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Last Posted November 9, 2018 at 9:44 PM
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#11 Rewind II Stat Analysis in LAN Discussion

Sorry for the bump, but I've uploaded Rewind II aggregated stats here:

The viewing experience is not yet optimised for 6s but if you would like to help or have suggestions, please post here:

posted about 6 years ago
#12 TF2 Stats - Aggregated stats for comp matches in Projects

I have uploaded the Rewind II logs to give you an idea of what it looks like:

For reference, it took a around 1 hour to upload all of the logs. I would lose my mind if I were to do this over and over, which is why I was wondering if people would be interested in helping. If so, I would make the upload interface more user-friendly and would start adapting the stats for 6s format.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 TF2 Stats - Aggregated stats for comp matches in Projects

It's great to see the familiar faces :)

Joe_ShroeSo you're saying that the website only takes in specially formatted logs that you have to collect yourself, and not that the website does it automatically for you, correct? If it were the latter, I could definitely use it for my lan analysis articles to save myself the trouble of multiple hours of manual stat collecting. Nobody should ever have to go through that experience...

The website takes logs from Logs.TF and validates that they have supplemental stats (damage, damage taken, heals, weapon stats, etc.). The logs are not found automatically unfortunately, especially if it's for LANs, for which there's no roster or match API. But the data is gathered from the Logs.TF API. Once a log link is provided, it just slurps all the data into a database and the queries/aggregates are made using that database (so it's not via a spreadsheet if that's what you mean by manual stat collecting).

posted about 6 years ago
#4 TF2 Stats - Aggregated stats for comp matches in Projects
glassthat graphic you have for ugc hl is really cool and seeing something for 6s would be amazing.

It would have been really cool to do this for ESEA. Unfortunately, not only are their stats limited but it's also become impossible to scrape the data. It would definitely be possible to do it for other events and non-american leagues however :)

oblaHonestly looks pretty cool! What is the approximate workload for collating all the logs for a particular season?

This has been the biggest struggle when it comes to this project. Uploading a combined log takes about 5-10 seconds on the website, but actually finding them and remaining up to date is another story. For RGL Highlander this season, all the Invite logs were listed in articles so it only took a few minutes. For the remaining divisions, I had the help of Bliztank and a few other players. I believe it took them a few hours a night for 2 days.

What I find exciting is that it's RGL HL's first season, so it's easier and motivating now to keep on doing it. This is less daunting then if we were to say, for example.. Ok, let's find all the logs for each I-Series for the past few years.

This is also one of the reasons why I asked if anyone would actually be passionate enough to collect logs. If no one is willing to, then it's unfortunately not worth it. Consistency in statistics is the key in making this website successful. Otherwise, the data's integrity is lost and the data becomes meaningless. The work of looking for logs has very little reward and can be frustrating, as logs are all over the place, sometimes mixed up, sometimes missing supplemental stats.. But in a way, this also demonstrates that this project is badly needed, as otherwise, the logs just get lost forever.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 TF2 Stats - Aggregated stats for comp matches in Projects

Link to the project:

What is TF2 Stats
TF2 Stats is a website for aggregated statistics for competitive matches. This allows to regroup in one place, all of a tournament's logs for easy finding. Aggregating logs also has the benefit of understanding stats from a bird's eye view, instead of localised to a single match. With that, you can understand how trends have changed across the seasons, how a team's play style varies from another or even what European players' weapons of choice are compared to their Australian counterpart.

Here's an example of data from an entire season of league play:

How long has this project been going
TF2 Stats has been around quite a while. It was first available for UGC Highlander (July 2015), then ESEA 6s (January 2016, no longer maintained due to CloudFlare DDoS protection) and now RGL Highlander. The plus sides of integrating with those leagues is that 1) I'm more familiar with NA leagues and 2) They had an API which is practical to get data on matches, team & roster information, etc.

What's new in 2018
The website was dead for the past few seasons and I revived it recently for RGL Highlander. Across the years, the structure of the website has changed and it would now be possible to generalise the data in order to support other tournaments. For example, even if I-Series don't have an API, it would still possible to type in manually division & team names and associate them with logs. Some features wouldn't be available but still, it'd be nice to regroup logs from big events in one place, instead of them being lost forever or having to do this:

What's the current status
I'm currently looking to get a pulse of the situation and see whether people would be interested in seeing this happen. This would take some time to implement and if this is too much of a niche need that would only be used by a few people, it would unfortunately not be a good time investment. If people are interested, would anyone be willing to upload those logs or would you be more interested in only viewing the content once available? I believe the website would be ideal for LAN Events, Insomnia Series, cups or even bigger events such as ETF2L & ozfortress seasons.


This thread will also be used to gather feedback if this moves forward. I'm not as familiar with the 6s scene and am looking forward to see what kind of stats would benefit the community.


posted about 6 years ago
#99 V2.0 in News

I saw in one of TF.TV's casts, Saloon.TF's current bets for the matchup. Is there an API or a way to get a JSON format response of that information? I haven't seen anything on the website.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 evlTV ESEA-I vs TSU Gecks / Marxist in TF2 General Discussion

Good game!

Hadn't watched a 6s cast in a while, but had to tune in for Gecks & Marxist.

Who needs sleep anyways :)

posted about 9 years ago
#22 ESEA S21 W1: Ascent vs. Team SoloUber in Matches

Beep Boop,

I was auto-generated by the UGC Stats algorithm and I will try to predict this week's winner between Ascent and Team SoloUber!

My prediction is generated based on both teams past matchups:

- Ascent has a 88% win-record (14:2), while Team SoloUber has a 75% win-record (12:4)
- Ascent has 61 rounds in their favor, while Team SoloUber has 55 rounds in their favor
- Ascent's matches have an average duration of 23 minutes, while Team SoloUber's matches have an average duration of 28 minutes
- Ascent seems to be better on cp_snakewater_final1 than Team SoloUber

Moreover, my prediction is generated based on the following aggregated statistics:

Statistics | Team SoloUber  | Ascent
Kills per minute	3.00	3.11
Assists per minute	1.74	1.78
Deaths per minute	2.61	2.47
Damage per minute	1150	1144
Kills per death	        1.15	1.26
Kills/Assists per death	1.82	1.98
Heals per minute	253	227
Medic picks per minute	0.3	0.34
Ubers per minute	0.393	0.434
Drops per minute	0.013	0.005

Based on these factors, I predict that team Ascent will win against Team SoloUber in this week's cp_snakewater_final1 matchup!

Do you like what you see? These stats and more are available on

posted about 9 years ago
#6 ETF2L S23 W1: Foreskings vs. Publiclir in Matches

Does anyone keep track of logs for ETF2L Premiership (for this season and previous ones) by any chance?

posted about 9 years ago
#9 How does TFTV keep track of stats? in Q/A Help
GetawhaleESEA servers tend to provide a consistent experience in terms of logs. I stand to be corrected, though.

I was looking at logs from ESEA Season 20 and saw some of them had values set to 0 or were plain empty (almost half of the S20 matches for some Invite teams). Is this normal? Does anyone know if there is a way to access the corrected logs?

Here are some examples:

posted about 9 years ago
#6 i55 gallery seems to be posted in TF2 General Discussion

Context plzz

posted about 9 years ago
#46 A talk about lobby seriousness in TF2 General Discussion
PellovleyUnited Gaming Clans Admins

Admittedly, my patience with trolls and toxic players has become thinner and thinner throughout the seasons. Out of your 15 most recent posts, 12 were deleted (the 15 could have been deleted). Some of them are posts with no value added and one of them is inciting a player to kill himself. Additionally, you have received 4 official warnings that you decided to ignore.

Why do you need to have access to your previous posts in order to understand what you did? Are all of your posts so poor in content that they become a fragment of your imagination the moment they're posted? I have trouble understanding why the ban comes as a surprise to you and why you act like you're innocent in this story.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 UGC Plat: $ilver $avages vs. Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo in Events

There will be a preview of this year's medals as well!

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Yet Another UGC Verification Tool in TF2 General Discussion

I have the following error message when trying to use it. Been asking a few other people and they have the same problem.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 ayy scam smh in TF2 General Discussion
kKaltUuMake a blog post about it, inform everyone that could be affected and force password changes to all users. See's actions with their recent DB compromise. Please don't just sit around and let players use the known unsafe login/storage methods.

I'm not sure to understand the second part of your message. All users will be forced to change their password, whether they were using the auto-generated password or changed it to a custom one.

Our developers have been hard at work since the breach this afternoon and are currently implementing additional security measures to the Website. Among other things, passwords have been invalidated and leaders will be required to input a new password upon their next login.

The recommended password change is if you were using a similar password on other services that UGC has no access to (Email, Youtube, Twitch, etc.). Regarding your first point, a mass email to all leaders and a news post were sent this morning (coincidentally around the time of your post). Yesterday, the statement was sent on all our media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Steam Announcement, Forums).

posted about 9 years ago
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