun program to mess around with/make stuff with.
Can you incorporate SFM easily in fragmovies as they were smooths? As in, can you replicate a situation in sfm effortlessly as you would do in a smooth?
Wow, amazing! Really loved it, shame theres no 1080p :(
FogKaneco, The EU scene does not have to be be "ESEA's bitch" as you guys already have a well established alternative league which caters to every skill tier. For us here in the US, UGC doesn't really cover much more than the lower levels of play for 6s. I really don't expect the EU scene to stick around with ESEA past this season at this point anyways.
But I don't segregate the scenes, I try to view it as a whole, so the american scene is also of my best interest, if tf2 was to thrive competitively it had to be as a whole, hence why I am so worried about the current state of the NA scene, you guys are getting screwed over and over and at the end of the day you're just like "meh it's the best we have we can't really change anything", much like the husband beating his wife analogy which honestly as far fetched as it is I think it fits the situation perfectly.
You're right as well about the EU scene not sticking with ESEA, and believe me I wanted it to work, if ESEA was doing its job even OK (it didn't even have to do a good job just do OK) and cared just enough about tf2 I would love it to succeed because I think it would or will benefit the EU scene in the long run, but in the current state of things and with ESEA blatantly ignoring our scene I dont think that will ever happen.
About the leagues, thats such a lazy excuse, CEVO seems to be back in full force and pretty interested in tf2. They even announced a Main division (if I remember well) earlier this season, just didn't follow through because they had no real numbers to do it. Besides Pipher seems like a really standup guy and genuinely interested in our scene (and surprise surprise Pure will play CEVO). Of course If a change of this magnitude was to happen it would need to have support from the majority of the players across all skill levels.
Even excluding CEVO there are still other options albeit harder to succeed definitely. Of course the ideal solution would be for ESEA to change its attitude regarding our scene and ultimately be more professional about it, but as someone watching from the outside, after plenty lan issues, tf2 discarded to last priority, the bitcoin fiasco, the client issues, all these dubious or polemic admin decisions I don't really have any trust in ESEA as an organization much less as a paid league.
YankeeSorry but I can't wrap my head around that. And besides ETF2L has been alive and well (apart from seasonal lans, we still have insomnia tho) for as long as I can remember, and top players aren't leaving the game because "there are no lans".
Stop twisting my words, you understood perfectly and if you didn't, I was talking about season lans with affiliation to the league, besides the same applies to the NA scene, if ESEA was to drop us and the lans ended you would have literally dozen of local lan options which have even had tf2 tourneys in the past.
marmadukeGRYLLSNiko_Jimsstuff about cod
god. fucking. damnit. the game itself isn't important. it could be fucking left 4 dead or what the fuck ever game. the point is TF2 isn't some cash cow like CS:GO, and if we try and threaten to boycott them they'll likely say "fuck you, do it pussies" and then we either a) leave and natf2 dies a slow, painful death after several leagues start and fail within a year or b) stay, further proving that esea can do w/e the fuck they want and we'll keep forkin over the cash.
So we're resigned to being ESEA's bitch? Is that our best shot in your opinion?
Sorry but I can't wrap my head around that. And besides ETF2L has been alive and well (apart from seasonal lans, we still have insomnia tho) for as long as I can remember, and top players aren't leaving the game because "there are no lans".
You speak like TF2 is insignificant to ESEA, even if we only represent 20% of their revenue that's still 20% money lost and believe me no smart org would be letting that happen.
And if ESEA was to drop Tf2 hypothetically I am sure another org would step up and fill that gap, sure we would have some "dark ages" but after a few months everything would be fixed, now I would prefer very much a long term solution instead of limiting ourselves to this, we are better than this honestly.
Why did decerto play with 5 ? wut?
I don't know dude, she could be the daughter of the prince of senegal? I wouldn't miss an opportunity like this to make some ez money
TwilitlordThe thing is ESEA gets way, way more revenue from CS than from TF2. If we boycott them, they'll probably just drop us. It's pretty obvious from the last week or two that we're just an afterthought to upper management. Boycotts would just make it worse.
So you're telling me we're like the BIG ESEA's secret girlfriend and we can't tell no one about that or else we'll be dumped and shamed? I don't know how I should feel about this relationship
downpourKanecoESEA will keep fuckin everyone over unless more people start taking a stance like Pure.ESEA loses TF2 players
ETF2L at one point had 90% of the Premiership teams boycott the league because of unlocks and believe me they got that decision reversed really fast. And ETF2L is a community run league not a professional organization making a profit from people playing.
ESEA drops tf2
more prize money for CS:GO
everyone is happy?????
1. Esea is a business offering a service
2. People pay for that service
3. That service is shit or it has proved flawed several times
4. Welp we better keep paying, now we wouldn't want to bother them for screwing us over and over would we?
I dont understand your reasoning. Besides, there is always CEVO, pretty sure if ESEA did drop tf2 CEVO or another league would step in with a similar model.
ESEA will keep fuckin everyone over unless more people start taking a stance like Pure.
ETF2L at one point had 90% of the Premiership teams boycott the league because of unlocks and believe me they got that decision reversed really fast. And ETF2L is a community run league not a professional organization making a profit from people playing.
I wrote a pretty lenghty post just a few days ago on tf2 streams (here) but my opinion is that it doesn't matter even if we have 100 concurrent streams if we keep pulling an average 2-3 viewers per stream. I haven't noticed the concurrent viewers number increase as much as the concurrent streamers numbers have increased, which is a shame.
I compiled a list of most HUD editing tutorials out there on some time ago
Excited to see how post-KnoxXx Epsilon is performing!