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Signed Up October 24, 2013
Last Posted January 31, 2017 at 12:07 AM
Posts 44 (0 per day)
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#4 Club Penguin closing in Other Games


posted about 8 years ago
#69 what introduced you to tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Highschool friends got me to try it when the Uber update dropped.

posted about 8 years ago
#63 Colleges in Off Topic

Boston College

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Shortstop Banned From DM in TF2 General Discussion
Pellovleyit was if you just spammed it across from far away instead of actually playing dm

doesn't that apply to a lot of things in DM though
I might be retarded but it seems flawed to ban things for player behavior since people who spam chipshots with shortstop would probably do the same thing with scatter anyways, and the weapon itself isn't inherently broken afaik.

Just to clarify, I'm not arguing to have it unbanned, I'm just wondering if the ban was because people actually made a fuss about how annoying it is or if it was a quiet change that nobody noticed because nobody uses the shortstop.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Shortstop Banned From DM in TF2 General Discussion

Just wondering why (and when) the shortstop was banned from the TFTV DM servers. It wasn't that annoying, was it?

posted about 9 years ago
#47 what keys do you use for your weapons? in TF2 General Discussion
FireNever understood how people use the number keys, you need to release your movement keys to switch weapons?

you always have one finger free
keep your thumb on spacebar, pinkie on shift, middle finger glued on w
then you have either your index or ring finger free because you can't go left and right at the same time, you can press 2 with your middle finger without taking it off w

dunno if that's how it works when I'm actually playing though, I just switch weapons when I need to and never had any problems with it interfering with movement

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Raze med lft low open. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Has a solid mechanical foundation and is a very fun/energetic guy to hang around. Does need to work on not cluttering comms, but it's generally not a big issue. Raze is a dedicated player that'll be a solid fit on any low Open team, and probably could start playing in mid Open with some guidance.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 glider lft S21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

An absolute monster on Demo. He has the smarts to know what to do and where to go, and the skill to reliably and consistently do his job. He's also a competent Soldier from what I know, but I haven't actually seen him play Soldier all that often so I can't comment on that too much.

As for comms, he depends a lot on his team. If the game's going well, and everyone else is generally upbeat and positive on mumble, he'll be super fun and nice to hang with. However, when the game's going poorly or the general mumble atmosphere is negative, he'll start comming less or start playing the blame game. As long as the team is good, he'll be fine. But then again, I only played with Glider on pugs, so maybe he would act differently on an actual team.

In all, he's definitely a top Open Demo, and can probably handle himself at mid IM. He'll be a positive and fun guy to play with, as long as you are too.

posted about 9 years ago
#41 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Smart player that can carry his weight on every class (except Demo), has clean calls, always nice on mumble even when everyone's being salty as fuck, and sacrifices dinner for TF2.
Without him, Hong Kong Cavaliers would've probably died by week 4. Thanks again for being so upbeat through the whole ordeal and being willing to play Med whenever people went MIA before matches.
Has the mechanical skill to get to mid-high Open, and the gamesense to stay there. Solid pickup for any Open team.

Bonus cutie points awarded, too.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 LFT Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump for S21.
Looking for a mid open team now, fine with either subbing or starting.
I bring promises of shortstop.

posted about 9 years ago
#126 ESEA S20 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Team SoloUber in Matches


posted about 9 years ago
#90 Fallout 4 in Other Games
AvastIt's default capped at 60? So if I've uncapped it already I just delete the edits in the .ini file and it will be recapped right?

From my experience it's defaulted at 60 but can be uncapped by changing iPresentInterval in fallout4pref.ini to 0
However if you go over 100 fps then it will start to cause some issues especially with entering/exiting terminals
For some reason having adaptive vsync on through the nvidia control panel adds fairly significant input lag for me, so I'm using rivatuner to cap my frames at 100 instead. Works fine now.

Alternatively, I heard borderless windowed mode also removes frame cap without the weird physics effects. Might be worth a try.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Great scout and decent med, always chill on mumble and was a blast to play with last season
also cute

posted about 9 years ago
#95 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

First off, great event. Had a couple questions about the courses though.

How in-depth are the "class specific" courses going to be? I was thinking about signing up to the Scout and Sniper classes, but I was wondering exactly how basic is basic. Is it going to be around the level of "just stand on something tall so that people with explody guns can't play killing floor" or will it involve more in-depth explanation and examples of where to position yourself on certain maps when certain players on your team are playing in a certain way and the enemy team is running certain offclasses (like, say, load up a pov demo of clockwork pushing snakewater last and explain how and why his positioning is different when the enemy team is running Sniper, when his pocket is low, when his Scout partner is offclassing, when they're running kritz, etc - maybe even show the same situation but with different teammates, and show how he adapts his positioning to play off his teammates' playstyles)? As for Sniper, is it going to just cover basic sightlines on maps and super basic aiming tips? I mean, a huge part of Sniper is simply hitting shots, not much you can "teach" there.

In all the class specific courses, how are you exactly going to help people improve their DM? I guess "grind mge" is an acceptable answer for Soldier and Scout, but for all the other classes there's only so much you can do without actual experience. Unless you count Pyro players discovering that pressing m2 turns enemies into clay pigeons as improvement.

Will the courses be 6's-focused or HL-focused? It's pretty obvious that a large part of classes like Pyro or Engi is mainly going to be concerned with Highlander, but I was wondering about the standard 6's lineup and Sniper. Honestly speaking, I'd rather not spend an hour of my Saturday (no offense to people donating their weekend to teach) listening to people talk about a gamemode that I honestly think is slow, boring as hell and have no intention of playing seriously in the foreseeable future. It says it "briefly touches upon your roles" in both modes, but since some classes have pretty different roles in 6's and HL it's pretty obvious that there's going to have to be a focus on one or the other. After all, I doubt that anyone would be able to explain how to play 6's pocket for all the maps in rotation, 6's roamer for all the maps and then HL Solly for all the HL maps in rotation in an hour.

Will there be more slots for the maincalling course? Really want to take it but the limit is at 10 people, the waitlist shows that I'm not the only one that would appreciate additional slots heh

Last but not least, will Sideshow eat bull cock again for the EU gimmicks stream?

posted about 9 years ago
#30 The Invite Player Index in News
SideshowI hope that's not serious :D of course it's 50/50, if 6 invite players win a game then 6 invite players have to lose too.

what about 5v6 matches though

posted about 9 years ago
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