Account Details
SteamID64 76561198019146522
SteamID3 [U:1:58880794]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29440397
Country Bulgaria
Signed Up January 9, 2014
Last Posted March 22, 2025 at 9:54 AM
Posts 716 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity I don't fucking know
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech Superlight
Keyboard Newmen GM610
Mousepad Paracontrol v2 XXL
Headphones HyperX Cloud Alpha
Monitor AOC 27G2G8
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#10 How to Fix Sniper in TF2 General Discussion

Probably wrong thread to post this but whatever .... just limit offclasses to only 1 per team at a time. You can only have A engi or A heavy or A pyro or A sniper or A spy but no multiples (I don't even know if this can be done in a config). The main reason sniper is too op is because he sits next to another offclass so he can't get punished easily for overextending. This also solves the problem with the last hold meta in EU where offclass min/max is super cancer and the people holding just sit around for 5 minutes waiting for round resets.

And before people start crying about how this would make 6s boring or less skilled. Get good at actually holding lasts and doors nerds instead of hiding in a dispencer

posted 2 days ago
#9864 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 3 days ago
#6 Lan team looking for sponsor for Denver lan in LAN Discussion

I guess it's easier to make a tftv thread than each of you to go work ONE extra day

posted 1 week ago
#165 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

I think the nipple just needs to be 25% thinner, as this will give players the chance to avoid damage on the sides of the point from random splash. Or just widen the point by making the houses a little smaller. Either/or.

P.S. Also just make the forward door entrances (or at least the left one) taller that fixed it for Granary.

posted 1 month ago
#12 The best thing 10 dollars could be spent on. in Off Topic


posted 3 months ago
#9806 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 3 months ago
#1 is down in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#8 I am fed up with BaseStack and Überfest in LAN Discussion

I think you are missing the point of Tekszis post a little bit here. He isn't saying that your prices are steep he is just saying that it's not an insignificant summ of money that he can just say "aw well unlucky" and forget about it when he has been waiting for a refund for so long.

Secondly the way the first wave of ticket sales was handled is agreed to be one of the biggest mismanagements of ticket alocation in the history of tf2 lans. So trying to say it was "not optimal" is a big understatement. There are a lot of people that are not going to go this lan because of this and if this was thought out correctly there could have been so many different ways of handling this, the biggest mistakes i see were as follows:
-not having ticket reservation for teams with a set number of them going to the top invite teams.
-having the 1st wave be not even 2 weeks after the LAN was announced to the community.

Seeing as how I've only ever attended LANs and never actually done anything to help organize one there are surely many other things that go into managing events like this that I am missing info on, that however is no excuse for sub par handling of peoples hard earned (for most) cash when they have paid you for a given service. For the future I suggest giving yourselves some more time to think things through before rushing into the decission making process so as to avoid situations of backlash such as this as I am sure you know there are many other examples not just Tekszi.


posted 4 months ago
#2 pocket cheese. in Off Topic

no but have you tried gloving your tzatziki? shits bussin after a day or 2

posted 4 months ago
#273 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

I'm still not convinced 7/11 wasn't an inside job guys

posted 5 months ago
#3 any way to remove death screams and more in Q/A Help

why would you remove something that lets you know where enemies are?

posted 5 months ago
#13335 stream highlights in Videos

posted 5 months ago
#9759 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 5 months ago
#3 SKEDDA Dortmund LAN Fundraiser in LAN Discussion

isn't this a european lan why are you using dog euro currency?

posted 6 months ago
#1 Logs is down in TF2 General Discussion


posted 6 months ago
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