Account Details
SteamID64 76561198010875674
SteamID3 [U:1:50609946]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:25304973
Country Germany
Signed Up March 20, 2014
Last Posted December 16, 2016 at 11:59 PM
Posts 338 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.14
Windows Sensitivity 6/12
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse g500 (old version)
Mousepad Razer Exactmat
Monitor Benq gl2450
1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ⋅⋅ 23
#541 World Cup in Off Topic

War on soccer wasn't enough

We need Bush back

Not even the NSA couldn't save you now


posted about 10 years ago
#508 World Cup in Off Topic

German goalie totally saved their team's ass

posted about 10 years ago
#12 New (and bigger!!) ZOWIE FK1 in Hardware

Considered switching from my g500 to a Zowie but I don't want to give up those three side buttons and scroll wheel :<

posted about 10 years ago
#441 World Cup in Off Topic

The rain is making Löw look like certain other leading figures from the past

Well played from both teams

posted about 10 years ago
#887 yahud in Customization

Haven't looked into it too much but Title.otf is probably an edited version of a LaTeX font, which is a good choice, considering they offer a wide range of really great fonts.

posted about 10 years ago
#885 yahud in Customization

I know my comment is probably going to get buried but please put your old 'click anywhere to continue' motd in. That was genius.

posted about 10 years ago
#64 Competitive shooters? in Other Games

I'm so hyped for Chroma (Harmonix), it looks like a mix of Tf2 and Rockband

posted about 10 years ago
#121 TF2 update for 6/23/14 (6/24/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

I assume the base jumper was the reason that nerf happened at the time it did. Why they didn't put the sticky damage rampup on that item and then see how that goes is beyond me.

This still doesn't change the fact that communication from valve to the community is bad, be it discussion about planned nerfs or just customer support in general.

posted about 10 years ago
#2416 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Thank you so much! :)

posted about 10 years ago
#2414 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Lawnmower, have a look at this:

posted about 10 years ago
#2413 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I could really use some help. I'm trying to get the filled uberbar to have a smooth color cycle similar to this:

..but I'm getting all these muddy colors so I tried to have as many color sample points as possible to work off but it doesn't really display all colors but rather skips and mixes the colors at some times and takes ages to fully reach a color value at others. This is what I'm currently working on after scrapping it a few times but as you can see, it just drifts off to a muddy green before restarting the loop. I must be doing something wrong here.

event HudMedicCharged

	 	Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "247 47 68 255"  Linear 0.0 0.1
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "247 76 93 255"  Linear 0.1 0.2
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "247 0 93 255"   Linear 0.2 2.1
	    Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 0 255 255"    Linear 2.1 2.2
	    Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "89 12 255 255"  Linear 2.2 3.0
	    Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 0 255 255"    Linear 3.0 3.1
        Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "89 12 255 255"  Linear 3.1 4.8 	
        Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "72 60 255 255"  Linear 4.8 5.2   
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "46 0 94 255"    Linear 5.2 5.4  
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "46 0 94 255"    Linear 5.4 6.2 
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 99 188 255"   Linear 6.2 7.2
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "82 21 255 255"  Linear 7.2 7.7 
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "70 18 219 255"  Linear 7.7 8.2 
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 99 188 255"   Linear 8.2 8.5 
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 99 188 255"   Linear 8.5 8.9
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "56 112 255 255" Linear 8.9 9.9
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "56 112 255 255" Linear 9.9 10.6
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 103 255 255" Linear 10.6 12.0
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 143 255 255" Linear 12.0 12.2
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 143 255 255" Linear 12.2 12.3
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "90 247 88 255" Linear 12.3 12.6
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "51 188 61 255" Linear 12.6 12.9
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "51 188 61 255" Linear 12.9 13.0
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "51 188 61 255" Linear 13.0 13.2
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 255 0 255" Linear 13.2 13.5
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 255 0 255" Linear 13.5 14.0
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "0 255 0 255" Linear 14.0 19.0
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "245 205 61 255" Linear 19.0 19.3
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "245 205 61 255" Linear 19.3 19.4
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "245 205 61 255" Linear 19.4 20.3
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "245 205 61 255" Linear 20.3 21.0
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "245 205 61 255" Linear 21.0 21.2
		Animate ChargeMeter      FgColor      "191 255 56 255" Linear 21.2 23.0

		RunEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 27.0		

posted about 10 years ago
#726 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

Banny with 162dpm

yup, i've seen everything now

posted about 10 years ago
#2400 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

It only shows the latest news and you can't navigate. I also doubt that we could recreate it. Maybe they are going to put the buttons back in again in the next update..

posted about 10 years ago
#2398 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Seems like our only option is to wait. Noticed the buttons of my custom newsbox were grayed out, the buttons of omni's newsbox were greyed out and the buttons in the stock newsbox were removed altogether.

posted about 10 years ago
#2396 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Good news, everyone.. they removed the buttons to scroll forward and backward in the newsbox.

posted about 10 years ago
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