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Country United States
Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted July 24, 2023 at 11:03 AM
Posts 148 (0 per day)
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#14 the result of boredom in Off Topic

This game is so shitty but yet someone made a diamond

And by shitty I mean just downright awful but so much fun and laughter with friends.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Web hosting advice? in Off Topic

Use wordpress if you can flip it into PHP. All you would have to do is buy a domain name is I think the wordpress goes away. If anything just make a wordpress website is free, but will have wpordpress in the URL

posted about 11 years ago
#5 How much do your lift? in TF2 General Discussion
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: hi
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: u added me
Mr. Kitty Hawk: herd u lif 420
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut b smking?
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: yes
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: i smokme 420 as well
Mr. Kitty Hawk: but wut u smke
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: 420
Mr. Kitty Hawk: u dun undrsand me
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut smoke u?
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: r u autistic?
Mr. Kitty Hawk: lolwut
Mr. Kitty Hawk: how
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut mkke me dat
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: do u evan enGLisH m8?
Mr. Kitty Hawk: i spek it all da tiem
Mr. Kitty Hawk: like rite now
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: u mad br0
Mr. Kitty Hawk: mad about wut?
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: u mad br0?
Mr. Kitty Hawk: i dun get
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: ARE U GAY
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: FUCK YES U ARE!!!!
Mr. Kitty Hawk: why u gotta b leik dat mang
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: cuz ur fucked up cunt
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: u mad br0
Mr. Kitty Hawk: i jst wann knw wut b smoke
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: cigs
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut abut da 420 stiff?
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: i do
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: eryday
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut kind?
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut b smkin
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: just weed
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: are u gay
Mr. Kitty Hawk: kind of stiff
Mr. Kitty Hawk: leik wu
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: dun be gay
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: pls!
Mr. Kitty Hawk: how am i bing gay
Mr. Kitty Hawk: i dun get u mang
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: CUZ UR AUTISTIC
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: HOLY FUCK
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: GO RAPE UR MUM
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: BAI
Mr. Kitty Hawk: lolwut
Mr. Kitty Hawk: y wuld i rape mum
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: HOLY FUCK
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: WHAT ARE U ON
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: GO FUCK URSELF CUNT
Mr. Kitty Hawk: dood culm duwn
Mr. Kitty Hawk: iwanted too knu wut u be smkin
Mr. Kitty Hawk: leik
Mr. Kitty Hawk: wut kind of dem crzy boo
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: can u fuck off?
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: i love u too babe
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: i love bondage
Mr. Kitty Hawk: y u callin me some babe? i dun swig lleik dat
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp!: u into taht?
Mr. Kitty Hawk: ye i leik bandades they hella awesum
Mr. Kitty Hawk: leik how dose tey stick so guud
[PWC] My$tic.aG #pl5 halp! is now Offline.

Seems nice

posted about 11 years ago
#85 Your Biggest Regrets in Off Topic

A year ago after just after Christmas I wish I would have broke up with my girlfriend... We haven't had a good relationship ever since. For what ever fucked up reason we are still together and June 21 will be our two years... Honestly wish I would have broken up with her then... Broke my heart once and I know sometime again history will repeat itself if it hasn't already happen behind my back.

posted about 11 years ago
#36 IGL? in TF2 General Discussion

If possible, if one is rank #1 on ladder could the team get free entry to the paid league? It would give some great attention to actually be rank #1 and would promote the best teams to be in the league for more entertaining matches.

A ladder for open, IM, and invite... Maybe split up some more or how ever you want it.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 My first frag video (feedback appreciated) in TF2 General Discussion

Was it just me but the Scout on Badlands at the 2:00 mark seemed kinda skippy might just have been my eyes.

I would like to see more editing though, something fancy done to the clips not just one after the other. Like the CG animation stuff if possible <3

posted about 11 years ago
#11 What do you like in a map? in Map Discussion

(Coming from scout/sniper POV)

I like heavy vertical maps, so many maps are just flat. I don't know how would could make it vertical with out overdoing it, but it is what I prefer in maps.

Nice nifty jumps as scouts that should be high risk/rewards (IE, can skip over a small part to get to mid faster but you fail you die...)

For some odd reason my favorite map is CP_Frieght, I like it because it is different and mid fights are a lot more fun and exciting (wasn't their a frag vid for a medic that rode a rocket over a train to pop uber on a single soldier to kill med and then rode it back to escape?)

Try and incorporate some surfing parts into a map, so people who have a good surfing skill can use it in a fire fight.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 oh dear god no just no why in Off Topic

Prom was by far the best damn night of my life in High School. If I didn't go I would 100% regret that shit to damn much. Even if it doesn't help with social skills, it will be fun.

In other words; go their, dance your ass off, random girls will dance with you because of the confidence for your bad dance moves. Girls dig that confidence way more than good looks. Have a good night, it is only once, and you only have another month max (If snow days) You will be amazed at what can happen in a single night.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 // ELEVΛTE in TF2 General Discussion

That med 3k at 0:58.... Just what the fuck

posted about 11 years ago
#1 This just got me nudes of a girl in Off Topic

Girl: i wear booty shorts, and a bra. but i had to put my cardigan on D;
Nin #Pro Magic Player #Standard: Wait a minute..... Just booty shorts.... And just a bra.....
Girl: yup the usual girl gamer attire
Nin #Pro Magic Player #Standard: Well shit I don't mind... But I am a perv and my pervy mind goes real good and then... Yep
Girl: okay i have enough runes now, whered you go :P
Girl: oh ohhhh.. yep?
Nin #Pro Magic Player #Standard: Still at GE sitting here
Captainn: dkjfvndkljb yep???
Nin #Pro Magic Player #Standard:
Girl: .___.
Girl: oh my

About an hour later we went onto Skype because by god damn she had to move to Arizona just a week ago from a 15 minute walk from my house....

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Server not showing up on the server's list in Q/A Help

Uninstall the mod and re download from another source

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Laptop Suggestions? in Hardware

Bought one at Best Buy 710 after taxes... HP Pavillion m6 - 1035dx Entertainment PC I play every thing and anything I wanted so far. Skyrim, battlefield 3, TF2, Crysis, Call of Duty BO2... About the only game that lags on max settings is Skyrim and BF3.

AMD Radeon HD7660G
Quad Core
600gig hard drive
6 gigs of DDR3 Ram

About only downfall so far is sometimes the USB ports die but a quick restart fixes it (only die after laptop gets over heated) It does heat up quickly, Sims 3 has over heated my laptop many of times. But buy a little fan docking station so the laptop stays at a nice level. TF2 is running at a constant 120frames (dips a little when Engies are galore in pubs)

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Sniper looking for pointers in Mentoring

Yea how used to learn Sniping when I only had internet for weekends only and not 24/7 with both those maps. But after you do it for 30 minutes you just start learning the pattern of them moving and starts to not help at all. I done a few other training maps as well but they are all the same in style.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Sniper looking for pointers in Mentoring
OblivionageNin2246I am quite comfortable at sniping other snipers... But I have troubles head shoting every other class. Was wondering if someone could tell me something I might be missing other than just practice.
Do you mge a lot? I used to mge sniper more than playing it in games so I wouldn't be used to sniping other classes as much.

I do the Sniping Servers a bit to warm up. MGEing for me is rather boring... I can do 1 or 2 and I just want to quite TF2 for the rest of the night :(

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Sniper looking for pointers in Mentoring

I am quite comfortable at sniping other snipers... But I have troubles head shoting every other class. Was wondering if someone could tell me something I might be missing other than just practice.

posted about 11 years ago
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