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Signed Up February 27, 2018
Last Posted July 26, 2022 at 2:12 AM
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#6 Talking TF2 With marmaloo thread in Videos

The casts with 10 guys in the mumble are fun but it'd be cool to see Invite players lending their knowledge to something formal like TFTV. Aim play-by-play Marm analysis would be an insane combo imo.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Snoop Dogg's Gangsta Gaming League Kicks Off in Esports

It "will most definitely allow the use of cannibis."

Is this what TF2 needs to finally get that million dollar major? Discuss.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 so uhh.. in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe bonk will end up being busted, smarter people than me certainly think so, but this debate has been based entirely on theorycrafting by people who are far too lazy to actually see if it is.

There is counterplay to bonk, and its main uses seem to reward aggression and pushing, which could do a bit to alleviate the defender's advantage that people complain about in this game. But that's just my opinion, and we don't need to fill up another thread with hypothetical hearsay and fearmongering.

I remember the chicken littles that came out when Cow Mangler was unbanned but while it may be better than stock the "Med Drops to Charge Shot" epidemic that people predicted never seemed to materialize outside of twitch highlights.

Now that every player can test shit like bonk and soda popper in scrims, this sort of baseless whining is worthless. We can base our opinions on evidence now.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 ESEA S29 GF: FROYOBLACK vs. froyotech in Matches

tfw every map is ur worst map

posted about 6 years ago
#36 At what age did you grow out of anime? in Off Topic
Iatginksageif your animes entire plot is a bunch of schoolgirls and softcore erotism you might aswell hit your head against the wall for the duration of the episode and report yourself to the police for being a closet pedophile
ur steam avatar is from an anime that is made by a paedophile. -_-


posted about 6 years ago
#13 favorite map theme? in Map Discussion

bro... Nighttime AND desert.

posted about 6 years ago
#38 Music you listen too while playing tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm a massive tilter, so I find ambient music helps me chill out and focus on fragging.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 ATTENTION ALL WEEBS in The Dumpster

Does anyone have an extra animebytes invite

I'll give you like a couple mann co keys or something unless that's against the rules


I'm good about seeding as well. total shabbos goy.

edit: I have been informed that it is in fact against Animebytes' rules to pay for an invite.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 soulja boy rap battles in Off Topic

bowls are gangster
money is gangster
why change your name at all

posted about 6 years ago
#34 Faint Gaming Dead? in TF2 General Discussion
sandblastnote to everyone who makes a ESEA team. Don't play on a team with emo weebs.

Show Content
spent like an hour learning gimp only to realize this doesn't actually make sense.
posted about 6 years ago
#20 TOTH 2018 Appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion

Would the cross-server relay be usable in 6s? If so, would it be better than just suffering through high ping?
I can't read but wow, what a cool piece of technology. So many cool apps and projects are developed for a niche game like this.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 The collapse of SVIFT NA and the rebirth of FROYO BLACK in News

>one invite scout short
>botmode fucked over
>corsa is corsa
>but The Sneaky Pete is down to fly to LAN without even having a team

C'mon now

Don't cuck the knuck

posted about 6 years ago
#8 PSA: ESEA Alias Update in TF2 General Discussion

Thank Goodness such an urgent issue has been taken care of. Surely now ESEA will get right on fixing those pesky stvs.

posted about 6 years ago
#51 ToTH 2018 confirmed + first details in TF2 General Discussion

When I say community I mean an ephemeral identification with the community surrounding this game, not the budsquad's personal relationships. Both valid definitions, but I'm not their friend. So although it's awesome to see all these cool people who left TF2 come back for charity, and while I'm glad that the seanbud gets to see his old buddy Star again, I'm not sure how their human relationship is supposed to enhance my enjoyment of watching them play cards against humanity.

Last year TF2 was placed in undesireable time slots to attract primetime eyeballs to the more masses-ready content. Symbolic significance in that. I'm curious to see if this will be a progressive thing or if you've already found the mix of content you wanted.

Again, I've felt the need to be critical here, but I do support the work you do. I don't even think we disagree on anything of substance. All I'm saying is if somehow your viewership and donations go up during DotaFortress, you'll know why.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 im going to the craft shop (not a craftsman) in Off Topic

make an ocarina out of clay
If i can make one as a mentally subnormal 4th grader surely you can
The igloo shape is easier than the zelda shape

posted about 6 years ago
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