JessikaJungLKincheloeJessikaJungLKincheloeIf I ran a team, I'd be scrimming with and against all 4 mediguns. Nothing is really a waste if you apply what you learn well.
4..? I hope that you're not adding the Vaccinator into this...
I am adding it in this, if you practice with a wide variety of tools you'll have more flexibility and creativity in drawing up plays.
No offense, I'm not trying to be a douche about this. I know I don't know anything about you, but saying something like this, the Vaccinator? This just makes me assume that you don't know much about the competitive scene. Each medigun has it's own perks along with some cons, each being about to counter each other if used properly, but the Vaccinator is pretty much a medigun used specifically in pubs OR you're just trolling/throwing.
No really you should understand what the vaccinator does if some else uses it but scrim with it? No.