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Signed Up June 22, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2014 at 10:50 AM
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#42 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
VoloderL0l0Gamingghettoturn off viewmodels because the new ones are all awful anywayIm usng the eve hud and i like it.Viewmodels are the weapons and hands that you see. If you turn them off, you can see more, but you might find it hard to know what weapon you're on at first. If you're fine with them there, then it's not a big deal. Some people just think they block too much when you are reloading.

Its ok for me i actually find it ok

posted about 10 years ago
#38 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
ghettoturn off viewmodels because the new ones are all awful anyway

Im usng the eve hud and i like it.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
powerL0l0GamingChaChiGetting chris' max frames can help your game run better

Max Frames:https: https://chrisdown.name/tf2/

How to install:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO5oEk13tKY

Doesnt that mess up the graphics quality? Show me a video of it in action please

Game will look ugly but run smoother

I have a decent gaming rig and so far ive played at 1080p max and still get 60+ fps while recording. I think im fine. Thanks anyway.

posted about 10 years ago
#35 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos

I got the pov that i am comfortable with. Thanks anyway guys.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
ChaChiGetting chris' max frames can help your game run better

Max Frames:https: https://chrisdown.name/tf2/

How to install:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO5oEk13tKY

Doesnt that mess up the graphics quality? Show me a video of it in action please

posted about 10 years ago
#29 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
kirbyYou're a cool guy.

hope yall like me when i do commentaries lol

posted about 10 years ago
#27 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos

I will be recording my matches and showing you guys my improvements. And recording will help me review my mistakes, you guys will be able to see if im improving or not and i will learn from the feedback and the mistakes. Thanks again guys.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Reminixethis is more of a general tip, but i never really learned the concept of it for a while until i started to get good

actively try and learn how to pick fights. learning how to pick fights will get you more kills and less deaths than
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commands or anything else.

Thanks for the tip.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
matterteadont know if it was mentioned but as a scout you can double jump. just press space while in the air.
i dont think i saw you double jump once in the video. also if you crouch right after you jump you raise up the feet of your model and can jump over higher obstacles.

Omg that is so useful. Thank you man. Got that noted ;)

posted about 10 years ago
#21 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
Alannythis really warms my heart seeing everyone help one person

Me too man. This is showing me how welcoming the TF2 community is. Im starting to feel very comfortable here

posted about 10 years ago
#20 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos

So Im going to go with the EVE Hud. It looks the most appealing to me. Thanks for the tip guys.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
jodddecent collection of huds where you can see screenshots of how they look: http://tf2huds.net/

Good looks man :)

posted about 10 years ago
#16 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
AndKennethholy shit this is the nicest thread I ever seen that was posted by a new player, seriously this is like a unicorn.

Other people have some pretty good advice, some config stuff, some hud stuff and all that. My advice would be to set autoreload on. It's in advanced options, but the console command is cl_autoreload 1. I noticed you had a few moments where you were at 3 loaded ammo charging into battle. With autoreload you never have to worry about manual realoading of your weapons, although you have to still mangage your ammo, you don't have to press a button which is nice.

I'd start to get a feel for how console commands work, because they are pretty useful, but I wouldn't dive into something complex like a crosshair / viewmodel switching script quite yet. Just get used to the game and have fun, and when you feel comfortable think about playing some lobbies and streaming into competitive play.

Here's a few to get you started. Anything after a // in a console command is ignored (called a comment), so I'll just use them to describe the variables you'd be setting. Make a file in your tf/custom/configs/cfg folder (you might have to make a few of those folders along the way) called autoexec.cfg and paste any console commands that you want to execute when your game starts there. This is just a basic "new player" config, you should build it up as you go with things you gather along the way. Feel free to mess around with the commands to see how you like them and what they do
fov_desired 90 //maximuim fov so you can see everything
tf_dingaling 1 //enable hitsounds
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 50 //Makes a low gong sound when you hit someone for lots of damage
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 150 //Makes a high ding sound for when you hit someone for little damage
hud_combattext 1 // Enables damage numbers above enemies heads
cl_autoreload 1 //enables autoreload
cl_interp 0.033 // Network mojo, you don't have to understand this too much but it makes what you see in the game more accurate to what's happening on the server. Default it 0.1 if anything goes wrong.

You can make changes while ingame to this file and then re execute it by typing "exec autoexec" in the console.

Best of luck in your videogaming endevours.

Thanks a lot man. I really aappreciate the help :)

posted about 10 years ago
#14 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos

i plan to do commentaries and live commentaries to emphasize play by play.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 A complete noob to this game and enjoying it in Videos
erkstonin options turn on damage indicator so you know when you're actually hitting stuff

just did that. Thanks

posted about 10 years ago
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