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Last Posted November 28, 2019 at 8:50 PM
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#3509 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Alrighty....I'm back....

So just managed to snag a couple things;
- 2080 Super (

- 32gb Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) 3200mhz (

- 9700k (

Seemed to be pretty good pricing overall. The RAM I got from Amazon because RGB + had 25 quid in Amazon vouchers to use. Hopefully it's good enough....

Just wanted your opinion on a specific NVME SSD and a Motherboard. SSD would need to be 1TB at least. I'm clueless when it comes to motherboards, so any specific suggestion would help a lot - In terms of budget, would ideally not want to go over 350gbp combined for the SSD/Mobo, but can do if you think it is necessary.


posted about 5 years ago
#3453 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Again, sorry for the long response. Your help is much appreciated <3

- Overclocking - probably not (at least not right off the bat), but if necessary I will. I know the CPU I mentioned is the K, but assuming I won't be overclocking, what would be the best thing for a similar price point? Just felt given the price variation vs the standard wasn't too bad so if it came to it, I would at least have the option to overclock.

- With regards to G-Sync, I would ideally not want to buy another monitor (and think I would rather spend the money on raw performance of the PC itself) - I guess this is where the compromise with regards to settings will have to come in.

- With that in mind, I think maybe the 2080 Super as you mentioned is something I should consider (I simply thought the 2080Ti isn't worth the money at the moment and didn't even realise the Super existed). The question I then have is which variants of the Super should I be looking at?

- Honestly have no idea with regards to the cooler I have. Theres no branding that I can see on the cooler and I've long since discarded the packaging. From memory, I paid c.70GBP for the cooler when I built this around 7 years ago. It's a dual heatsink with 2 fans (one wedged between the heatsinks, one on the end). As mentioned, never had an issue with CPU temps so it seems capable enough (at 15% load temps sit around 40-45). The fans are still blowing as hard as ever, so presumably theres no need to even swap those out?

- Any suggestions with regards to potential motherboards? Whilst I'm somewhat willing to upgrade the GPU in a couple years, I would want to keep everything else (including the mobo) the same.

Thanks again for your help <3

posted about 5 years ago
#3451 PC Build Thread in Hardware

First, apologies for the long wall of text - copy pasted from a post elsewhere (where I've had no response) so thought I'd try my luck back here <3

With Black Friday/Christmas coming up, looking to rebuild this thing and just need to get a better idea of how overkill I need to go to get what I want out of it long-term. Ideally I don't want to have to upgrade any components for another 3 or so years.

Primary thing I'll be using the PC for will be gaming and heavy browsing. Currently run 3 monitors. I would want the PC to happily run at 144fps 1080p on max settings in pretty much any game that is out now. Note that a primary objective would be to handle something like Cyberpunk at near-max (if not max) settings. I would be interested in getting a VR headset later on down the line but am quite confident this will be possible with the spec I'm looking at - just mentioning in case there should be something else I need to take into account...

Now, keep in mind I already have a full size tower with ample cooling (CM Storm Stryker). I also have a PSU - this is a Corsair HX750 (from when I initially built), storage (although I do need an additional 1tb SSD) and CPU Cooler from my current setup.

Based in the UK, budget is around ~1.5k GBP (can go over if necessary)

Right now I can't figure out how far I need to go with the build, given the longevity I would want (at least 2-3 years of gaming at max-near max). I've listed a couple questions below which will need to be taken into account as they will naturally affect the budget

- Can I make use of my current Corsair HX750 PSU, or would it be suggested to invest in a new one (given possibility of degradation)? Also, would the 750W be enough for the below build?

- Can I make use of my current CPU cooler or is the whole "AIO cooler" thing something worth considering? (Again, circa 7 years old but have never had a single issue with temps and fans still going strong)

Currently looking at getting the following - links are primarily for the rough pricing of the items as I've budgeted:

- i7 9700k (
- RTX 2080 (
- 32GB @ 3200MHz (4x8GB) (
- 1TB NVMe for boot and primary games/applications (
- Mobo Unknown - I've set aside remaining 250GBP odd for this, please suggest possible options

What would you guys recommend? Would that keep me going and for how long? If need be, wouldn't necessarily mind upgrading just the GPU later down the line (say in 2 years time, thus getting something perhaps a little cheaper now), but not much else beyond that. Again, my pricing is based on the ability to keep parts of my current build.

Just need a rough idea on what to keep my eyes peeled for during the holiday season in terms of deals....

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Sound card or headphone amp? in Hardware
DavidTheWinPersonally I prefer an external AMP/DAC combo. Something like an O2 and OAC (or variant of) is relatively cheap and much better than onboard. A soundcard takes up an expansion slot which you might want further down the line.

This. Also makes use elsewhere/on another system easier (can just disconnect some leads rather than opening your case).

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Tenkeyless mechanical keyboard suggestions? in Hardware
x3there is no backlit, but i own the Nopoo choc mini and its very good.

100% happy since almost 2 years now.


Have the same with black switches. Love it.
There is a backlit version too btw - can't remember if it's made by noppoo or keycool (one or the other); exact same model/design/build etc, just a rebrand with backlit keys.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 One plus one invite in Hardware
It is the same everywhere. :) - Bought mine a few weeks ago.

Good to know. Think I'll pick one up soon now that my iPhone 5 is basically dead...
That said, I think they're releasing their "One Plus Two" in a few months time, although the specs don't appear to be much of an increase from the One.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 One plus one invite in Hardware
skeejHas anyone got an invite left? I broke my phone, looking to buy one asap. Also, prices will go up next wednesday.

Had their tab open up since yesterday.
Seems you don't need an invite to purchase from them if you buy on a Tuesday (at least for me, in the UK...may not be the same everywhere though)

posted about 10 years ago
#4 What is Sensitvity Stages? in Q/A Help

Surely it's more hassle/difficult to ask this question here than google

posted about 10 years ago
#769 Post your setup in Off Topic
Ttesports Poseidon Z Illuminated
Razer Deathadder 2013
Puretrak Talent
Logitech g230
Blue Snowball

Dayum is that a chromed out Snowball? D:

Looks so good lmao...I want to get rid of my white one now... :|

posted about 10 years ago
#31 mumble + spotify in Off Topic
Mr_OwlMumble crashing was related to the overlay for me. Turning it off stopped those freezes. If you have overlay on you may want to try turning it off.

That. Never had any issues with using Spotify alongside Mumble...

posted about 10 years ago
#127 The Keyboard Thread (last updated Sep. 24, 2013) in Hardware
deszaI bought the Razer BlackWidow Tournament Edition Stealth on a whim during black Friday for a cheap $50. It won't ship until the beginning of January so I'm reconsidering my decision.

I've never owned a Razer product and have always avoided them due to their reputation. Has anyone here used the Razer Orange Switch? I'm really curious to see if it's worth it. Note: any keyboard is an upgrade from my current.

Ideally I would like a keyboard that is great for both gaming and typing since my day is split 60/40 between work (writing) and games. Also 10-keyless. I've had my eyes on browns for a while, but I'm not sure.

So my main point is: should I test out the Razer or get a different keyboard all together? My budget pretty much caps off at $100-$120. If Razer is really just awful for mechanical keyboards what do you guys recommend? Bonus points if the best deal is on Amazon.

Never tried any of the new Razer mechanical keys, but I really don't see where the hate for Razer products comes from (besides their pretty high prices...). As Cherry said, $50 is cheap af and even if you find you are not happy with the keys, just throw it on eBay and you'll likely still manage to make a profit.

Same as Cherry again, I have a Noppoo (Choc Mini), with mx black switches. Having used both blue and browns before, I find blacks to be by far the most comfortable and 'easy-to-use' for extensive typing. Might take a week or two to get used to the extra pressure needed for each keystroke, but on the whole it just feels...better? It might just be the fact I tend to rest my fingers on keys quite a bit, but with blues and browns I tended to accidentally add keystrokes I didn't intend to...

Either way, this Noppoo is by far the best keyboard I have used and seems to perfectly fit my needs; small size (ten-keyless), full functionality of a full-size, decent build quality, black switches.

posted about 10 years ago
#22 quake textures in Customization

Actually, it does still 'work' somewhat....
Just when sv_pure is set to 2 or whatever the ETF2L config is, some textures go all fuzzy-line-like....

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Tf2 crashing in Q/A Help

Check if your PC is overheating?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 I made a jump movie in Videos

Enjoyed the fact you the jumper actually ended up back where they started on most of the jumps. Just makes the whole thing seem even more impressive.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 ~ cadence ~ a jump movie in Videos

Seems to be getting more hate than it deserves...

posted about 10 years ago
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