Hopefully this is the right place for this
I've recently come upon a decent sized influx of cash, and I am hoping that you all could help me choose what to upgrade on my current pc.
Here is my computer: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285
Everything that it listed there, I have except my cpu is an AMD FX-4200, the graphics card is a Radeon 6670, and the case is some Azza case.
I realize that it is pre-made, but when I bought it a while back, I was quite scared of building a pc from scratch, so I took the coward's way out.
The end goal of this is to upgrade the computer to an extent that I can record demos and such in fraps/dxtory and have it not lag, and have enough space to hold the end file (My current 500gb drive is almost full, so any suggestions on an additional drive would be greatly appreciated). I have an upgrading budget of around $300-400.
I will be very grateful for any help I receive