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Signed Up February 24, 2013
Last Posted August 28, 2022 at 12:16 PM
Posts 144 (0 per day)
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#37 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#16 arekk hud? in The Dumpster
uberchainhenloimhalfxtradvmahrezHildrethI used Arek HUD but in light of the controversy highlighted recently, I have decided to revert back to TaimouHUD. Please let Arek know I can no longer sit by and endorse his HUD after what has happened.what happenedhe called nursey a trannie during a matchWhat's wrong with that? Because it was used in an insulting manner. In the context of what happened in the clip, Arekk killed Nursey in-game and then had uttered "fucking tranny", and it came off as the word was used as an insult, whether by ignorance of not knowing the gravity behind the word or intentionally using it as an insult. He apologized since and Nursey has forgiven him, but the issue of not understanding why somebody who's trans wouldn't want to be called tranny is way too prominent of a mindset, especially in TFTV for whatever fucking reason in the year 2018.

The word constantly gets used as a slur from people using it to demean, degrade, fetishize, or dehumanize trans people, who are pretty much constantly dehumanized when people don't do simple shit like use their preferred pronouns or ask/remark about their genitals. It's the same shit as if somebody deliberately refers to a gay person with a homophobic slur. Likewise, to put it into perspective, if somebody scoffs and utters "fucking gay people" about someone who is gay, it doesn't come off as "well it's true, they're gay!", it just comes off as homophobic despite not using a slur.

The exception to the tranny as a transphobic slur argument is if a trans person explicitly states they're down with other people using the word for reappropriation or not giving a fuck purposes, which is NOT every other trans person's thought process and should not be used as a defense where it's like "this trans person said it's okay for me to say it!". It's like no, not every trans person is going to agree or support the idea of non-trans people referring to them as tranny for the sake of semantic satiation, just like not every Asian person is going to agree on ching chong accent humour being okay for Asian comedians to do because of reinforcing negative stereotypes against Asians.

If somebody says they're not okay with it, then they aren't okay with it. It's up to you if you want to respect that person's wishes or if you think you're in the right, just understand that the latter option has consequences where you will need to keep defending yourself as to why you're allowed to say it - similar to how the person who said they weren't okay with it also has to constantly defend themselves about why they don't think it's okay. If the argument becomes "well you shouldn't let words hold so much meaning then!" then that deflects the abusive nature associated with why the word is considered a derogatory slur, as well as intent whether accidental or intentional. I'm happy that Arekk apologized to Nursey for what he said and how he said it, I'm not happy how many people keep defending the idea that he shouldn't have had to apologize because they don't see what was wrong with what he said or how he said it.


posted about 6 years ago
#16 Dose anyone still play like "Russian Style"? in Q/A Help

i played like that during swelan and fucked up my wrist

posted about 6 years ago
#5 ETF2L S30 UBR1: SVIFT vs. the bin in Matches

With SVIFT’s tradition not to scrim, the bin could manage to turn the tables with a series of practiced strategies dedicated against the enemy team.

who the fuck writes this shit lmao

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Which pro teams are going to i63? in LAN Discussion

there are no professional tf2 teams.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 england nations cup 2018 roster released in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiedidnt think we'd have the chance to lose to france after croatia knocked us out but nunya's gonna fix that

u could try and make an application of players who have played the game in the past 6 months and players that havent played for other nations previously before u start crying

posted about 6 years ago
#65 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
HiipFireMuukiIt's about attracting the good teams (me) and we are not attracted to it.It's not at all about attracting good teams, the Essentials cups need lower level teams to keep the numbers up and they've been failing in that regard, of course they need to accomodate for top players as well, but the biggest problem with these cups and that they have failed to even make it to the 14/16 team threshold that is required to even make these cups happen and you're not going to fill a 16 team cup with only prem/div 1 teams.

why would you try to attract low level teams (low commitment teams) to play 6 hours on a saturday?? and what does it add for 1) essentials to get more low level players playing since every low level player thats not playing is one less viewer for the stream as well (because most tf2 players are the same people that watch the streams)
2) for the low level players when they get matched against all the high level teams for the first 2 rounds and just get 5-0 shitstomped

posted about 6 years ago
#63 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

All your points just show that you don't understand the starting point of that there is no point in making arguments from the low level player pespective (in this case that would be you) because monthly tournaments are not geared for them and the low level teams dont gather attention for essentials either.

It's about attracting the good teams (me) and we are not attracted to it. Beater's map cup also failed in this department, but it got a bunch of low level ETF2L teams to sign up because it's on ETF2L. But as a map testing cup, it was a failure, just like these cups are a failure.

posted about 6 years ago
#51 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
people who play tf2

I'll explain to you really fast why people are not signing up in a few key points. Keep in mind that I've played in many of these cups (and cups made by other organization in the past) and even received money from them.

First, it's been tradition especially in the higher divisions in Europe to not play friday/saturday. People generally actually have something else to do with their lives, and a lot of people are obligated to spend time with families or other hobbies during the weekend.

Second, playing 10+ hours of TF2 for money to buy one pizza is not worth it financially, so the money point is moot (just like any other point made about money in this game unless your name is b4nny). Not to mention ofc that only 24 people will reach this minimum amount of money a month, so what about the 100 others? Money is never a factor in this game. Not to mention that it takes like half a year for them to pay out most of the time.

Third, nobody is going to skip on practicing for ETF2L to play against a bunch of mix teams and low divs for hours on end. Winning/placing well in ETF2L is, and always will be more prestigious and important to Europeans than getting top4 in a monthly mix cup of mix teams and 7.

Fourth, the admins are poor at reacting to feedback in terms of rulesets: The monthlies actually allowed all sorts or broken shit like the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol for multiple monthlies, that just being one example. They also have an extremely small mappool and removed viaduct because having 1 point instead of 5 is apparently too confusing for new viewers, so you're not even getting practice on all the ETF2L maps you might have to play.

Fifth, the biggest sports event that happens every 4 years is going on right now, not to mention that its the knockout stage so every football fan would rather watch that than play a dead kids game. Not to mention the game is losing players anyway because it's outdated and the current way of playing it is not fun for most of people.

You can stop posting now

posted about 6 years ago
#46 EssentialsTF July EU Monthly Announcement in TF2 General Discussion
Menachemhow is letting yet another paid cup die NOT pathetic

no one can ever bitch about "ded game" ever again if we can't even keep basic shit like this alive

who is "we"

posted about 6 years ago
#8 seeds cut from se7en? in TF2 General Discussion

when u cut ur medic but will lose to froyo anyway

posted about 6 years ago
#3 ETF2L S30 W5: Ascent.EU vs. the bin in Matches

another easy win for the bin

posted about 6 years ago
#108 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

bump, any fast paced games today or epsilon style teams at 8th place? not following the scene that much rn

posted about 6 years ago
#261 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion

so much cry over a kids video game lol

posted about 6 years ago
#70 why do you hate anime in The Dumpster

i love the anime

posted about 6 years ago
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