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Signed Up June 22, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2014 at 10:50 AM
Posts 52 (0 per day)
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#1 Game is still fun IM BACK!! in Videos

Sorry i did not realize i had to be a pro to post here. I apologize. Someone close the thread.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
Al3xI haven't watched the entire video yet, but from the bits I've watched I noticed you don't jump in the water when you're on fire. Jumping in water or simply throwing your mad milk below your feet will extinguish the fire. As for your question between mad milk and pistol, it's all up to you, which ever you feel more comfortable with.

Yea lol i realized that jumping in the water would have been a good idea after watching the video so many times during the video editing. In terms of the mad milk, i thought that it was only useful to throw at enemies or teamates. I think that i would switch between the pistol and mad milk when it comes to which gametypes they would be the most useful in. Thanks for the feedback man :)

posted about 10 years ago
#37 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
hithereI'll watch it later

prepare for the editing

Wait u mean me? I should prepare for the editing?

posted about 10 years ago
#35 Noob making progress little by little in Videos

New progress video guys. Sorry for the length but im pretty sure you guys know how long these games can go for. I got better but was a little rusty with my aim because i took a week off but im happy with where i am at the moment. I have unlocked a couple of new items like the mad milk and other pistol. I used the mad milk in this game play but ignored it quite a bit because i have yet to figure out the best way to use it lol hence the question in the video i have for you guys. Nevertheless i would be happy to hear some good feedback from you guys and still appreciate the help that i got and will get from y'all. Thanks and Enjoy the vid.


posted about 10 years ago
#34 Noob making progress little by little in Videos

Hey guys, so last week i tried to make a new thread to show you guys my latest video progress, but i did not know about the forum rules of just keeping things under one thread. I tried to make the new thread but kept getting an error so i tried over and over and the staff thought that i was spamming. It was my fault because a message was sent to me telling me to not post the thread but i did not see it, so i got banned for a week lol.

I have been playing a bit and watching some competitive play, and man the crazy plays i saw were jaw dropping. It made me realize how far i am from getting to the pro level. I don't really plan on competing because of my crazy life schedule but i still plan on getting to a higher level.

This is my latest progress video and i def got better than the last time i showed my progress thanks to your tips and feedback. I want to thank you guys once again for helping me and making the TF2 experience a little easier for me to grasp.


posted about 10 years ago
#33 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
Alannythanks for the shoutout dude, one thing you need to learn is with practice comes time, you are definitely on a good start and i cant wait to see how you go dude!

thank you man. I appreciate it

posted about 10 years ago
#31 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
fluff"I don't like using one gun and spamming it over and over"

r.i.p chances of being a demo main

no i meant using one gun over and over not shoot spam lol. I saw and was told that Shoot spam with demo is what the demo is about lol.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Noob making progress little by little in Videos

Ive also learned of lawena recording tool and steam demo. So now i plan on recording with it and my videos will look smoother and i may even make a frag video in the future when i get better at the game lol.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
AndKennethKeep your eyes to the upcoming events sidebar to the left of the website. An event for it will pop up when it's on its way.

I think they are every Friday night.

Btw try view model for of 84. I've found it to be a good balance.

ok man but if the event is fiday nights then i wont be able to make the events because i wwork on thu-saturday nights :(. Ill give the 84 viewmodel a try.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
hithereYou should play the next event on tftv regarding Newbie Mixes

Newbie Mixes are awsum


basically newbie mixes are a bunch of newbies playing 6s with at least 1-3 (idk) pro players on each team helping the newbies????

i forgot if there's HL, HALP

its an online event?

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
SchyligeFrom what I've noticed, you're using your movement to mess up your aim -- especially on free frags. When you know you have a free frag, just relax about and take your time aiming :)

Also, this isn't as important in pubs but if you plan on transitioning into competitive play, you should get into the habit of always be looking to be full health before rushing in on the enemy team. Normally, you'd want to be full buffed (Being at 185 HP on scout) but since you're on a pub, I wouldn't expect any sort of buffs from medics.

Lastly, as stated above you should try changing your viewmodel_fov. You can turn them off completely which allows you to see more in the game and it be less distracting. But if you really want to use them (It's just preference after all) some common fov is viewmodel_fov 90, viewmodel_fov 110, and viewmodel_fov 120.

Good luck!

Thanks man. Ive tried viewmodel 90 its too much for me. I prefer staying at 70. I will take ur tips into consideration. Thanx again :)

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
fluffAt least you can hit shots.

Better then me.

lol thanx for the compliment

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
FerskinThere is no downside to it and many times you will wish you had it on

yea ill try it again. Thanx

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
joddyou can hold down mouse1 to fire your pistol in consecutive shots; seems like you might be clicking for each bullet instead.

Oh i did not know that lol. Thanks for the tip

FerskinIt didn't look like you had auto reload on, I think I saw a few times where you wouldn't reload the scattergun automatically

I had it on before but i felt annoyed because everytime i shot it would reload. Idk i may go back to turning it back on.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Noob making progress little by little in Videos
tstmCalm down with your shots. Take your time with them, don't try and fire every single clip you can. Try and reload when you can, running out of ammo isn't a good situation to be in.

ok i will next time. thanks man

posted about 10 years ago
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