at this point I give up. this is not worth the amount of grief that I am getting
changes made:
changed cliff from displacement to detail.(same size and shape)
made the cliff crevasse slightly wider to make demo spam not so over powered
removed middle rock wall because displacement have terrible clipping
moved second forward spawn. to make distance to point less
change mid house(was yelled at)changed mid house back
added walls to cut sight lines.
made door way taller to cut sight lines
removed trees because of complaints
Removed clipping above container
Removed displacements to remove inconstancy in ceiling height
made 2<->3 flank wider
made outside 2<->3 flank wider
made 2<->3 upper door wider
added outside stairs to make holds easier
made yard slightly wider
boxed out behind the point to make turtleing harder, and added boxes to remove sight lines.
removed the displacement to remove the inconsistency of ceiling height
moved spawn points closer together and in front of the table
moved flank door around the corner to make pushing easier
removed the lips above the doors coming into last
removed most of the clutter close to the ceiling
made 2 main doors taller and wider
removed the glass around the point
removed rocket because it served no purpose
I probably missed some things (probably something about making map ugly and other things)