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Country New Zealand
Signed Up June 24, 2013
Last Posted July 24, 2015 at 11:16 PM
Posts 67 (0 per day)
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#26 Overwatch at PAX East in Other Games
Mr_Owl—these are all factors we considered when designing the current FOV and will remain sensitive and very open to as testing continues. Hope that helps!

This is the important part of that quote people.
If your biggest/only complaint about Overwatch is the FOV is too small or there is no fov slider, firstly wait till its actually in open beta (which isnt gonna be for months so you can safely assume a lot is gonna change) and see for yourself and then once you've actually played it complain about it until they fix it, which you can also assume blizzard will actually listen complaints from its beta players.

As for the chunky viewmodels presumably a larger FOV will make them less annoying and if that doesnt work kick up a fuss on their fourms once you have played it yourself about being able to adjust the veiwmodel fov until you get a response. If they refuse to do anything then dont play the game.

And while I can understand some of your arguments, declaring you wont even play this game when its so far away from you actually having a chance to play it and there is going to be so much more development done on it seems absurd to me.

TL:DR at least 6 months before open beta, things will change, why not give it a chance before you write it off completely.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Unreal Engine 4 is now free. in Off Topic

Unity 5 has just announced Unity Personal Edition, which is free, with no royalties, and for use for companies with earnings below $100k (anything sold by someone using UE4 would have to pay 5% to unreal) So thats pretty cool that anyone can now get their hands on all this advanced tech for free.

More info:

posted about 9 years ago
#31 what colors is this dress in Off Topic

How about we agree to leave Buzzfeed posts on (its not as if they dont get posted enough on every social media website)

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Dirty Bomb Beta Stress Test in Other Games

Yeah NDA was lifted a long time ago so you should be able to find some twitch streams

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Dirty Bomb Beta Stress Test in Other Games

I remember seeing a few posts on here about dirty bomb which is currently in closed beta and had been taken off steam for the last few weeks while they work on it more.
But its back for the next few days (and another test period in a few weeks) while they stress their comp matchmaking system and theres 100k beta keys available for new players, so if your interested check it out.

Personally I havent played it enough to have a real opinion on it, but the shooting/gun fights feels a bit loose right now. There is certainly a lot of potential though and the comp matchmaking is promising sign.
Also you get some kind of exclusive item if you take part in this stress test so there that.
^link to sign up for beta ^

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Screen Tear? in Q/A Help

If you can afford a G-Sync monitor and have a supported nvida GPU go for it, I just got one and its actually amazing always having perfectly synced frames(especially at 144hz), otherwise if you use an amd card your most gonna have to wait for some of the new monitors with Free-sync to come out.
If you cant afford either of those I'd say just try capping it like mighty said.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Windows 10 is a free upgrade for 7+ users for year in Off Topic

The main reason this is good because it means everyone can get DX12 for free

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Identity in Other Games

Hate to be that guy but I cant help but feel like they are way over reaching what they will actually be capable of. They are saying they will have hyper realistic cars, guns 270 square km map and an entire functioning economy that are completely reliant on players(and I dont see any mention of other games or products these guys have worked on. Which is a pretty big red flag imo) but if a few bits of concept art and some tiny mock up levels of a house and and a shop are all you need to have people throw money at you i don't see why you wouldn't do it.

EDIT: did some research and it looks like the main guy only experience was working as a programer on the MMO "Mortal Online" which I have never even heard of before so hardly filling me with confidence about the game

posted about 9 years ago
#7 upgrading gpu?? in Hardware

A new GPU will make a big difference in your case I had a 650 and would only get around 60fps on medium settings, once I upgraded to a GTX 760 I was hitting 120+ fps on max settings, So if you have the money I would recommend a 970, it has the best performance for price compared to anything on the market right now.

EDIT: Also with a dual monitor setup your definitely gonna want a more powerful GPU to pump out all those pixels.

posted about 9 years ago
#98 giving away an awp asiimov battle scarred in Off Topic

Just started getting into CS. Thanks for doing this giveaway <3

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

Just a heads up the NDA has been lifted since moving to steam you can stream/discuss it as much as you want

posted about 10 years ago
#18 NFL Playoffs in Off Topic

I love the Steelers, hopefully their number 2 overall ranked offense can get them the AFC Championship and maybe the Superbowl

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Competitive Matchmaking? in TF2 General Discussion

Im pretty sure this is the first, anyone's here has heard of comp matchmaking (except for the thread from 2 months ago with almost 200 posts)

posted about 10 years ago
#10 TF2 Freezing in Q/A Help

36 reallocated sectors
not good you most likely need a new hdd

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Alt tab issue in TF2 General Discussion

Verifying your cache should always be step number 1 for fixing any problems with steam games. Just in case you have any future problems.

posted about 10 years ago
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