freakinAvastdepending on the map the heavy will be too slow to mid and the other teams demo will have performed enough area denial (without pressure from an opposing demo it will be pretty easy to set up enough sticks without immediately detting for this to be effective) to win his team the mid
Lets run through a scenario then.
One team runs heavy to mid, the other demo. Heavy fully overhealed has 450 hp, and although nerfed, can spin up and start putting down some hitscan laserbeam damage.
The demo has 260 health when fully overhealed, and if he wanted to kill the heavy must use all 8 stickies, hoping they all did 50 damage each, or all four pipes with 1 to 2 stickies. But maybe he shouldn't focus the heavy since then his damage isn't focused on the other members of the opposing team. Well then the heavy roams free and as people know a fully buffed soldier bombing a fully buffed heavy on mid will generally lose. Same goes with scout.
So you have a monstrous, tanky laser beam class versus a lower health, lower damage class on mid, whose primary weapon is less predictable and harder to aim, while also having a clip size of four.
How is the heavy not better?
Edit: Oh and the whole sticky trap areal denial for mid is stupid since a) if you do that your damage is drastically reduced, allowing people to essentially get to point with full buffs b) most players that aren't terrible aren't just going to run into your sticky traps every mid and die, sticky traps are supposed to be used strategically to catch players and punish them,not make an easily avoided minefield around yourself on mid
Exactly this.
And people, come on, it's a tiny nerf, it really worries me that such a nice community like tf2's rages about something like this, not that you should care about how I feel about this, but I'm pretty disappointed.