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Signed Up April 13, 2013
Last Posted March 2, 2016 at 12:07 AM
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#55 TF2 update for 3/1/16 (3/2/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Hitsounds are affected by sv_pure settings I think.

They're gonna start selling hitsounds probably?

posted about 9 years ago
#2 premium codes for a new team in TF2 General Discussion

support the scene help a new team stay alive

posted about 9 years ago
#13 viewmodel toggle request in Customization

I think this looks close to what I'm looking for. On a couple of classes though I have their primaries on (spy for visual cloak purposes, heavy to track spin-up). Would I have to set up a separate set of "state one" aliases for every class in this instance?

EDIT: Here's what I have from my old set of configs that used to work for me:

//default functionality
alias toggle_weapon_hide_key toggle_weapon_hide

alias toggle_weapon_hide_on "weapon_hide; alias weapon_hide_activator weapon_hide_activator_on; alias toggle_weapon_hide toggle_weapon_hide_all; echo Weapon Hide (select models) ON"
alias toggle_weapon_hide_all "weapon_hide_on; alias weapon_hide_activator weapon_hide_activator_all; alias toggle_weapon_hide toggle_weapon_hide_off; echo Weapon Hide All"
alias toggle_weapon_hide_off "weapon_hide_off; alias weapon_hide_activator weapon_hide_activator_off; alias toggle_weapon_hide toggle_weapon_hide_on; echo Weapon Hide OFF"

// stores the value for the toggle
alias weapon_hide_activator_on weapon_hide
alias weapon_hide_activator_all weapon_hide_on
alias weapon_hide_activator_off weapon_hide_off

alias weapon_hide ""
alias weapon_hide_on "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias weapon_hide_off "r_drawviewmodel 1"

(in a separate binds cfg file)
bind "INS" "toggle_weapon_hide_key"

I had initially thought the issue lay in the fact that my current set of configs would just directly r_drawviewmodel 1/0 for each slot (slot 1/2/3), while the old ones would instead alias weapon_hide to a default setting for each slot (slot 1/2/3). If this proves problematic for people it's not really the most important thing to be able to toggle my viewmodels mid game, but at this point I'm curious to see if I can figure out something that works within my current cfg files.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 viewmodel toggle request in Customization
TwistedCome on dude you could have found this with a simple google search...

bindtoggle KEY "r_drawviewmodel"

edit: fucking ninjas man

If all I wanted was a button to turn viewmodels on and off I could have easily done that without asking for help...

Maybe I didn't explain it clearly enough:

Right now all of my classes have their own on/off for their slots 1/2/3/4 (for the most part this is off on all primary/secondaries, and on for melee). Using a button to toggle them on, I would have to hit that button every time I switched away and then back to a weapon that currently defaults to off. What I was hoping was to toggle through three different modes of what I have currently, "all on", and "all off".

I also specified that I was using a config generated by TF2mate because it uses its own set of aliases.

That said, thanks for the other responses, I'll be trying to get them to work within the framework of the cfg files I currently have.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 viewmodel toggle request in Customization

Hi, I recently switched my configs from the archaic, ancient competitive tf2 configs to a set generated by TF2Mate. I'm happy with my new set but I miss a feature from my old set where I could use the END key to toggle my viewmodels between all on, all off, and on/off based on personal preferences. I was wondering if somebody could help me figure out how to set a toggle for this kind of thing again.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 LFT Pocket or Scout Open 6s in Recruitment (looking for team)

1 week bump.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 LFT Pocket or Scout Open 6s in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hi, I'm Phil, I used to play a lot and be forever open. I want to play again, preferably as a pocket but I've spent most of my time on scout so I'm comfortable with that. I don't really know where I'd fall within Open but I can pay for league fees and also I like to think I can keep fairly drama-free. I've played several seasons of ESEA Open in the past and been moderately successful.

Here's my ESEA page:
I'm on a roster right now but chances are they won't need me so I'm definitely available to join another team.

And my Steam:

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Panda LFT Scout/Soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hi, have free time on my hands and looking to play 6s again. Can pay for own fees if picked up. Looking to play low/mid w/e league, please give me a tryout. Shoot me a message on Steam etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Server IPs in Site Discussion

I was wondering, for those of us with wonky steam-launching/browser interaction, if the IPs of the servers could also be listed for manual copy-pasting.

Or if I'm just a huge noob and there's a way to already easily do that then maybe just let me know how.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 driving test tips in Off Topic

Heavy traffic can work to your advantage. If you're moving slower then and have to stop often then you have more time to process and there's less likelihood of something happening very suddenly. They most likely won't count traffic conditions against you so just make your ride smooth.

Don't take corners too wide, maybe? That's the reason I failed the first time apparently.

posted about 10 years ago
#125 noona lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Yeah I mean if you're pretty sure you're done with TF2 or even just acknowledge you don't want the hat anymore, why not get a couple hundred dollars for the hat that you personally find worthless...

Which makes it shitty if it really is duped because that's gonna drop the value on it, meaning even if he returns hats he's still stealing from them.

posted about 10 years ago
#123 noona lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
fsXDIrishhhhDjRoombaHe readded me and gave me a Burning Liquidator's Lid. Paid up on my end, hope he pays back any other debts he might owe.turns out ITS DUPEDlike that matters at all
a hat is a hat

It matters when you decide you're done with TF2 and want to maybe make some return investment on the money/time you spent on it and you can't get as much as you're basically owed.

That said I don't know if it was duped or not.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Demos from season choppy in Videos

Thanks, I'll give that a look-see.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Demos from season choppy in Videos

I hadn't tried the command, but giving it a shot just now netted nothing :\ it's still just as choppy as before. Is this just an issue with recording a demo at the same time OBS is running, or is it something else on my end?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Demos from season choppy in Videos

Hey, I was hoping to put together some clips from my season now that it's over. However, looking at my demos I'm having a weird issue. When I'm actually playing in the demos everything moves kind of choppy, but as soon as I die and my POV Demo is spectating a teammate it runs fine.

I tested it with 5ish minutes of footage when I did and when I didn't have OBS on and I feel like that might be part of the problem. It's too late to go back and not stream the games that I have demos of, however. I was wondering if there was any way to smooth out the rough patchiness that seems to be occurring.

Here's a link to an example demo, if that would help:

posted about 10 years ago
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