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Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted July 10, 2020 at 9:01 PM
Posts 550 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
#114 Shade VLOG's ESEA S14 and i49 LAN's! in TF2 General Discussion

Make Lansky use a booster seat.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ESEA Season 14 LAN Preview: High Rollers Gaming in News
YouMustMikeProofread. Also, this is really biased to the point where it's unsettling.

How so?

posted about 11 years ago
#108 Shade VLOG's ESEA S14 and i49 LAN's! in TF2 General Discussion

New videos must watch omnomomomomomomom.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 ESEA Season 14 LAN Preview: High Rollers Gaming in News

Nice read but

And the best player in TF2? .b4nny

Not sure if you meant for the . to be there. Also Cyzer is maybe the 5th best scout on his team. Tops.

Edit: Also

the possibilities, the coutnermeasures.

Double edit:

the possibilities, the counterrmeasures.


posted about 11 years ago
#225 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

Just surpassed 5000 edits!

posted about 11 years ago
#3 snipers demo call in TF2 General Discussion
tayhi guys,
i'm a new editor on the scene and I was looking for a few demos to make some new clips. I recently posted colours here which had a pretty positive reception, so I'm interested in following that up with something better. I realize there's a lot of demo threads out there right now, but I really do put a ton of effort into everything I make and I'll be very grateful for anything I get.

if you want to check out some of my work, here's my channel, just keep in mind colours is the only clip I believe is truly representative of "my style" and what you can expect:

please upload demos to dropbox in the format of player_map_tick, i'm requesting pov only, as well as only 6s.



on_livewasup guys.
i'm trying to be a new editor on the scene and I was looking for a few snipers demos to make some new clips. I'm interested in following that up with something better but I really do put a ton of effort into everything I make and I'll be very grateful for anything I get.

please upload demos to dropbox or mediafire in the format of player_map_tick, i'm requesting pov on 6v6 or highlander.


im calling bullshit on on_live.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 HRG Interview in TF2 General Discussion
TaggerungI was the only member in the team that got a personalized jersey and a shirt.

You should buy one for Cyzer...for no reason.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Would you rather part 3: Return of the Reckoning in Off Topic
R3VoltJew if I can get on Amish Mafia.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 EA Humble Bundle in Other Games
anjirocoolSteam keys-
Dead Space- PMHG4-7P9IJ-X3PPV
Mirror's Edge- 5ZIBQ-GVGLH-FQJ48

Origin keys-
Dead Space- 55UL-63AC-MBTH-42NB-PH76
Burnout- F3PF-646X-MNLQ-UKJV-7H6E
Crysis 2- 8EQQ-U9LX-CZUN-N8CL-G4LR
Medal Of Honor- 93Q8-RGKX-6STN-PZVX-5KYE
Mirror's Edge- 8QEE-E5TK-WK4J-L2XH-PPJT


Thank You!

posted about 11 years ago
#7 ESEA Season 14 LAN Day 1 in Events

I love Pledge and Slin but please say that Ruwin and cbear will be casting the grand finals. pls.

posted about 11 years ago
#63 ESEA League S15 - EU TF2, MAIN DIVISION $90k+ in Prizes in News
testifyMaybe one day Insomniac and ESEA will collaborate on a America/Europe LAN with a really nice prize pool, that is if Europe shows enough interest in ESEA.

Unlikely at least in my opinion.

MultipleEntendreIf I was in EU Open, I wouldn't really be that concerned about going up against prem teams more than maybe once. With the way scheduling works, the best teams will rise to the top and be forced to play each other, and the lower div teams will end up playing each other as well.

Granted, none of them have any chance of winning, but I'd put up with it for a season if it meant possibly getting an EU Invite and maybe IM the season after this.

The scheduling works if I recall correctly half way through the season but yeah most likely the prem/div 1 players will rise and everyone else will be at the bottom. I honestly don't see an eu IM next season unless they get a shitload of teams.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Console commands/rates for competitive TF2? in Q/A Help Config stuff.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Shade VLOG's ESEA S14 and i49 LAN's! in TF2 General Discussion
Goat_at i49:
conversation about girls with mirelin should be fun


posted about 11 years ago
#4 Fully Charged Episode 36 in Events

I thought today was Wednesday. :(

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Shade VLOG's ESEA S14 and i49 LAN's! in TF2 General Discussion

Some semi serious team interviews. iM especially. Lots of bullying lansky.

posted about 11 years ago
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