Account Details
SteamID64 76561198009660168
SteamID3 [U:1:49394440]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:24697220
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up February 20, 2014
Last Posted December 17, 2022 at 7:09 PM
Posts 37 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.61
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK 1
Keyboard CM Storm
Mousepad Corsair Extra Large
Headphones ATH-M50
Monitor Viewsonic 144hz something
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#1 Looking for a team or so to start pugging in TF2 General Discussion

I just wanna pug tbh 6v6. Preference in the EU/UK region but happy to play Hitscan on the East Coast

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Looking for Someone to help tweak my HUD in Customization

Version 1.2 is out. Lots of fixes

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Looking for Someone to help tweak my HUD in Customization

If anyone is willing to help I can send you my current custom HUD upon request

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Looking for Someone to help tweak my HUD in Customization

My HUD was orginally the OMP-HUD as it's personally my favourite. It was the edited by me to get my favourite crosshair in the game then further modified my Spud to help moderize it for my 21:9 2560x1080 Ultra Wide Monitor.

I just need a new fixes where it's possible. I can offer keys or payment if necessary for your time.

I'd simply like a few things fixed really.


- I would like to be completely untouched apart from if you could improve the artwork to make it seem less "Stretched as it was stretches from 2560x1920. - The Same goes for the Red Variant.

This also applies to my loading Screen too I can absolutely make these images myself to fit


- This I would very much like fixing. My HUD currently does not support the Weapon Skin Cosmetics and it's completely out of date. I believe this can be fixed by just copying the default TF2 menu from one of the VPK files but I don't wanna mess it up.


- I feel like this isn't very much scaling in the way I'd like. Perhaps because I'm playing on Ultrawide. If this isn't an easy fix please feel to let me know as it's not a huge deal breaker.


- Current %motdheader% is broken I'm not even sure how to approach that.

5) I also cannot accept new items in the main menu - See Following Images -


- I can click on the notifcation and see the item but I cannot press "Ok"

6) Fairly minor but as you can see from the photo the matchmaking thing doesn't fully cover the Ultrawide Screen.Could be an easy fix I'm not sure

In terms of what I think needs fixing the most is 2), 5) and then 6), 4). - I can pay you in Keys, PayPal. Unusuals. I just wish to get a working HUD and I'm afraid I'll mess it up

I just love OMPHud so much


posted about 2 years ago
#11 How much money are you losing? in LAN Discussion
hamahamLet's cry together.

u want a gf to help with the pain

posted about 5 years ago
#7 BTS is a scam in The Dumpster

dont forget your pizza bro

posted about 5 years ago
#51 i63 pictures thread in TF2 General Discussion
MrJellyTobMrJelly has uploaded the first set of photos he took
More to come

By the way if anyone would like to help me out in labeling players in order of appearance on my photos it would be greatly appreciated as they are much easier to view for not everyone who can place a name to a face.

I'll be labeling them left to right in order of appearance in the format "GrumpyKoi - DrHappiness". I'm not familiar with everyone's aliases & faces.

Shoot me a message on discord MrJelly#8215 or on steam /id/Decci with the image number and players you recognize. For example "DSC05517 - Dural - Dasha - Avvy"

Or should I make a seperate thread for this?

Fuckin huge shoutout to Autumn Bomb for pretty much handing me a list, I will still need a lot of help to identify everyone in images such as DSC05803. Try to point out the row and rough description, it would be very much appreciated.

posted about 6 years ago
#50 i63 pictures thread in TF2 General Discussion
TobMrJelly has uploaded the first set of photos he took
More to come

By the way if anyone would like to help me out in labeling players in order of appearance on my photos it would be greatly appreciated as they are much easier to view for not everyone who can place a name to a face.

I'll be labeling them left to right in order of appearance in the format "GrumpyKoi - DrHappiness". I'm not familiar with everyone's aliases & faces.

Shoot me a message on discord MrJelly#8215 or on steam /id/Decci with the image number and players you recognize. For example "DSC05517 - Dural - Dasha - Avvy"

Or should I make a seperate thread for this?

posted about 6 years ago
#48 i63 pictures thread in TF2 General Discussion
TobMrJelly has uploaded the first set of photos he took
More to come

I've added 42 photos so that concludes all my digital images. But I still have to drop in and develop some film which will be in the next week

posted about 6 years ago
#40 i63 pictures thread in TF2 General Discussion
smziTobMrJelly has uploaded the first set of photos he took
More to come

more pictures coming soon?

I'm gonna do another pass through of the first SD card then go through the second. I also have rolls of film to send off and get developed so yes I'll be updating the album within the next week or two.

posted about 6 years ago
#38 i63 pictures thread in TF2 General Discussion
kaiserRegTobMrJelly has uploaded the first set of photos he took
More to come
What the hell is he taking these pictures with? The quality is AMAZING.

I use a Sony A7 II and a Samyang 35mm F1.4

posted about 6 years ago
#4379 stream highlights in Videos

I made a little highlights video from the last two weeks I've been streaming due to surgery. Criticism and improvements are encouraged.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 [Stream] Mr. Jelly in Requests

Thank you very much whisker!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 [Stream] Mr. Jelly in Requests

Name: Mr. Jelly, irl name is Declan. A few of you may know me from stream chats such as TrukTruk, Getawhale, Warhuryeah and various others. Recently I've been streaming a lot due to time off work and I'm severely enjoying it. I'm going to be taking it up as a hobby

I am from the United Kingdom and primarily stream Team Fortress 2 Casual, I am severely interested in playing more competitive in the future so I will be joining Mixes and have experience in some older ETF2L matches. ( I've also played a few TF2 centers and the likes so I'm definitely interested in competitive TF2.

I attended both i58 and i61 and some of you may recognise the photos that might've circulated around from each of those as I was taking a lot of photos of the events. (,

I've been playing TF2 Since 2009. My schedule for the next few weeks would be every day and then when I am back to work it will be mainly Friday nights and Saturdays. And occasionally a few days in the week after 5pm BST.

Ideal Stream title name would simply be Mr. Jelly

posted about 7 years ago
#58 i61 photos and videos in LAN Discussion
sagewhos the guy with the thinkpad laptop? does TF2 run well on it?

Thats twiikuu, and he put a potato config on it so it actually ran amazing at like 230fps

posted about 7 years ago
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