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Signed Up March 17, 2016
Last Posted September 3, 2018 at 9:04 PM
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#17 ESEA s29 team spreadsheet in TF2 General Discussion
ether_is the bolin on malicious activity the same guy who hacked in mge and made a video of him "beating" habib

Fellow scout on that team, Wenk, also played all of about two matches in plat highlander on sniper before he was banned from the league on strong suspicions of cheating. So make of that what you will.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LFP Super Mario Strikers team in Other Games

Hello, we are looking for a competent gamer, hungry for a Super Bowser Cup trophy (superstar difficulty... for now) in the hit 2005 GameCube game, Super Mario Strikers. Check here for more information:

The roster:

TheKeith as P1
Lavableman as P2
FrozenFlarez as P3
You?????????? as P4???

Subs: YellowCellPhone, Ly
Cheerleader/morale support: Brimstone

What we are looking for in a player:

1) We’re looking for a finisher. Someone willing for get down and dirty. You see, because I main Peach, I set up the team with my masterful tactics and quick thinking (game’s words, not mine). Just pick up what I’m puttin’ down and we’re gucci.

2) Must have good defensive metrics. Sitting in the opponent’s goalie box waiting to score freebies is nice and all (Brimstone……………) but getting dicked over by a super strike in playoffs sucks. Fuck you Luigi. We’re not looking for Nicklas Lidstrom (sry I don’t know actual football players) level defense here; Peach is just looking for a little support now and then.

3) Item management. As a scout main, my bombs are very shit so being proficient in using bombs is a plus. This also involves not hitting literally everything in sight and giving the opponent a permanent influx of items.

4) We use Discord LUL

5) Don’t respect Donkey Cuck.

One final note: We use Dolphin 5.0 emulator. You are expected to download and set that up yourself (We will provide the memory card).
Add me if interested:

posted about 6 years ago
#3 NicKk lft medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Nickk was a great teammate to play with way back when. I haven't played with his medic but I do remember him being easy to talk to and get along with, and that's something I value in a medic, so I imagine he'll be a great fit on any team as he gains more experience playing the class.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 ShiningStar lft s29 in Recruitment (looking for team)

give her the heal beam

posted about 6 years ago
#7 LFT Season 29 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bwelp is he type of player the other team has to account for. The type of player that opens space for his team, makes his teammates better, and is just really easy to get along with. It's not every day you come across medics like this.

posted about 6 years ago
#891 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Okay you're all crazy if you think I actually upfrag any of Brimstone's posts

posted about 6 years ago
#843 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I think he has a point though. If you follow any team sport in existence, one of the most prevalent unwritten rules is you don't publicly call out your own teammates. It's the ultimate dick move imo. It makes for good drama for the masses but you're better off keeping it behind closed doors.

posted about 6 years ago
#649 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Hudsynanybody want to take a guess as to who black swan black is going to have play in their next matches since they can just reach into their group of friends who have either invite experience or are likely capable of playing invite and play them because sandbagging is totally fair to other teams that have had minimal roster changes most of the season

This season and the last have seen the least sandbagging in open that I can remember. This Black Swan Black team is hardly that offensive or "unfair" as we saw tonight. And there are other teams in open this season with the ability to beat them in a match, yours probably included if you don't drop 6 ubers again.

Basically what I'm getting at is that if you want to get better as a player and as a team, you must show no fear just because of the names on their roster. Don't blame the other team for doing whatever they did to win, look at why you lost. Then come back in playoffs when it matters and if you want to be the best, then you gotta beat the best.

posted about 6 years ago
#147 TF2 Pro League in Projects

Okay, so can we address the fact that the only way to kill a pug after your guy crashes in the first rollout to the first midfight is to have 4 whole members of the other team so graciously from the bottom of their hearts, choose not to siphon whatever elo they can from you?

posted about 6 years ago
#3 TwistedSin Esports - Season 27 in TF2 General Discussion

I wasn't sure what exactly to expect out of being a part of an organization last season but if there's one thing that needs to be said, it's that whichever team out there manages to land a sponsor like Goziy will quickly find that you've got a new biggest fan. He was so genuinely interested in the TF2 team and wanted to watch every game, he wanted to share each players' victory after difficult match, heck, I'm sure a lot of you guys saw him spreading that infectious hype in Rolling's stream if you happened to check that out. Most of the people in their community are like that too, I'd see people from other teams saying stuff like "way to go Team Fortress 2!" and stuff like that after some of our wins. It was just a really cool environment to be a part of and genuinely made us want to go and play our best for TwistedSin.

So obviously it goes without saying at this point that I recommend these guys to anyone out there looking for a good sponsor. I think they are one of the best we have in Team Fortress 2 right now and they deserve the best team to represent them. Good luck this season TwistedSin!

posted about 7 years ago
#13 DJT LFP Open S27 in Recruitment (looking for players)

I have limited interactions with most people but they all have seemed really chill and Zabi is literally one of the friendliest people in the entire community. Would recommend, should be a fun, easygoing experience to spend your season.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Faint Gaming Updates in TF2 General Discussion

I made some negative comments in the invite thread so I think it's fair to pay my respects to the invite Faint Gaming players for sticking it through and powering on. Good luck this season, you guys.

posted about 7 years ago
#447 ESEA Open S26 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Same thing happened to me in my Wednesday match. I reinstalled the client, turned off antivirus and firewall, and ran the client by administrator. None of which worked.

It was only once I removed some of my TF2 launch options (as well as my config which I later realized was unnecessary...) that I was able to stay connected to the server. Dunno if you tried this or if it'll help at all but hopefully you can identify the issue.

I now know the feel of being "that guy" who's forcing everyone else to wait or have to make some tough decisions, it sucks dude. :(

posted about 7 years ago
#48 ESEA Invite S26 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
hayesjarlow doesn't deserve this

This really can't be understated. Since he has joined the community, he has been nothing but supportive of TF2 and the teams he's sponsored. I can't even begin to describe how selfish and childish it is to take what he's given you, and just leave the roster after one week that didn't go your way or just because "you're not having fun." I surely hope Faint Gaming TF2 is able to stay alive and rebound, especially if we want future sponsors to trust in our scene.

posted about 7 years ago
#814 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I try to avoid being toxic as much as I can on the forums but you seriously couldn't even try waiting 10 more minutes? 5? And for what? You're literally just going to get shit out of the playoffs before you even make it to the top 4.

posted about 7 years ago
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