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Last Posted September 23, 2018 at 11:54 AM
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#828 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
sandblastgg gregs, wish you had 6.

us too

sorry for making you sit through a 5v6!

posted about 7 years ago
#28 So I opened a tf2 pub server running comp 6's maps in TF2 General Discussion
HedgeThere already is one on east coast, umflaccid.
Active most nights, just wait for a group announcement.

pls join i am so lonely

posted about 7 years ago
#212 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
Fact of the matter is within Islam you have Jihad and you have Sharia law which even their own leaders state is incompatible with western values.

Its sooo incompatible that we have 3.3 million Muslims in America, living perfectly fine

Look, any way you slice it and dice it, the generalizations don't hold up. The fact that you can have a bunch of violence over there and pretty much none over here just shows that the violence isn't inherent to Islam.

posted about 7 years ago
#209 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
pine_beetleThe comparison is completely invalid. Accidents are not intentional, murder is.

The fact that the deaths are intentional is irrelevant, the point is that it is just not as important as an issue in the scheme of things

once again, if you disagree just replace the statistics with general homicide rates, my point still holds

pine_beetleAnd you can't compare one incident to all incidents...they need to be looked at case by case if you want to make a valid comparison, instead of a oversimplified generalization. What makes this shooting so important is the fact that it is the largest of it's kind ever. And also look at what some local Islamic leaders were saying just 2 months ago Is this not something to be concerned about?

Local christian leader calls for death of gays! Just 3 months ago.

Hell yea its something to concerned about. No, it doesn't mean we should generalize the christian religion as being violent.

Like I said there is independent polling that gives similar results and I think it's foolish to bury our heads in the sand and pretend like there isn't a problem.

Like I said "I'm also not saying we shouldn't address Islamic extremism and try to find ways to reduce it"

There is a problem. It requires nuance to address it, not fear mongering. even your own polls reveal that the majority of Muslims are against violence. Objecting to these vast generalizations is "not burying your head in the sand", its called being accurate.

posted about 7 years ago
#207 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic

Its hard for me to take an online poll by a controversial conservative group very seriously.

Heck, even if a 1/4 of them ostensibly agree with the extremists (and keep that belief to themselves, mind you), those people aren't taking any action or doing anything illegal. Are we doing thought crime now?

Why should we value online opinion polls over the actual statistics of what is happening?

Furthermore, whats wrong with the comparison? Then just compare it to the general murder rate, which is like 16000 a year. point still applies.

Shit lets focus on obesity, our food and eating habits are way more dangerous than any terrorist organization

I'm also not saying we shouldn't address Islamic extremism and try to find ways to reduce it

However if you want to do that, you've failed by generalizing and lumping all Muslims into that category. General anti-Islamic rhetoric only gives extremists ammo

posted about 7 years ago
#204 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic

Speaking for just the US here,

The first statistic they throw out there (from an anti islam site) is 121 people killed in the US over 10 years

thats about 10 deaths per year

in comparison,

automobile accidents claim ~30,000 deaths a year

If you had to choose between reducing the amount of automobile accidents by just 1% or completely eliminating islamic terrorism in the US for the next 10 years, you would save 3000 lives vs 120 lives

heck, autoerotic asphyxiation kills about 200 people a year, wheres the media frenzy over that?

This huge focus on blaming all of Islam for this "as a hateful ideology" for this is fear mongering. Why would you fault a group of 3.3 million Americans for the faults of a handful? It's ridiculous. Condemn the extremists, sure.

posted about 7 years ago
#93 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
trainIt's pretty disappointing what just happened on the day the schedules were released.
However, when your teammate is literally talking to you like this
Then the NA shuffle will only continue.

I'm on mobile, and don't have much patience, so I clicked on this link and then immediately closed the youtube app like 4 times before I realized what was going on

posted about 8 years ago
#408 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster

you are ignorant

posted about 8 years ago
#404 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster

it keeps happening

posted about 8 years ago
#55 drop out in Off Topic

As long as you are reasonably up to date on classes, senior year is the easiest year ever

posted about 8 years ago
#33 what does yr WASD look like? in TF2 General Discussion

some of my keys are looking a bit dirty, need to clean

posted about 8 years ago
#395 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster
dollarlayer It has nothing to do with your arguments or anything like that, it just isn't worth my time to refute the brainwashed nonsense that you post. I'd rather spend that time making money.

Yet you keep on responding

think of all the dollars you are wasting responding to my posts!

posted about 8 years ago
#390 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster
dollarlayerLOL @ LsRainbows, why are you actually replying to me again and actually spending the time. I already told you in your last lengthy post, I literally didn't read it, nor did I read your last post, because I know its just going to be a bunch of brainwashed bs.

lmao this is the literary equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and shouting "nananana I cant hear you"

You just cant resist telling me how much you are ignoring my posts, can you.. its almost like ive gotten under your skin..

why not just stop responding?

posted about 8 years ago
#385 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster
Not trying to. There are so many people that have been brainwashed, there is no longer any use debating. I sensed that the brainwashing was stronger than I had previously imagined, and if you hadn't noticed I basically stopped full on debating several pages ago, and instead just continued to post little tidbits that I run across.

oh really

cuz #376 and #381 look like a clear attempt at "debate" to me

of course when you realize that debate involves reading words, thinking, and actually defending your ideas I can see why you'd give up so easily, you don't seem to be capable of any of those things. Much easier to try and pretend like you weren't even trying to debate anyways.

Thats why you are just posting "tidbits" - you want to make arguments and points but don't want to actually defend them. Quite cowardly. If the facts favor you, then you should be able to stand by your articles and defend them. "brainwashed liberals" shouldn't be able to so easily shut you down.

"I know you try and distance yourself from the article when posting them by saying stuff like "Oh i was just casually browsing the internet and I came across this article absolutely randomly, how interesting teeheehee" but its not really working lol"

As a side note, here are some interesting articles I stumbled upon totally randomly

dollarlayerThere is a real downfall in the morals of society, and common sense has just been thrown out the window in favor of "if it makes you feel good do it." Now we debate and make laws about the opposite sex using whatever bathroom they want. In the coming years we will be talking about things like bestiality being acceptable, marrying animals, marrying robots, identifying as animals, identifying as spirits, gods or demons, and maybe even identifying as an alien from another planet? Instead of questioning everything, we accept everything as normal, and those that don't accept it as normal we label them as a bigot. The more accepting we become, the more crazy things will get. And those that need help, will not get it, as they will be considered "normal" by the millennial generation.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 is shaving your legs ever acceptable? in The Dumpster

Highly recommend

posted about 8 years ago
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