Hey, guys. For those of you who may not know, I am an admin for the NA 6v6 Newbie Mixes. This coming season, we’re wanting to promote players to get straight into ESEA. One of the ways we’re doing that is through a Newbie Mix team drive. Basically, we help newbies find other newbies that want to improve over a season of ESEA-Open. We’ll pair six newbies and a mentor together for every team we make.
The reason for this post is that we need willing players with Open playoff+ experience to guide the newbies along this process and help them hurdle over the barriers of entry that seem so large to a newer player. This includes signing them up, showing how to get fees and premium paid, explaining the client, going over demos once the season actually starts, and answering any questions they might have.
This may seem like a lot, but I can’t imagine it would take more than an hour or two a week if that's all the time you have to spare. If you’re interested in helping out, post a comment here or PM me on TFTV.
Also, we’ll be trying to hook up particularly young players with sponsors to help pay their fees, because $30 is one of those aforementioned barriers of entry. Contact me if you are interested in that as well.
EDIT: Newbies sign up here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/na6v6newbiemix/discussions/0/487877107134357702/