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Country United States
Signed Up June 11, 2014
Last Posted November 15, 2015 at 8:59 PM
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#1 Lawena/VirtualDub Problem in Off Topic

Alright, so I got into the competitive tf2 scene only late 2013, and so far I've really enjoyed it. During this time I've seen plenty of demos of other people on YouTube, and recently wanted to post a demo of my own. I recorded the demo and then had the grim realization that .dem files aren't recognized by anything besides tf2. I then looked around on forums and such and found out about te=he Lawena Recording Tool, and I tried it out. It worked great until, but then I had to compress the TGA files into a .avi file. In VirtualDub I (attempted to) synced up the audio and video (I have no idea if that worked because the finished product is weird), and then I went to file - Save as AVI. It seemed to render alright and then I closed out VirtualDub. Here's the problem, my now compressed 4-5 second test clip that I recorded in Lawena is now a jittering slo-mo'd mess. The audio and video both keep stuttering and freezing up. Any help? Is it a VirtualDub codec that I need or something?

posted about 10 years ago
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