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Country New Zealand
Signed Up June 24, 2013
Last Posted July 24, 2015 at 11:16 PM
Posts 67 (0 per day)
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#4 Alt tab issue in TF2 General Discussion

verify your game cache if you havent already, if that doesnt work boot the game in borderless windowed mode
heres a guide on how to do that:

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Spy Wrangling in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#42 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware

at this point I'm about 90% sure the black out has destabilized you motherboard which in turn could have damaged you CPU so even if you have another CPU you can test with I wouldnt want to put it in your mobo in case it fries the other one. You should be ok to put your CPU into another mobo to test it though. Not much else I can say except hopefully your GPU, PSU, RAM and Hdd are fine (you may want to run a chkdisk/SMART test on this for bad sectors)

P.S: Invest in a high rated surge protector if you havent already

posted about 10 years ago
#20 My Pc has completely shit itself in Hardware

If your just getting random colours flashing then im guessing your GPU is fried or at least damaged in some way, luckly this is easy to test so just unplug it from your mobo and see if your pc boots without it to find out.

posted about 10 years ago
#214 i52: Knockout Stage in Events

Watch the vods seriously you wont be disappointed, UNLESS YOU WANTED iM TO WIN ;_;

posted about 10 years ago
#18 i52 interviews in LAN Discussion

If you can get an interview with Sheep I'm pretty you will be the first person to manage to get one, so that would be cool. (He's shy according to Yuki)

posted about 10 years ago
#11 8/13/2014 Update in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#7 Left headphone stopped working in Hardware

Tested it on another pc yet? if it works fine you have an issue with your pc (likely sound drivers)
If it doesnt work on another pc then RMA them

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Crashing on start in Q/A Help

Do you by any chance have an overclock running on you gpu? This can causes some games like tf2 to crash on start up.
Other than that i would try running games in compatibility mode for a different version of windows.

Not much else i can suggest with the limited info you have given :/

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Supraball in Other Games

Yeah it actually looks really good and i dont normally like sports games.

Heres a good article on it with some gameplay and description videos:

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Best Antivirus? in Off Topic
RussianGuyovichI switched to Avast! from AVG a few years ago and not had any problems. You have to re-register every year for the free version but it takes about 30 seconds through the application. Just remember to add your steam folders to the exclusion list and enable silent mode - very unobtrusive.

This. Avast has nice boot scan features, is free and if you put it in silent mode its completely unintrusive, i would strongly recommend it for less tech savvy people or anyone else looking for a good anti virus

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Malware Removal Help in Off Topic

If you don't want to format reload try Adwcleaner, its a great tool after that install malwarebytes and run a full system scan. I work in a pc repair shop and those to programs have saved me from having to do countless reloads. Adwcleanwer might get picked up as a virus but its not, tell your anti-virus to allow it.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 TF2 Did You Know in TF2 General Discussion
Blows0:43 how did robin get so *chunky* over the years it must have been the snack bar

Theres a picture of him from 2013, he looks like hes in fine shape. Please for the love of god dont tell me you think robin walker and gabe newell are the same person ._.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 FPS help in Q/A Help

This is a basic tip but just in case your not doing it make sure you laptop is plugged in and charging and the cooling mode is set to active (NOT PASSIVE!)

posted about 10 years ago
#20 new bball website/need website designer in TF2 General Discussion

Just wondering here, but what are your guys thoughts on the shotgun, whenever I watch a high level bball game or play bball myself, having 4 shotguns on the court just seems like too many, due to how easily they stop momentum and basically slow the game down.

So what if instead of both players on a team using the shotgun only one soldier per team was allowed a shotgun(and the other obviously using gunboats), as not only would this (hopefully) make it less of a dm fest full of suicides because no-one has health to jump, and even when they do their perfect rj to the hoop gets denied by 30dmg shotgun that kills their speed, but it would also give more of a set role for the players, as the gunboats solly would become the designated intel carrier focused on getting to the hoop as fast as possible. while the player with the shotgun plays more of a defensive bruiser role, to deny the other teams gunboat soldier and deal as much damage as possible.

I also feel this would bring bball more inline with ultiduo except instead of the best pocket and and medic combo bball would be the best pocket and roamer combo.

posted about 10 years ago
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