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Signed Up June 22, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2014 at 10:50 AM
Posts 52 (0 per day)
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#14 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
KhanTF2Changing to a crosshair that's more visible might also help your aim a lot.
You can do this by going into "Options" and then clicking on the "Multiplayer"-Tab to the right. I'd recommend the cross, which is used by many people because of its simplicity and visibility. Green and Yellow are often chosen as colours since they are very bright and thus tend to differ from the background, meaning you see them better.

In general, for practicing your aim or other specific things, tr_walkway and tr_arena are training maps where you can train your aim against bots, which you can "program" to do specific things (like strafing, jumping etc.). To play these maps, just download them from the link, then extract them into your "maps"-folder, which is located in the "tf"-folder in your TF2-directory. After that, you can play them on a local server by either typing e.g. "map tr_walkway_rc2" into console or by clicking on the "Create" button and choosing the map from the dropdown list.

Yeaaaa i wanted to change my cross-hair. Thanks man and will def try out those maps to practice my shots.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
flatlineNot exactly TF2 related, but you should find servers you ping less to - your game will be less laggy. Anything under ~60 ping should be good.

Most melee weapons, like the bat, are generally last resort weapons, whenever you run out of ammo and don't have time to reload. Oftentimes the only thing you can do with a melee is swing randomly and hope you hit the guy.

Noted. thanx man

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
b3b0pOut of curiosity, where did you first hear about tftv?

From checking out team fortress twitch livestreams

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
SkagIf you haven't already, you should check out the Advanced Options menu, it has all sorts of options that you can enable/disable, I assume you already have since you have the hitsound and damage numbers enabled. Something I would recommend is enabling auto reload, it's really handy and makes you not have to worry about having a half-full clip when you see a heavy or someone else.

There are other options in there as well, like class-specific options that you can tinker with to see whether you like them or not. There's also a Viewmodel FOV setting that you can change in the adv. options as well, I think it goes up to 70 in the menu, but you can always experiment to see what you like by typing "viewmodel_fov #" into the console. The default is 54.

I knew that already but thanks for trying to help :)

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
Reminixesomething about your voice makes your videos really easy to watch haha

if you ever bump into a teammate instead of walking right through them (like at 4:11) then it is an enemy spy who is disguised
dont forget as scout you can jump around a lot and juke your enemies out if you are in danger (or in between shots when you get better aim)
also, i like that you are trying to fight in close quarters when you have your scattergun, smart stuff

also, the bat is indeed kinda bad, theres no tricks to it. weapons in tf2 have a random chance to do a critical which does 3x damage, you may have just had some luck from behind with that

if you haven't already, you may want to change your interp by putting cl_interp 0.033 (default is 0.1) into your autoexec.cfg file. it will change the way your computer interacts with the server, and your shots will connect more

Thanks for the tips bro you made the shoutout list again lol.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Noob making progress little by little in Videos


I feel like i got 15% better than what was seen in my last video. I still want feedback from you guys. Tell me how i am doing so far and do you think that i got better than before?


posted about 10 years ago
#66 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos

Thanks again a lot for these tips guys.

posted about 10 years ago
#60 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Awakerawinput 1 ? i think nobody told him HOW to disable windows "enhance pointor precision"


posted about 10 years ago
#58 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Forty-TwoI kinda skipped through the video, but one thing I noticed was that you keep valiantly defending the point after it's capped, which is admirable indeed, but often I wouldn't do it by actually standing on it.
The thing that makes it tough to capture a point is that you're a massive target if you're physically standing on it, and will eat a lot of spam etc. If you own a point and need to defend it, instead of continually standing on it, I'd get into a position where I could easily kill people who want to just cap the point without first making sure they get the frags necessary for it (and by doing so making sure that I'd eat a lot less spam in the process).

ok man thanx

posted about 10 years ago
#57 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
PepziL0l0GamingPepziWhat I did when i started.out was watching the videos of MGE and marxist. Mge youtube: adamskyride
Marxist youtube: medimarx. These are some pros explaining what and why they do things
Ill go check them out. Thanks

And watch some casts of the top level teams. It gives you a good feeling about the game too. Youtubes: vanillatvorg, and teamfortrestv

ok cool

posted about 10 years ago
#55 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
PepziWhat I did when i started.out was watching the videos of MGE and marxist. Mge youtube: adamskyride
Marxist youtube: medimarx. These are some pros explaining what and why they do things

Ill go check them out. Thanks

posted about 10 years ago
#54 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Forty-TwoI kinda skipped through the video, but one thing I noticed was that you keep valiantly defending the point after it's capped, which is admirable indeed, but often I wouldn't do it by actually standing on it.
The thing that makes it tough to capture a point is that you're a massive target if you're physically standing on it, and will eat a lot of spam etc. If you own a point and need to defend it, instead of continually standing on it, I'd get into a position where I could easily kill people who want to just cap the point without first making sure they get the frags necessary for it (and by doing so making sure that I'd eat a lot less spam in the process).

ok cool i will try that when i get to the point of feeling confident enough to try it. Thanks

posted about 10 years ago
#48 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos

Thanks so much for this dude. I will put all your tips into consideration. I plan on getting better and will show you guys my improved game via videos and stuff. Once again Thanx :)

posted about 10 years ago
#45 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Alannyturning on fov_desired 90 will give you a setting to where you can see more of the map than with the default fov, it doesnt change your weapon fov but it sure does help a lot, it looks different at first but you will get used to it

oh i see. Cool so i will go with that one. I tought viewmodel fov was the same but yea this is very important. Is there a way to keep it default at fov_desired 90 without using command all the time?

posted about 10 years ago
#43 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Protatolike AndKenneth said, when you feel comfortable you can start playing centers (competitive format in a non competitive setting) on http://rc.tf2center.com/

Ok cool Thanx

posted about 10 years ago
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