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Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
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#2888 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JarateKing feedback

I really like it, numbers stand out very well. However, I think the killfeed would look a bit better if you'd add a bit of transparency to the boxes

posted about 10 years ago
#2887 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
CubenityI would be very grateful if you update yahud CX.

FLV and 5MD are very similar to the cmyk version which I personally use and updated for myself, thus updating those was just a matter of copying some files and code over. However, yahud cx is a newer version and that might require some work. I can take a look at it, but I don't know if/when I'm gonna update it.

AmirBnkflv seem to work great, but i couldn't see the parachute icon. Any idea how to fix it?

Should be working fine, maybe I'm missing a bracket in hudlayout.res or whatever. I'll take a look this evening

NoFapWhen i press COOP button in main menu, TF2 instantly crashes. I'm using 5md version. I only deleted unused crosshair entries and fonts.

While I would advise not to delete unused fonts (I don't think the bit of space they take up in the clientscheme is a problem), coop has always been a problem with yahud (pre futura font update) iirc. Same thing happens for me and always has, but I disregarded it since I don't really play mvm. Sometimes it crashes, sometimes it works. I think others have tried to fix it, but I would have to spend a lot of time to figure out what the problem is in an area of hud-editing that I have little to no knowledge about for something I don't personally use. So if you want to play mvm, you'll unfortunately have to use some other hud, especially since even if it worked, there would still be problems with the mvm scoreboard etc. due to recent updates

posted about 10 years ago
#942 yahud in Customization
LulzyKhanTF2Lulzy- text -
Killfeed is done via hudlayout.res in the scripts folder. Just search for HudDeathNotice and change its ypos to your liking. Will take a look at chat tomorrow, but there should be some options already in the hud files if I'm correct

Thanks for the help on the kill feed, I'll give it a shot next time I come on, as for the chat, I'll check for the options you say should be there when I can and I'll get back to you. Or you get back to me. Whichever comes first.

found it, there is a folder with bonus options in the original yahud master. I've uploaded it for you if you don't have it - Link

posted about 10 years ago
#941 yahud in Customization

updated flv and 5md, didnt test it but everything should be working fine. If there are any problems, just add me and I'll be glad to help

posted about 10 years ago
#2873 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I updated yahud flv and 5md since a few people requested it. Didnt test it out, but everything should work fine. If there are any problems, just post them here or add me and I'll be glad to help.

FLV (Red) - if you want flv blu or whatever other colour you'd like your background to be, just go into clientscheme and change the "Flavor"-entry to your liking


posted about 10 years ago
#3 crosshair circle in Customization

1. There is a guide somewhere (I think by La_maison) on hud crosshairs that also includes a section about toggling crosshairs, but you'd still have to do it manually

2. You can adjust xpos/ypos of the crosshair as well as the wide/tall values for small corrections

Edit: beat to it, damn phone

posted about 10 years ago
#3 I can't see anything in Q/A Help

Does this problem also appear on non-local servers? As #2 said cl_drawhud 0 could be enabled. However, this command only works on servers that have sv_cheats set to 1, which tr_walkway definitely does

posted about 10 years ago
#939 yahud in Customization
Lulzy- text -

Killfeed is done via hudlayout.res in the scripts folder. Just search for HudDeathNotice and change its ypos to your liking. Will take a look at chat tomorrow, but there should be some options already in the hud files if I'm correct

posted about 10 years ago
#8 New guy wanting to get into competitive in TF2 General Discussion

Welcome to competitive tf2! I made a bit of a list specifically for players new to competitive, hope that helps a bit. Good luck and have fun :)

posted about 10 years ago
#2851 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Bit of an edit on the yahud scoreboard, moved everything more towards the center because tunnelvision

posted about 10 years ago
#3 [Stream] Zinson in Requests

Request Guidelines:

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Need help with a Config in Q/A Help

Having binds within your aliases is never a good idea. Just add me and I'll have a look tomorrow. Still have a similar script lying around that I believe does exactly what youre trying to do

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Using HUD elements from another HUD in Q/A Help
ReleetsKhanTF2colours and fonts are in the clientscheme in the ui folder

colours are set in Red Green Blue Alpha format. Alpha is the transparency of the element youre trying to edit. So for example "255 255 0 180" would be a slightly transparent yellow.

There are a few guides out there on how to install fonts, iirc La_maison had a pretty good one, try if google gives you anything useful

Can you explain exactly where in the ClientScheme i can find the HUD colors and fonts, and how i copy them to my own clientscheme?

Colours are usually found towards the top, while the fonts are found at the bottom. Depends on what hud youre using though

posted about 10 years ago
#2822 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
puddFerduxBeen working on this for a little while, want some feedback/criticism on it.
What are the customizations from yahud?

From what i can see: buffed/low bars behind hp (bigger+more transparancy), ammo (has bar + ammo in clip moved further to the right), killstreak icon, round timer (size) and playerclass model

posted about 10 years ago
#2816 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
collycatSo i've been working on my hud for a while and I need some help coming up with some ideas to make it fit together better. Basically an over all theme. This is what I have as of now, still has a bit to go.

Looks very nice, I'm in love with the control points. I think you already have a nice theme going in your hud, with all the gray-ish colours and circles, looks really clean. I'd suggest going with that look on the team selection as well (similar to the disguise panel) and you could think about adding a few circles to the scoreboard, maybe around the team names, although I must say I really like it as it is.

Short question: are you thinking about adding a dropshadow or something similar to the hp/ammo? I always find huds that don't a bit hard to read on brighter maps like process

Edit: just noticed that the background of the playerclass model has a bit of space between it and the left of the screen, is that intentional?

posted about 10 years ago
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