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SteamID64 76561197991320838
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:15527555
Country Nauru
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Posts 2736 (0.6 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.6
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Mouse Razer Deathadder Black Edition
Keyboard Corsair K-90
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Control Edition
Headphones Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
1 ⋅⋅ 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 ⋅⋅ 182
#10 Scheme help in TF2 General Discussion
obe_TIL scheme is a common-ish intro level language. I thought my uni was just dumb.

The uni I went in, which is/was the best engineering uni of Portugal was the only one in the country that teached scheme and that used it as an intro level language I never saw it used anywhere else either, all other engineering colleges in Portugal use Java or C for most of them as an introductory language...

It's a pretty useless language imo and very frustrating to learn which is why I think most people fresh in college have huge issues with it. I just wish I could have started with Java or C like all the other :(

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Scheme help in TF2 General Discussion

I took scheme for 4 semesters in college because thats the number of times I failed it, I can't get my head around that stuff, I hate it with a passion, it was part of my introduction to programming subject so I never really got past that. I passed the project 2 times and those 2 times I failed on the exam, the other 2 times I passed on the exam and failed on the project, talk about luck.

I wish you good luck but I don't think I can help you else I would have to commit sudoku if I had to code in scheme again.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Online activity clogging my internet in Q/A Help
Not_MatlockWhat's your internet plan? If it's really low like mine, then the only solution would be to upgrade.

I only get 2.5Mb/s down and this happens to me. I can't watch a youtube video without my ping going up to 800. Opening a web page causes my game to pause until the page loads. Literally any internet activity fucks with my ingame ping.

It especially sucks when Steam downloads a client update. No way to pause/stop it until it's finished.

It's pretty standard, I have a slightly higher speed on contract but the actual speed that gets to my home is about 8-10Mbs Mb/s Download, 0.7-0.8 Mb/s upload. Which is why I find it so strange.

I actually work for my ISP so I'm kinda up to date with this stuff, and I got 2 different teams coming over in the past and they couldn't find anything wrong with my whole installation.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Online activity clogging my internet in Q/A Help

So this has been happening to me for a few months, I have random huge ping spikes, from 60 to 500 ping and back to 60 and sometimes only spiking between 80 and 110.

Whenever I have any page with a youtube video open or any stream open or any streaming or video playback site open my internet will start to have huge lags and ping spikes, even spotify affects it albeit lightly. I am pretty sure its this because all it takes is to open a youtube video while ingame and watch my ping spike to 500 and back to normal, and back to 500 or 100 or 200 or whatever it feels after that.

I was using a wireless connection through my desktop all this time and I figured it might be it, but today I finally got a cable long enought and linked my pc through it and it looks better obviously but this is still happening.

Anyone had problems like this? Figured a solution? Is it my router problem? THe internet itself? Im pretty sure my pc is clean and set up properly because Im kinda tech savvy and its a few months old pc anyway.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 so this blows in TF2 General Discussion
frknWell I took a semester off of college for an engineering co-op as a NASA contractor. I gave up having classes full of my friends for some work experience. I will have to pay for an extra semester because of how the aerospace engineering class schedule is.

I weighed the pros and cons and decided it was worth it. I did not take into account that I wouldn't actually end up working, wouldn't actually end up getting paid, and wouldn't actually learn anything.

So yeah, it kinda sucks.

edit: oh yeah, I moved for the position as well so I am also paying rent and utilities that I wouldn't normally have to for absolutely nothing.

It's infuriating that a bunch of stubborn old men with archaic beliefs can ruin the lives or projects of so many innocent people. I feel for you and hope it doesn't actually delay your goals too much.
This situation sucks and I hope it doesn't actually set a global precedent because it can have a global ripple effect and impact if these crybabies get what they want.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 TF.tv Stream Chrome Extension in TF2 General Discussion

Amazing work megawac!

vtableI quickly hacked together a Firefox version because Chrome sux.

It's available here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tftv-streams/


Amazing! :) Thanks, just noticed now!

Can you make it a bit more streamlined like the chrome version aswell? more stylized and allow for notifications, etc... Anyway thank you very much!

posted about 11 years ago
#25 does any1 have 1.5 btc in Off Topic
the301stspartanI wasn't trolling. I criticize illegal drug dealing over the internet and the currency that makes a majority of them possible. I didn't say anything about the purchasing power of bitcoins.

I'm going a bit offtopic here and I agree with you that illegal drug dealing online is still illegal drug dealing, but don't forget that a market like this can actually have a positive effect on society (ie: decrease the number of drug related crimes) because people get what they want more easily and safe than any other "street" way.
I'm for regulation instead of prohibition tho, I think it would work in favor of society in the long run in all fields (health, economy, etc...)

posted about 11 years ago
#23 does any1 have 1.5 btc in Off Topic
the301stspartanKanecoRicksilkroad is one of literally 1000s of e-commerce sites on the tor browser.. BTC might take an initial hit but the market will be there indefidently
Well there was much speculation that silkroad and the other drug related markets were the ones holding the currency together, this week it was demonstrated it's not. Also they were arguably the major trade volume markets in the bitcoin currency, silkroad alone was estimated to have handled a total of 1.2billion $ in bitcoins since its start.
And I'm happy for it, we really need a independent currency not manipulated by exterior interests

but instead by the amount of drugs purchased illegally on the internet.

If it didn't crash completely after silkroad went down then that means its not dependent on drug related markets, the currency has been more and more reliable as time goes on and people trust the currency more.
That's all it needs to work after all. Trust from the market that it works and has value and therefore it will work and have value, like it currently has. If you're gonna go for the obvious troll bait at least try to make it a little bit less obvious.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 does any1 have 1.5 btc in Off Topic
Ricksilkroad is one of literally 1000s of e-commerce sites on the tor browser.. BTC might take an initial hit but the market will be there indefidently

Well there was much speculation that silkroad and the other drug related markets were the ones holding the currency together, this week it was demonstrated it's not. Also they were arguably the major trade volume markets in the bitcoin currency, silkroad alone was estimated to have handled a total of 1.2billion $ in bitcoins since its start.
And I'm happy for it, we really need a independent currency not manipulated by exterior interests

posted about 11 years ago
#18 does any1 have 1.5 btc in Off Topic
shifty1g0$ because silk road got vanned

That was the expectation of many people but actually the market recovered and is recovering really well after silkroad closed


posted about 11 years ago
#107 America in Off Topic
boppet5 people didn't agree with what you wrote, it's not an issue, I expect more from the creator of Comp.tf.

I'm genuinely sorry, :( I was a bit cranky yesterday night and my last posts were dumb, please don't take these posts as a representation of comp.tf in any way

downpourKaneco all you do is post your dumb usually-wrong opinions about shit and then get mad when people tell you you're wrong, yes sorry I'm mad.

Other than this thread where I was really dumb I don't get your point but ok, thanks for the consideration.

I should know better than to post on political threads, I am very passionate about my beliefs and that can make me go a bit overboard, but I was just trying to show america the light, you can see it, I believe in you america! I'm out of here now.

posted about 11 years ago
#82 America in Off Topic
OOVOOVKanecooh god why did I post my real opinion... america is great, have my freedom loving babies please op, god forbid I post my real opinion in a internet forum.nobody even responded to you, what are you throwing a hissy fit for?

-frags hurt my feelings, im gunna cry myself to sleep now

posted about 11 years ago
#78 America in Off Topic

oh god why did I post my real opinion... america is great, have my freedom loving babies please op, god forbid I post my real opinion in a internet forum.

posted about 11 years ago
#277 Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects


Merchant, who is now part of our staff, has won the wiki contest, sorry for the delay announncing the winner. He was the most active member of August by a fair margin and that has not only landed him a staff position with us but this beautiful unusual as well!

Congrats! Now still missing is another unusual to giveaway!


The wiki contest is still going and when we reach 2k members in our steam group, 1 unusual will be sorted between our members.

Again, amazing thanks to


Joshi for the unusual donations to the wiki!

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Easy h.264 Making 0 byte files. in Off Topic

On the Easy h264 site

Q: I press encode and it instantly says it
posted about 11 years ago
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