What's up with the new video system? Like... it's really bad. I haven't talked to anyone who likes the changes. There is a delay of up to 60 seconds now on my stream where there used to be 5-10. I can't interact with my viewers anymore, and it's frustrating. For a small stream like my own, one-on-one, conversational viewer interaction is the only thing keeping things alive when I'm doing things like surf/jumping. I can't answer questions, talk to new people, or do anything really.
My stream had just started picking up, averaging 7-15 people watching my scrims and pugs, and it was a lot of fun. Now I'm lucky to get 4, and chat is always dead. It's pretty lame, honestly.
Can someone direct me to a source as to why they changed it or something? Is it problems with bandwidth or what? I really don't want the small little community of friends in twitch chat I've built up over the past few months to die out. Like, I'd be incredible upset if that happened.
I'm sure other small streamers would agree.