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Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
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#4 Graphics/FPS Discussion in Customization

Solid texture pack - Klick!

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help
Devonwhere is hooli's team chemistry thing

I haven't done teamwork/pushing/calling yet, will probably add that tomorrow along with other categories. If you have a link for me, I'll make sure to add hooli's team chemistry thing!

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

Added to the list, thank you very much. Not sure where to put the playlist yet, since it covers a lot of things, but I'll definitely find a place.

MR_SLINA couple vids of my own if you don't mind!

How to Play Medic - Basic Skills Link
Choosing a Custom HUD Link

Added as well, thank you. I thought about making a section for scripting/hud editing tutorials at first, but since the list is already pretty huge, I'll probably refrain from doing so. However, I feel like your guide on choosing a hud fits in very well. I also plan on linking to your channel in the pov/analysis/demo-review section, always found your insights very interesting and helpful

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

Maps played in comp tf2 - Link
Labeled maps - Link
Guides by Marxist - Link
Overviews by svfrey7 - Link
Badlands by extv - Mid-Fight Spire Last (attacking) Last (defending)
Overview by Byte - Link
Basic Positioning - Link
Guides by Fish - Badlands Gullywash Granary Snakewater
Guides by Cube - Thread Badlands Gullywash Snakewater Process Product Sunshine

Pushing by Marxist - Link
Momentum in TF2 by Sigma - Link
Hoolis Team Cohesion Guide - Link
Strategies by nvc - Link
TF2 Theory by kuma - Link
Pyyyour Strategy Sessions (YouTube): #1 #2 #3 #4
Pyyyour Strategy Sessions (Twitch): #1 #2 #3 #4
Team Building Discussion by b4nny - Link
Strategy Tips by Paddie - Link - tactics-tf-strategy-tool - Thread

(Main)Calling Guide - Link
Maincalling by Fish - Link
Calling Guide by Fish - Part 1 Part 2
Thoughts by MrSlin - Link
TFTV Thread - Link

VanillaTV Insight - Thread
VanillaTV Demo Archive - Link
My Gaming Edge Videos - YouTube
TF2Povs - YouTube
TF2E - YouTube
I52 POVs - Thread
B4nny - YouTube Twitch
MrSlin - Medic POVs 6v6 Analysis Twitch
NinjaNick - YouTube
Byte - YouTube Twitch
Shade - Youtube Twitch
Tagg - YouTube Twitch
Huhy - YouTube Twitch
Yuki - YouTube

For more POVs, I highly suggest you check out the Stream List.

ETF2L (Europe]
ESEA (North America)
OzFortress (Oceania)
UGC (Worldwide)
asiafortress (Asia)
MEFortress (Middle East, not a league, just a community)
TFCSA (South Africa)
TF2Connexion (France)
FBTF (Brasil)

Community Websites - Lobbies - EU Pickups - NA Pickups - Competitive Wiki - Intro Website - Betting
Competitive TF2 Tumblr

Casting Organisations - Twitch YouTube
eXtv - Twitch YouTube
EVL - Twitch - Twitch

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

The Classes
TF2 Wiki - Link - Link
Guide by Sal - Link
Precepts of Scout by Marxist - Link
Guide by Shlaner - Link
Guide by Forsaken - Link
MGE: Clockwork - Link
Mid fights by yz50 - Link
MGE: Back Capping - Link
Cyzer Reddit AMA - Link
Tips by MrSlin - Link
Guide by Ascor - Link
Scatter School - Link
Mentoring Session with Cyzer - Link
Scout Jumps by Hiizera - Link
Guide on blogspot - Link
Guide by Crouton+NerdZone - Part 1 Part 2
Badlands Positioning by Starkie - Link
Guide by smzi - Link

Soldier (first guides cover both pocket and roamer)
TF2 Wiki - Link
Guide on Yahoo - Link
Guide by Fragga - Link
Mentoring Sessions by Huhy - Link
Tips by Jaeger - Link
C-Tap Tutorial - Link
Roamer: - Link
Roamer Guide on SUF - Link
Roamer Guide on SUF - Link
Roamer Guide by shortbus - Link
Roamer on Badlands - Link
Roamer Bootcamp - Link
Roamer Guide by Aporia - Link
Roamer: Precepts by Marxist - Link
Roamer: Fundamentals - Link
Roamer: Rollouts - Link
Pocket by Shlaner - Link
Pocket by FML - Link
Pocket on SUF - Link
Pocket: - Link
Pocket: Precepts by Marxist - Link
Pocket: 10 Ubers Analysis - Link
Pocket: Guide Series by Ipz - Link

TF2 Wiki - Link - Link
Guide by Sal - Link
Guide by Shlaner - Link
Guide by HoobTheNoobs - Link
Blog by warhuryeah - Link
Rollouts - Link
Precepts by Marxist - Link
10 Ubers Analysis - Link
Mentoring Session with Kaidus Link

TF2 Wiki - Link - Link
Guide by Sal - Link
Guide by eXtine - Link
Guide by Shlaner - Link
Medic Heal Rate - Link
Uber/Kritzing Building - Link
Medic Tips - Link
Precepts by Marxist - Link
Tips by Fish - Link
Uber Tips by Fish - Part 1 Part 2
Medic during Midfight by Marxist - Link
10 Ubers Analysis - Link
Spin Medic Mentoring - Link
Tips by The Fragile - Link
How to peek by TheFragile - Link
Crusaders Crossbow by TheFragile - Link
Mid fight by TheFragile - Link
Ubers/Decisions by CB - Link
Basic Skills by MrSlin - Link
M0nster's Guide to Medic - Link
Mentoring Series by Huhy - Link
Advanced Theorycrafting by MrSlin - Link
Heal Orders etc. by Pyyyour - Link
Mindset by Buick - Link
3 Tips by MrSlin - Link
Medic Jumps by youmustmike - Link

Continued in #5

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Collection of Resources/Tips for 6v6 in Q/A Help

I wanted to create a comprehensive collection of material on the internet regarding competitive TF2 for players new to the game, thought it might be worth sharing on here.

Since most of the people frequenting these forums are already pretty involved in the competitive scene, I don't know how useful this will be to you personally, but you could maybe link it to a friend you're introducing to TF2 or help out a new player you met in a lobby that appears to be struggling. I hope I included as many helpful links as possible, but since it's likely that I'm going to forget something, please feel free to add anything that you deem to be valuable. Many guides are similar to each other and might thus be repetitive, but I wanted to include as many resources as possible to give new players a big arsenal of information to sift through. I felt like missing some important information that might only be included in one of them would be worse than having a bit of redundancy.

Big thanks to everybody in the TF2 competitive community who has created these guides to help out newer players. When I started to play comp, many of these were really helpful to me and I hope others can profit from them, too.

If someone for whatever reason does not appreciate me linking their content in this thread, please tell me (post here/add me) and I'll make sure to immediately remove it.

Thanks for reading, hope this helps some people out!


This list has become quite long, it now streches over 3 posts, including #1, #3 and #5.

Post #1: General Tips and Introductions, Setting Things Up
Post #3: The Classes (Scout, Soldier, Demo, Medic)
Post #5: Maps, Teamwork, (Main)Calling, PoVs/Analysis/Demo-Reviews, Leagues, Websites, Casting Organisations

In General
Introduction -
Competitive Play (TF2 Wiki) - Link
6v6 Newcomer Guide (etf2l) - Link
Introduction by Sigma - Link
Beginners Guide (SUF) - Link
In-depth Guide Series by Atomicus - Thread Episodes:1 2 3 4 5
How to get into Competitive (Ozfortress) - Link
Competitive TF2 guide (Kirby) - Link
Getting started (asiafortress) - Link
Newbie Guide (UIUC) - Link
Getting into comp tf2 (SUF) - Link
Classes in 6v6 (Ruwin on extv) - Link
Capping Points (Marxist) - Link
Basic Metagame by B4nny - Link
6v6 Tactics Blog - Link
Guide by ManHunter - Link
toptiertactics intro - Link
Standard Lineup - Link
Explanation of Lineup - Link
Improving your Aim - Link
Aim Theory by Warhuryeah - Link
Aim Tutorial by Beater - Link
Getting Good by Synchro - Link
Midfights by LfbFrank - Link
Tip Series by Rogue - Link

Setting Things Up
Mumble - Link
P-REC - Link
Watching Demos by Marxist - Link
Choosing a HUD by MrSlin - Link
Comanglia's config - Link
Chris' configs - Link
Custom Huds -
Mumble Guide by hooky - Link

Continued in #3

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Tf2 Hud Customization Help!!! in Customization

Hud editing guides:

However, this Video looks like he is just using the minmode version of shlaner hud, meaning you would only have to go into "Advanced Options" and activate the minimal hud or type "cl_hud_minmode 1" into console.

Hope this helps!

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Viability of new weapons in TF2 General Discussion

The Back Scatter
Only 4 Shots, -20% accuracy and the need to be both (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) behind and near a target for minicrits makes this quite useless for comp in my opinion, would be very situational (if you can get that awesome flank), but not as reliable as the normal Scattergun

The Tide Turner
Might be interesting to see if shields really become a viable alternative to stickies now (I don't think so, let's not dig too deep into this though since this thread is about the new weapons). If however, this is the case, I see this shield being very viable due to the turning ability, although you miss out on the damage resistance of the targe.

The B.A.S.E. Jumper
Seems like a very fun weapon to use in pubs, it's aircontrol might actually make it useful on maps with high skyboxes. I saw a video in the other thread of someone testing it out on granary mid and it seemed kind of viable for midfights. The roamer could use it to just float through the air and do a lot of damage do the people below, plus creating a very nice distraction for his team to capitalize on. Again, this will probably be limited to certain maps and since it is situantional, I'm not expecting to see it replace the gunboats full-time, but it might be actually viable to use sometimes.

The Classic
Does less damage on bodyshots (and can apparently only HS when fully charged, not sure if this is only for unscoped or always). The only benefits I can see from this one are a bit more self-awareness while charging your shot and the rifle turning into some kind of hitscan-huntsman in close range, although I'm not sure how well you can protect yourself with it. I'd say the default sniper rifle is the better option.

The Air Strike
Seems to be a very fun pub weapon, although I think its viability in competitive is very small due to the need to get kills to increase clip size, which makes it inconsistent. Having one rocket less with little to no benefit at first seems like a huge disadvantage and even if you manage to get some kills (which is not a given in comp) you will still have only 75% damage and only 80% splash radius.
Bombing roamers with lots of super fast rockets might be pretty strong, but you'd need to get those kills first and even if your bomb was successful, you'd most likely die and then have to start from zero again.
It seems to me a bit like the Eyelander, which can be a pretty funny weapon in pubs, but isn't used in comp because of its inconsistency.

Just my two cents on the update. Although these weapons all seem very fun, I don't really see their viability in a competitive setting

posted about 10 years ago
#2395 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
TheReachFreaksFirst time messing with HUD configs, and its not that hard once you get the hang of it, and where stuff should be. I basically just changed the colors of RaysHud

Since all you did was change a few colours, I don't think it is justified to call this your own hud. Not trying to talk you down, but editing colours is just very basic hud editing, done by nearly everyone and as long as you do not make any major changes, I think you would better off just calling it a modified rayshud.

Also, YouTube videos are a lot of work to show off huds, using imgur is the way to go mostly since it's faster and you don't have to sit through a 3 minute video to know how the hud looks like.

posted about 10 years ago
#2364 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I'm using a modified version of Yahud CMYK (pre omp-font update and takedown) and recently noticed a problem with Killstreak weapons.

Normally, the hud looks like this (cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0):

However, when I equip a killstreak weapon, the panel overlaps with the team indicator in the lower right:

Already looked into HudPlayerClass.res, but apparently this only includes entities for the 3D model, is there a different way to either remove the team indicator or only make it appear when not using killstreak weapons?

I figured it might be possible to just delete everything in HudPlayerClass.res and then use the 3D-Model option, does this work? Also, I'm experiencing a tiny fps drop (10-15 fps) when using the 3D models, would this also occur in this case? (sounds silly because nothing would be showing on the screen but maybe the game is calculating something in the background when its enabled idk)

Thanks :)

posted about 10 years ago
#2344 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
VoloderShrubbishI like it, but the stats overlap the net_graph a bit.
You know you can just change the height of the net_graph, right?

And you could use net_graph_proportionalfont to make it smaller as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#2295 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
SeransGuys I'm just wondering, is there any way to set on the top of the screen the server time left instead of casual timer?
IMO it will be more useful.

cl_hud_show_servertime_left enables constant servertimer

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Help with the Timer in Customization

You might also want to edit HudObjectiveKothTimePanel for the timers on koth maps

posted about 10 years ago
#2230 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
La_maisonThanks for the constructive criticism guys, it´s really appreciated. Guess I was trying too hard and will probably go with something more like the first one:

The first one looks really nice, a border seems like a good idea!

posted about 10 years ago
#63 Uber Tracking Hud Mod in Customization

Okay so Vaskie had the great idea of combining the bar and the percentage labels. After playing around with it for a bit, I came up with 2 different versions. These are not that close to what he had in mind (having the bar and percentage under the normal ubercharge bar in evehud) since that would require me to move the whole bar and it might still overlap with many huds.

I also changed the position of the timer to have "rXX" values for ypos and "cXX" values for xpos, so these should be centered for everyone as well as not overlap with the charge bar (unless you're using a really big font)

Anyways, what I've come up with: (please dont mind the ugly font, you can use whatever you want)

- Charge bar, labels for uber and kritz:
Screenshot: Klick!
Instructions: paste this into hudlayout.res
paste this into hudanimations_tf
then add this:

RunEvent FillUber 0.0
RunEvent FillKritz 0.0
RunEvent FillUberBar

under Event MenuClose in hudanimations_tf

- Charge bar, only uber label:
Screenshot: Klick!
Instructions: same as above, only use this for hudlayout.res instead of the other one (yes I know that you could clean up hudanimations_tf by deleting the kritz animations and "Run FillKritz 0.0" but it doesnt really matter for this to function and I didnt want to make this post even longer than it already is)

For both versions: use the font you want, then only adjust the positon of "UberLabel" and "KritzLabel" in hudlayout.res

For overlapping problems:
- try changing to a smaller font
- if you dont want to, increase the ypos values in hudlayout.res (remember you have to change them for all of the elements (e.g. "UberLabel", "Uber10", "Uber20" etc.)
- if the numbers overlap, try changing the xpos of "Uber1", "Uber2" etc. try only editing those that have one number, because the 10's and 20's are centered

Sorry for the long post, hope some people find this useful! If you have any problems, feel free to add me and I'll see what I can do

posted about 10 years ago
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