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Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
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#5 Using HUD elements from another HUD in Q/A Help

colours and fonts are in the clientscheme in the ui folder

colours are set in Red Green Blue Alpha format. Alpha is the transparency of the element youre trying to edit. So for example "255 255 0 180" would be a slightly transparent yellow.

There are a few guides out there on how to install fonts, iirc La_maison had a pretty good one, try if google gives you anything useful

posted about 10 years ago
#935 yahud in Customization

updated my modified cmyk, might do flv/5md in the following days.

Full post/screenshots/download:

posted about 10 years ago
#2805 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
VoloderKhanTF2Since quite a few people have asked me about an updated version of my yahud cmyk edit, I've recently put a good amount of work into finishing it and creating options for customization.

Hud is fully updated for Love&War Update, includes Scoreboard fix, parachute icon, taunt menu and eureka effect hud.
pics/dl please?

Accidentally posted too soon, screens+download have been added to the original post

posted about 10 years ago
#2803 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Since quite a few people have asked me about an updated version of my yahud cmyk edit, I've recently put a good amount of work into finishing it and creating options for customization.

Hud is fully updated for Love&War Update, includes Scoreboard fix, parachute icon, taunt menu and eureka effect hud. Includes I don't know how many small changes, so I'm not gonna list them all, but the options I added include Killfeed (top/bottom), koth timer (top/bottom) and different target ids. Instructions are in the small readme I added.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me with this and answered my dumb questions. If you have any questions/problems/suggestions yourself, just add me/message me and I'll be glad to help!



Might update flv/5md in the next days, shouldnt take very long

posted about 10 years ago
#4 SolanoHUD Trailer in Customization

I think making the health larger and putting it more towards the center would make it more easily readable as well as improving symmetry. As colly already mentioned, the health bar can be quite distracting, maybe try making it a bit smaller.
You might want to make some other elements of the huds (such as the sticky counter) larger and/or bolder as well to improve readability.

Also, while your video looks quite well-made, imgur is generally preferred to show off huds

posted about 10 years ago
#2 need help with outdated 5MD (yahud) in Customization

There's a thread for questions like this:

Edit: sorry didnt read full post, but modifying BlueTimer/RedTimer and BlueBG/RedBG in hudobjectivekothtimepanel works for me

If you can't get it to work, feel free to add me and I'll take a look tomorrow

posted about 10 years ago
#120 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
f_blueMapname is still available but it got moved out of LocalPlayerStatsPanel.

Is there a special place it got moved to?

posted about 10 years ago
#114 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

MapName, GameType and PlayerScoreLabel have all been removed from the game, if I'm correct. You can set them to visible 0, move them off the screen or remove them from Scoreboard.res entirely. This will remove the "unknown"-Label, I dont know if there is a new way to add the map name to the scoreboard, but I doubt it

posted about 10 years ago
#50 Robin Williams Died in Off Topic
CasualOne of the greats... :(

That's a beautiful scene, made me tear up. Rest in Peace

posted about 10 years ago
#94 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SevinFinally trying to update 7HUD for the Love and War update, but I've run into a bit of a snag. The taunt selection menu does not show up during the humiliation period, so I can't perform any taunts - including weapon taunts - during that time. It works fine during the round.

I think it doesnt show up but you can still perform taunts, weapon taunts should work by pressing your taunt button twice. At least that's how it for me

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Plz help me with this! in Customization
CoolMaxSUpremeIm using BW Hud and no matter who i disguise as, as spy it shows a red spy image... what to do??


Have you tried using the newest version of bwhud? (look here) You might be running an older version that is bugged

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Disabling Damage Pitches? in Q/A Help
ExquisiteStonehooliit works if you set both to the same value for me. here are all my dingaling cvar values:

tf_dingalingaling 1
tf_dingaling_volume .75
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 100
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 100
tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay 0
what does tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay 0 do?

You can make the hitsound only play after a certain time has passed, so your ears don't die when playing pyro heavy. You could for example have a 1.5 second delay (tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay 1.5) so the hitsound would only play every 1.5 second when people are lit on fire

Edit: beat to it, hadn't refreshed my browser

posted about 10 years ago
#2709 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
collycatworking on a new scoreboard

Looks good, I'd say try splitting up the 6s scoreboard as well while moving it a bit further down (I like Scoreboards that are at the bottom, so I can still see whats going on)

posted about 10 years ago
#73 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
VinylStormlong post

I'd say try changing one of the fgcolours in the third paragraph, one of them has to be it. Just experiment, hud editing is mostly trial and error. To me, selectedFgColor_override seems the most promising, try changing it to 255 255 255 255 (White) or actually 227 227 227 255 (a bit more grayish white used by your hud)

posted about 10 years ago
#71 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
AloSecKhanTF2: try increasing the tall values of CMainTargetID and CSpectatorTargetID in hudlayout.res

Tried that, didn't change anything. I have also changed the tall values of literally everything in SpectatorGUIHealth.res and of everything that seemed reasonable in TargetID.res, to no avail. I feel like the BonusHealthCross clips with some other element, because when I move it down a bit, the upper bit appears while some of the lower bit get cut off.

_KermitKhanTF2Also, I tried fixing the "unknown"-bug on the scoreboard by deleting the "GameType" and "PlayerScoreLabel" entries, but one "Unknown" still remains, as seen here: Link Any Tips?
Try keeping it in but make the xpos "9999".

Tried that as well, didn't change anything. However, when looking around I found an entry named "MapName" which - upon setting visible to 0 - got rid of the Unknown. Looks a bit empty though. I believe other huds still have the map name in them, does anyone know how to implement it again?

Thanks :)

posted about 10 years ago
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