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Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#43 pardoxes in Off Topic
AvastYou're arguing it from a scientific and not a philosophic point of view.

You think these Greeks knew what a fucking Planck Length was. In fact even from a mathematical point of view the paradox doesn't really hold as it would be what is considered a series and would converge meaning it isn't infinite.

But in reality if you think about it you do in fact meet an infinite number of half-way points while walking a distance, but since you cannot ever reach infinity then movement is in of itself a paradox that cannot be completed.

The point of philosophy is to examine the nature of our world and if it makes you sense and here you are bringing quantum physics into it smh. Just have some fun and think about it.

You don't just make things up in philosophy, it has to be supported by logical thought, in this case validity and soundness aren't both being reached. The statement basically says:

if all movement is infinite stages, then movement is impossible
movement is infinite stages
therefore, movement is impossible - by modus ponens

The conclusion is provably valid because the premise reaches that logically. We can prove the premise isn't true, so that makes the conclusion not sound.

if all movement is infinite stages, then movement is impossible -- given premise
movement is not impossible -- observable premise, so this is a universal truth
therefore, movement is not infinite stages - by modus tollens

This conclusion is both valid and sound, unless the premise given from the first logic test isn't true, in which case it isn't a sound conclusion (referring to the first statement) anyway since both premises need to be true, so it doesn't matter.
In case anyone's wondering, this logic is provable, you can find a proof if you google 'modus ponens proof' and 'modus tollens proof' probably.

I guess it's all pretty irrelevant if the philosophical exercise is just that perception doesn't always equal fact

posted about 9 years ago
#28 pardoxes in Off Topic
DrPloxonot so much a paradox as missing information.
That's basically saying "Tim and Jeff are wearing plaid shirts to a photo shoot. Tim has blue, Jeff has red. Is Jeff the bottom?"

That's not a great example because the colours you prefer to wear are a bit decided on what kind of person you are, in this case, it's probably true

for a bit of clarification, given that red implies a more emotional person, while blue conveys more of a steely collected person, it's usually the case that more feminine people are more emotional, which implies that jeff is more feminine and therefore it's more likely that jeff is the bottom, if you think that sounds ridiculous, you can extend it out to clothing you consider feminine, like tight jeans, or pink shirts

posted about 9 years ago
#82 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos

large med 3k inc med pick, outta there with uber

imo it's pretty hype to see a return of community fragvideos, there hasn't really been a well known one since I got good enough to submit a decent clip

posted about 9 years ago
#29 release matchmaking now in TF2 General Discussion
TrisTNow is relative enough.

I'm not too concerned about MM, although I'm kinda worried it'll bring the intellectual level of tf2 down. I mean most of the people who get to the highest rank, I feel like, won't even know about respawn times and capping, for example.
I'm bad, my game sense is horrible, but I still know the stuff that goes on in high end tf2, from watching b4nny's shoutcasts and stuff, and that gives me that chance too improve, I'm just worried that stuff might get buried under the massive pile of stupidity and meta-game that might go on in MM.
But it shouldn't be much of a problem, cuz it will always be there for someone to pick up and use in their advantage,
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unlike games such as csgo that have basically no mechanics other than point and shoot.

that's a pretty stupid thing to be worried about, it's pretty obvious that lower level competition will have lower level gameplay. Why would that affect top level? Open doesn't bring invite/prem down.

posted about 9 years ago
#171 Donald Trump in World Events

another shocking revelation achieved over many pages - there's multiple sets people in the world that aren't very nice.

it's honestly pretty pointless to argue which group/religion/country has more. It's really obvious that the only similarity between all not nice people is just that they aren't.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Donald Trump in World Events

wow mr trump said another stupid thing

I'm really surprised by this new development

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Girl at my school committed suicide in Off Topic

+1 on antidepressants, it might even take a while to find the right one that makes you feel like you're not just empty but it's so fucking worth it

posted about 9 years ago
#50 Please stop the hate in TF2 General Discussion

I'm pretty sure this is just trolling, but in case it isn't. this is the worst decision to make, the more attention you get on the internet the more people don't like you, and it happens that people that don't like you tend to be pretty vocal

Just play the game and don't entertain people that talk shit. It helps if you don't lead a team so you can just turn up and play with your mates with say_texttime 0 or whatever the command is. In a months time someone else who made a few bad decisions is gonna be the focal point.

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Favorite TF2 Pastebins in TF2 General Discussion
sheepy_dogs_handsigur ros are objectively a good band based on reviews.

so is justin bieber based on sales

posted about 9 years ago
#108 TF2 update for 12/2/15 in TF2 General Discussion

honestly, i'll take -25 fps for skins, given that websites like csgojackpot, csgolounge, all those other sites based almost entirely off skins are so successful. if it gets memelord twitch kids watching the games they betted on, I'm more than happy to make that trade, those betting sites probably bring in a huge proportion of the viewers

not that I don't feel bad for people that aren't gonna have solid frames on dx9, but if it helps the game then I gotta say I support it

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Favorite TF2 Pastebins in TF2 General Discussion

cant find the pastebin link

this ruined my evening, what the absolute fuck

posted about 9 years ago
#3729 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
edit: could you post about what you didn't like? any idea how i can improve?

generally a 2k in a tf2center isnt good content

posted about 9 years ago
#49 How did you guys got introduced to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

happened to join a d6 teams pub server and made friends with the leader of the community who introduced me to their comp team

then they asked me to trial, I said no, but later they needed a merc for an official so I signed up, played backup and just slowly became main

it was around that time that my life was ruined ))

posted about 9 years ago
#25 richest competitive player irl? in Off Topic

angel or catman, mysterious russian sponsors?

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Pure Pwnage movie in Music, Movies, TV

wow it's like I'm really back in 2003

posted about 9 years ago
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