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SteamID64 | 76561198011829493 |
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Country | New Zealand |
Signed Up | June 24, 2013 |
Last Posted | July 24, 2015 at 11:16 PM |
Posts | 67 (0 per day) |
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Getawhalethis game is weird but after i played i went into a lobby and got 96 kills as a heavy. coincidence?
I swear i was hitting every shot as scout straight after playing this too. I think i just found a new pre-game warmup, fuck mge and dm servers :3
Cool indie browser game, extremely simple, just try to fall into the box
my current high score is 97 after 3 attempts :D
If you like super hexagon type games this is for you, and its crazy addictive
Anyone that signed up for beta before the 25th will now have titanfall in their origin library :D
Get hyped
RIP jay leno and Abby
never use a pc...mistakes will be made
who needs a starter pokemon anyway
have you got evga precisionX installed? if so open it up and click the reset to default settings. Might help.
EDIT: while your at it install GeForce experience this will automatically check for drivers and gives some recommended settings that scale to you specific pc's specs (obviously you may want to fine tune after running this on a game as things like motion blur tend to get put on)
this is like the real world version of that infinite number of monkeys endlessly typing on an infinite number of typewriters will eventually create all of Shakespeare's plays
you can sign up for the beta for free now
I dont even...
Apologies in advance for the wall of text:
SuyoJust did a little test with two control points, it's possible to do. Different timers for offense/defense and reverting mid to neutral are possible too, if you want that.
Anyone who wants to sacrifice their 3cp/5cp map for science here?
Thats great Suyo thats pretty much the proof of concept I was looking for :D
Although it would be great if it could have a koth style timer with both teams times but im sure this can be worked out later.
If need someone to help test this on an actual map sign me up :)
CheesyMacgyverSorry if I am misunderstanding how the mode works but it seems like everyone is assuming that you cannot go past the point you own and hold a forward position.
I have been imagining this all on Snakewater for some reason,
Thats basically the idea is if you wipe them why wouldn't you move up and at least take a forward position, if not go all the way to second(this could also present opportunities for backcaps by defenders if the other team goes all the way to second.) The idea with the 1min timer on mid though is it should basically allow for two intense mid fights where the team that lost the initial mid might as well just go in to try and cap it because if they die then they should have enough time to respawn and at least attempt a second defense.
P.S for some reason i have been picturing all this on Process so go figure
IceCrystalThe times also shouldn't be symmetrical, like 10 seconds to hold last on offense and 30 seconds for defense, or something like that.
Yep it definitely something we wont know until after extensive testing, but that sounds about right.
HeadfulofSandvichit pretty much takes away the option of sacking for a pick class as the pushing team.
Perhaps extending the timer to something along the lines of like 1 1/2 to 2 minutes would allow for this option as well. Not sure on how this would affect the speed or flow of the gamemode in general.
Firstly thanks for you feedback I see what you mean with the pick classes and dont get me wrong I love when non cookie cutter classes are being used, but considering pick classes are basically only brought in to break the stalemate where no-one wants to push, the timer would result in teams just having to go and fight them anyway so there would hopefully not be a stalemate for these pick classes to need to break.
Or it would simply require advance planing, say if you have 25sec on the clock at second you could send you roamer in for a med pick and have him some back sniper, ready for the last push.
As for expanding the time to 1 1/2 or 2 mins if you are meaning all points should take this long I think that would kind of defeat the purpose because the idea is to stop teams just stalemating out and building ubers before their push, they should just go for it where they have uber adv or not making it more intense for the players but also anyone watching a stream won't be going "Why are they all standing around spamming rockets at nothing" they will see the crazy action and go "wow i want to get into this."(hopefully).
Also last would become basically impossible to hold as the attackers at least on a regular 5cp map.
CheesyMacgyverAlso I like the idea I agree it seems like an interesting take on the shot clock
DavidTheWininteresting take on the "shot clock" idea
I didnt even think of a basketball shot clock when I got this idea and the worst part is I actually played quite a bit of basketball lol
If someone has already come up with this just ignore this thread ;_;
Ok so I had an idea for a new type of game mode : Similar to the way sd mixes ctf and payload, I thought what would happen if you mixed koth and 5cp together?
So basically to start capping second you would need have have held on to mid for a certain amount of time(with a koth style timer at the top saying how long each team has held the point for.) about 45-60secs seems right(in my head at least). When a team wins mid, mid is locked, second is unlocked, however second wont be neutral the defending team will already own it and their timer will begin counting down immediately(The idea is to give the opposing team a reason to push into second without stalemating. Because if the defenders hold second until their timer runs out second is locked and mid becomes unlocked again). Then once you have had a koth style fight over second you would need to hold that for say 15-20secs less then the time to hold mid. You would push on to last which might require being held for 15-20secs by the attacking team to win the round/game.
Now there is so much stuff still up in the air about how this would actually work(or if its even possible?) and I would love to hear your guys thoughts and ideas on how to actually refine/make this.
For example:
- Should mid reset to neutral if second is successfully held by the defenders or should it remain the attackers and start ticking immediately?
- Should last have a counting timer for the defenders so if they hold it long enough it locks and they basically have to push out while at the same time the attackers are basically forced to push before this timer runs out?
- I have no map making/tf2 modding experience so does anyone who does think this is even possible?
And if it is, would it need completely new maps or could you mess with the current 5cp maps and basically port them over to koth while somehow creating multiple koth points on the map, and would you consider putting some time into making this actually work?
- Do you think this would work in a competitive format?
So please let me know what you think about this, good idea, bad idea, strengths, weaknesses any and all feedback is appreciated, and remember I only just thought of this today so its likely im missing or overlooking a lot of details, so feel free to point them out.
LangeTino_Can we get weekly updates in the league with videos like that one? Lange is too good for his own good!
I can only break into the studio at my job for personal recordings so many times.
Just use ggglygy's production methods, im sure its quite affordable.
On a serious note though is there going to be a dedicated tf2 stream for CEVO? The only one I found looked like it had a bunch of cs:go streams and the last thing i want is my inbox being full with messages of cs:go casts going live that im never going to watch
for xbox 360's you can get official VGA cables which plug into the same place as the standard RCA cable which worked fine for me, only issue is you need an adapter to convert the red and white audio cables into a 3.5mm headphone jack if you want sound, these arent hard to find though
Just got a new nvidia gpu so i'd like to use that g-sync feature time to start saving (and maybe wait for the price to drop a bit)
ok im not too familiar with laptops with dual gpus but i assume that you know your laptop has 2 gpus and if thats the case im fairly certain one of the amd programs/driver controllers/control panels lets you pick which gpu you use for each game, sorry but I cant help much more without more info on you laptop (brand, model, gpu model, OS, what amd software you have installed, etc)
p.s as far as im aware amd/ati are the only ones that do those dual gpu set ups in laptops so if you do have a nvidia gpu you shouldnt be having this issue
Ok did a bit of research you should be able to find the option in CCC
It should look something like one of these two images:
once you find those options i linked above set everything (tf2 included(also dont forget it can often be listed as hl2.exe)) for max performance or to use your main gpu and you should be sorted