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SteamID64 76561197980196963
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:9965617
Country United States
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted February 15, 2022 at 3:31 AM
Posts 3982 (0.9 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.133
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Mouse Zowie FK1
Keyboard Filco Ninja Majestouch-2 (Cherry MX Reds)
Mousepad Steelseries QcK+
Headphones Sennheiser IE 80
Monitor BenQ XL2730Z
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#20 Post a Medic demo, get a video response in Mentoring
queenyHi Slin,

I am new to 6s so, there are load of things i need to cover. Anyway please review my demo, we have lost all the rounds and a cringe drop. I would like to know how to improve; my teammates said i need to work on my positioning but, I dont know how to position myself effectively. <--- the link

Thank you :)

Hey Queeny. I made a mistake and thought this was a lobby -- my apologies if I offended anyone! The first round went really well for you but it sort of fell apart from there. Sunshine is a difficult map and I recommend that you and your teammates brush up on the rollouts so you have a better chance of winning mids. Outside of that, I made a number of recommendations in the video about where you can stand, but here's the summary:

1) Each control point has two spots - a spot you stand when you're winning, and a spot you stand when you're losing. You're often standing in the winning spot on 2nd and last points when you're losing, causing you to get forced or die. On second point when you're losing, stand to the right of the lighthouse. On last point, hold top left. You'll know you're losing when you're 5v6, have uber disadvantage, etc.

2) You're standing too close to your opponent when they have uber advantage and I saw you get caught out a couple times. Don't be afraid to drop the beam to put distance between you and your opponent -- if you're dying, it should be clear that you are too close to the enemy! Work with your team to stand farther back, but just know that it's perfectly acceptable to drop the beam for a few seconds in order to make sure you don't die. Your teammates may need to push up ahead of you to do damage, get an uber force, or otherwise create space, and you might need to stand back to protect yourself while your teammates are preoccupied.

Let me know if you have follow up questions for this one :D

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Post a Medic demo, get a video response in Mentoring

hey jacob :)

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Post a Medic demo, get a video response in Mentoring


Thanks for submitting a demo! I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, but I feel that I watched enough of the demo to get a good sense of your gameplay. Here's my feedback:

1) You're very, very conservative in your gameplay. You have good teammates who know how to fight, and your team actually won a number of teamfights, especially on last point! When you're winning, win harder. Right now you're playing so safe, but the second you know your team is going to win the teamfight, immediately all-in the opposing team. By playing conservatively, you're giving the enemy team too much respect and are not getting the most out of each win.

Example: Theoretically speaking, your team should win every 5v4 against an evenly matched team like the one featured in your demo. If you get into a 5v4, immediately push as far up as you can without dying or using uber. Push even harder if it's 5v3 or 6v3, etc.! Same goes for uber advantage -- push even harder, walk right up to the enemy team because you're invincible, and test your limits.

2) Make sure your ubers are as effective as possible by saving your ubers for choke points. Ubers are great for breaking chokes, but I often saw you using them while not near the next pushable choke. Once you're through a choke, make a stronger effort to not use uber and instead use the space you're given to avoid damage (and avoid popping).

Hope this helps!

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Post a Medic demo, get a video response in Mentoring
SyntaxHere is a scrim we did, our medics name is Lan nguyen. let us know what he/we did wrong :)
PS: STV download on stats page

Hey, I'd prefer not to do demo reviews for other people who aren't you, if that makes sense. If you're requesting a demo for a teammate, just make sure the teammate posts here asking for it. I'm posting these videos on my YouTube channel and stuff, and I don't want them to feel embarrassed or criticize them publicly against their will. Thanks!

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Post a Medic demo, get a video response in Mentoring
-Phantom-Alright, here's a process scrim I also just played that we won, but I did have a lot of mistakes so it's all good


also bump cause other med mains should be getting in on this

thanks for submitting a demo! i thought you played really well, had really good mechanics and solid knowledge of the game. i'm impressed for your first season of open :D

TL;DW my two recommendations to you are:
1. positioning. the pathing that you take on teamfights and ubers could be significantly improved.
2. ubers. if you're going to pop the uber anyways on an even exchange, walk forward and pop it in a better place like a choke as opposed to backing off and popping it somewhere where you can't chase the enemy team.

you played great though!

posted about 7 years ago
#69 Best med ever? in TF2 General Discussion

harbleu definitely had the best shittalk game and was fun as hell to watch

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Post a Medic demo, get a video response in Mentoring

I realize I've been out of the comp scene a bit and that makes me sad. I get home from work late and can't play scrims and I unfortunately cannot cast either. I figured the best way to get around this is by living vicariously through others. I also think demo reviews are a great way to give back and that's why I've created this thread.

Starting this Thursday I'll be doing Medic demo reviews. Simply post a .Dem file in the thread and I'll post a video response reviewing your gameplay. I can't guarantee that it'll be the most insightful commentary but I'll give it my best shot. A couple rules you need to follow though if you actually want me to watch:

  • 6v6 Medic gameplay only. Pugs are fine, scrims and matches are preferred since I think we will all learn more from watching you try your hardest.
  • STV or POV is fine, I don't particularly care either way.
  • Make sure you post your username and skill level so I can figure out who you are and get to know you a little better. If you're in a league, post the league and division as that's helpful too.
  • One per person, please don't link me 10 demos. Just pick one you think is representative of your current gameplay and abilities. If there's something specific you're working on, be sure to let me know.

I'm looking forward to some great demo review!

posted about 7 years ago
#247 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion
RespectAPAThere's no point in comparing it to 6v6, though, because it can't replace 6v6 for obvious reasons.

Which is why everyone is wondering why anyone is bothering to put this much money into this. If anything the community should be looking to put effort into exploring options that are viable at scale, not rehashing concepts that likely won't work at scale.

Artificially trying to push any single format like this is going to be very costly.

posted about 7 years ago
#240 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

I just want to go on record saying that while I did enjoy the tournament (and partially because I had a chance to cast it, which is always fun), I find many types of TF2 enjoyable. I enjoy 6v6, Highlander, 7v7, Ultiduo, Bball, and even Pyro Dodgeball.

6v6 is superior to 7v7 prolander for tournament play. Here's a few reasons why:

  • Faster matchmaking makes 6v6 a more scalable format. 7v7 prolander has the same problems that 9v9 HL has.
  • Smaller team sizes are cheaper for sending teams to in-person events / LANs
  • Pick/bans slow down a tournament, creating more downtime
  • The downtime you create with pick/bans does not add additional fun to the game. People tend to ban the same stuff every time, and most of the bans were used against the OP weapons that 6v6 already bans anyways.
posted about 7 years ago
#18 Mr Slin - Potential Fixes for 5cp in Comp TF2 in Videos

Cause then the team holding middle has even more incentive to park the bus.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Mr Slin - Potential Fixes for 5cp in Comp TF2 in Videos

i mean you didn't watch the video and you're calling the idea stupid. plus it wasn't meant to be a very serious solution, it's just something that people haven't thought of yet, i was trying to brainstorm and think outside the box. it's obviously a dumb idea.

but i got it from league of legends / dota, where teams at the end of the game would turtle up in their bases under their towers so that they don't lose. in mobas the developers use neutral objectives to encourage teams to leave their bases. if you don't leave your base to contest the neutral objective, the neutral objective rewards a buff that punishes you. that's the idea for tf2, anyways. i don't think this paragraph really does the idea justice but eh.

i'm really just trying to inspire someone to come up with an actually good solution based off of my dumb idea.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Stuck on minesweeper in Off Topic

Screenshot 1) there's a 1 touching a 2. Thus you know there's a bomb directly to the left of the 4.
Screenshot 2) there's two pairs of 2s at the bottom. On the right pair you know the bomb is in one of the spots above the twos, so the diagonal left of the left 2 on the right pair is open. Same rule again on the left pair to open up the diagonal left square on the left 2.

Would screenshot but on phone lol.

posted about 7 years ago
#167 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion
flatlineFigglebottomImmatureLlamab4nny's attitude is because of Lauren.
Lauren is Slin's fault.

So in conclusion, Mr Slin is responsible for all of this.

pls give context
lauren showed up on the sidebar randomly one day in like 2014 and it turned out slin added her because of...some reason. she streamed a couple times and that's how she got into tf2

okay so this is a weird story but basically we have a mutual friend. she dated one of my family friends from elementary school and i think we had mutual facebook friends. she recognized me in a pub one day (which was weird in and of itself, i have no idea how, cause i remember the conversation starting with her being like aren't you Steve Lin? don't you know XYZ mutual friend who is my ex boyfriend on facebook? and i was like woah real life mixing with my video games this is weird) and added me on steam. then i found out later that we happened to go to the same high school and college, which was also really weird. and anyways that's how she got into comp TF2, my bad guys.

oh and the day she started streaming it was comp tf2 so i added her to the sidebar, she had some kind of boob slip or something and her stream blew up. then we took her stream off the sidebar. good times.

with all of this drama it's no wonder that this was a pivotal moment in the b4nnumentary.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Competitive TF2 Twitch Community in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#14 Competitive TF2 Twitch Community in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah expanding on #13, you're not supposed to have 1000+ channels in your team like what I did with the TFTV team. In fact, the TFTV team is literally one of the largest teams on Twitch, accidentally. Most teams only have like 10 channels in them.

Communities join thousands of channels together in one directory so that people can find related channels. TFTV is unique cause we have a sidebar that brings everyone together. is a website that brings all of the speedrunning streams together. But now there's an actual directory on Twitch that brings everyone together so you don't have to create an external website.

Also teams are invite-only, which was a real pain because you had to manually invite every single person. Now anyone can go to their dashboard and put their stream in the right community.

posted about 7 years ago
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