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SteamID64 76561198063865897
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Country United States
Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted July 10, 2020 at 9:01 PM
Posts 550 (0.1 per day)
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#261 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Dang that is a TON of people. Good job Kaneco!

posted about 11 years ago
#255 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
KanecoI'm having some internet issues and can't access the wiki.

Let me know if you are experiencing problems accessing the site, ie long loading times, server down, etc?

Nope seems good here. Some minor issues 7ish hours ago for me with pages not loading might just have been my end.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 cp_badwater - an experiment in Map Discussion

I had been thinking about something along these lines. Could be good. I personnally would put the control points on cliff at first, roof on second and balcony at third.

Also might want to add a spire so that everyone will want to play it.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Struggling with coming out. in Off Topic
StratovariusFuck I hope nobody ever gets on my computer at LAN. They might post something about me liking dicks and then everything would be RUINED.

First you have to get to LAN.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Struggling with coming out. in Off Topic

condom make willy explode? pls expaln.

posted about 11 years ago
#247 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
KanecoGuys I think you are blowing up the site.

Haha, I really want to see the traffic results after i49. Right now the i49 page has 11k views to the main page's 33k. Calling i49 to surpass the main page.

posted about 11 years ago
#243 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

I figured some one would have to do it so:

It's over 9000


posted about 11 years ago
#10 i49 Grand Finals in Events
kirbyCan someone give me a quick run down on what has happened at i49? Haven't had a chance to watch anything.

posted about 11 years ago
#241 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects
KanecoHuge thanks to thesupremecommander for helping me set it up with cloudflare to lift some of the pressure from our host!

That and him updating the wiki so much yesterday that every time I went to save an edit he had already done it

posted about 11 years ago
#239 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects literally getting overloaded because it's currently the best resource on i49 pairings/brackets.
Much clearer than the multiplay sides.

Yeah, once you figure out how the multiplay site works it is ok but good it is a piece of crap.

The i49 page is now the second most viewed page at 6000+ 7000+ views. I think that this will really launch having so many people's first impression being such a good page. Congrats KaneCo! Prepare for a massive hosting bill! :D

posted about 11 years ago
#7 B4nny in TF2 General Discussion
squidskyrideB4nny's good, but he really isn't that much better than other top NA/EU demos.
just imagine hrg without banny... o lordy

Ehhh only cause he main calls tho.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 I49 VTV Constructive Criticism in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleI really enjoyed the casts, few technical difficulties and really coverage of the games. You're nitpicking lame crap.

Yep, I know. I loved the casts and the games but there were things that could be different next time. This is to help them get some feedback.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 I49 VTV Constructive Criticism in TF2 General Discussion

Figured I would make a post for people to say what they did and didn't like about the VTV's coverage of i49.

Bad Things:

*The bird on the hp. Serves no purpose and distracts.

*The HUD having no/little indication of low hp. Blinking etc...

*Every single map there was the thing for 3 maps even though it was just one every time.

*No picture for Sal at first/not changing the names and stuff for different casts.

*Sometimes there was silence and sometimes there was music.

*The splitscreen was good but it could have been used better to show both demos roll outs.

*Not using AdvSpec at first.

*Randomly using the dmg/kill thing

*Barely letting Sal talk while Scully talked at 1939374842 words a minute.

*The Dota guy

*Never showing other ongoing games but rather just having pauses/barely talking about them.

*Never showing a table of standings. had one as did the multiplay site.

*Not mentioning the lower groups at all

The good things:

*Variety in casters

*The dmg/kills thing and using that to talk about the flow of the game.


*Staying (mostly) live for 7ish hours

Anyway I am sure that I missed things on both the good and bad but overall I was very impressed with the cast and am looking forward for the rest of i49.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 VIEW ALL POSTS in Site Discussion

I guareentee if you pay for the server enigma will be fine.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 hrg i49 updates in LAN Discussion
shadeim done making videos. to mad.

awww pls.

Bully lansky to relieve your anger.

posted about 11 years ago
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